Activity from Shepherd

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This kind of shit got people killed. Wow. I thought it was kind of somewhere on a spectrum between "Fairytale of New York" using the bundle-of-sticks-word or up to Eminem using anti-gay slurs on "Rap God," but not… [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - Last year

I agree with all of this, but I also have a vague feeling around how making media a lot easier to produce has also thinned the support pools to the point that resource-intensive projects are folding. Pre-Internet, my support dollars (had I the… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - Last year

Five breaches for me, but for all the site trumpets the terrifying possibility that these have created an accurate and penetrating profile of me, they show... none of this? And in aggregate, the breaches have revealed my email address, home address,… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - Last year

It's a minor thing, but I appreciate it when people share authors' names when sharing an article. Thanks for doing it! I feel like North American comics went through this cycle years ago, post Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns,… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - Last year

Do you feed him in the morning within about an hour of when he starts in? Our cats start yelling about an hour before breakfast, regardless of whether or not there is still food in the bowl, because it will soon be time for me to give… [more]
favorited 8 times
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

I have been a DR fan since I lived in Quebec in the 1990s and early 2000s; if you're looking for some OG Robitaille Franco-Ontarian bops, I recommend: Serpents et échelles (Snakes and Ladders) Mot de passe (Password -also in the original post,… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - Last year

The bon mot in our house when the number displayed on the screen was "well, that sure felt like 572 days." I don't know. I'm glad somebody is out there swinging for the fences and I'm glad that somebody did this as… [more]
favorited 2 times
FanFare comment - Last year

Wil Wheaton once very graciously agreed to be a Returner (zombie, but smart) in a comic I wrote back when I thought I could make a go of it writing comics, and would have a lifetime pass just for that, but his mensch spiral seems to continue circling… [more]
favorited 14 times
MeFi comment - Last year

Ryan North is relentlessly delightful and if you can make any talk with Ryan I 10000% endorse it. I'm sorry I'm busy that night! [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - Last year

Given the entire plot of Toast of Tinseltown is about Stephen Toast being (dubiously) invited to appear in "a Star Wars," I think the presence of Berry as the robot is just a complete goddamn delight. I have no idea how the two things… [more]
favorited 2 times
FanFare comment - Last year

We just watched this, and Kitteh and I agree that the world could have done with a little Lessbius of this... thing. It apparently landed better with other people in the thread, but it felt weirdly inert to me -- the full plot laid itself… [more]
favorited 1 time
FanFare comment - Last year

Sorry to follow this up so quickly with a "resolved," but I finally managed to blunder my way into an "updated hardware" prompt in an activation dialogue, which seems to have solved the issue. [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

Is the vibe "BtVS only a middle-aged guy and the Scoobies aren't necessarily friends?" That's pretty dead on, actually. And while Buffy proves to be innately a good and heroic person, Gary is just... some guy… [more]
favorited 1 time
FanFare comment - Last year

Also, be aware that this will take time. A photo taken on my iPhone is about 4MB, so this could be about 100GB of files. A joke at work where I deal a lot with photographers and videographers is that it's faster to drive across town and hand-deliver… [more]
favorited 3 times
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

I'm just here to point out in that the linked article about No Man's Sky second life after relentless work post-terrible-launch is almost four years old, and Sean Murray has continued to work relentlessly on the game in the intervening four years… [more]
favorited 27 times
MeFi comment - Last year

We drink gin and tonic when watching TNG. We call it TNGNT. I love this, but I'm sober, so if I ever come over maybe you can offer me a Snapple and we can all enjoy an ST:TNGNT/Ice Tea. [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - Last year

I've tried the Gloomhaven PC implementation solo a few times (I've never played it in person, and am not likely to, given time constraints / friend circles / partner interests) and keep bouncing off it real hard -- it seems to dip just a squidge too… [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - Last year

This whole series was like a phone conversation with my mom: there's a lot of love and history and I'm definitely not going to hang up, but a 30-second story like "the porch swing chair's chain broke but Doug from next door came over and helped… [more]
favorited 11 times
FanFare comment - Last year

I came back! What a great thread! The 2 Bears - Not This Time Jungle - Busy Earnin' Scissor Sisters - I Don't Feel Like Dancin' Chromeo - Juice !!! - Man on the Moon Radio Radio - My Dance Floor [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

I would love to see more science and data that pushes back against our car-centric culture and makes us re-examine all of that! I would love it! Like the above posters have noted, looking at the questions presented, this is not that. They're… [more]
favorited 9 times
MeFi comment - Last year

I love this kind of thing and if I have more time to think of it, I'll loop back around, but Bjork's "It's Oh So Quiet" occupies a beautiful place between a pop song and a show tune, with lots of upbeatness and horns and such. The… [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

Saw it tonight with my partner; thoroughly enjoyed it. Lots of accolades for the main cast, but I thought Steven Yeun delivered something really haunted and nuanced. There were... four songs, maybe?.... that were prominent in the film, and it… [more]
favorited 2 times
FanFare comment - Last year

Ha! Well, that explains a lot. WELL DONE YOUTUBE. Also, if it means I never have another JORDAN PETERSON EVISCERATES LIB!!!11!!ZORZ video in my recommended list again, I am all in for our new robot overlords. [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - Last year

I've just cruised through the first season and am devouring what is out from the second on a free 30-day streaming trial (in Canada, so this is on a channel consolidator called Stack TV). Chucky is far, far better than I expected it to be,… [more]
favorited 2 times
FanFare comment - Last year

I loved Max Headroom when I was a kid and one day I was at the Oshawa Centre with my parents, where the Zellers (proto-Wal-Mart, Canadian edition) for whatever reason sold records, and I saw Max Headroom on this single and bought it. My parents… [more]
favorited 7 times
MeFi comment - Last year

I am a bit of a Man-Thing dork so was thrilled to see the ol' muck-monster here, while a bit irked that he seems to have a much richer internal life and Ted-ness to him than the "classic" Man-Thing, which is a semi-inert piece of… [more]
favorited 9 times
FanFare comment - Last year

This may be the only time I can make this comment in a remotely relevant context: I'm proud to have known the editor of the Stanstead Journal, a tiny Quebec weekly newspaper (now defunct) when Shania Twain created intense international… [more]
favorited 18 times
MeFi comment - Last year

DirtyOldTown has been championing the Chucky series over in FanFare, and I am a strong seconder of that emotion: it's far better than it needs to be, gruesome, funny, suspenseful, wildly 2SLGBTQIA+ positive, and at times bizarrely heartwarming. [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - Last year

I feel like there's a great game waiting to be made by somebody that focuses solely on whoever's job it is to light the candles, oil lamps, gaslight posts, etc. in the backgrounds of all these ruined steampunk-Victorian settings while dodging the… [more]
favorited 17 times
MeFi comment - Last year

I just ploughed through this in a couple of days, and by and large really liked it. What I found most frustrating about Shane is that he's a myopic, spoiled, selfish, egotistical, misogynistic, greedy douchewagon but he is not wrong about the… [more]
favorited 6 times
FanFare comment - Last year

I really enjoyed this! Thanks for sharing it. A lot of people that really reminded me of high school friends that leaned heavily in the hippie direction; even then, it felt like it was an echo of the genuine movement/times, so it's interesting… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - Last year

Liked it, didn't love it. I think the Stephen King backbone of the season is amazingly appropriate, because the mid to late '80s would have been the time when a young Stephen King, riding high on early successes and ripped to the gills on cocaine,… [more]
favorited 22 times
FanFare comment - Last year

It's probably just me going slowly mad but at first glance I always think Older Edward Norton is Young Brent Spiner. [more]
favorited 18 times
MeFi comment - Last year

This reminds me that I was working on a gift a while back for a friend and got distracted: Lie Lurk Loathe [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - Last year

Watched it on the strength of this post, and both Kitteh and I really enjoyed it! Walter Matthau is 40 going on 65, and at one point I turned to Kitteh and asked if this was the first feature film to focus on somebody we would now know as asexual… [more]
favorited 2 times
FanFare comment - Last year

Is it just me or is the article itself incredibly ugly? Chunky unbroken slabs of poorly spaced text on planes of battling beige. I tried it in three browsers and various privacy modes to make sure that it wasn't the result of some sort of adblock or… [more]
favorited 16 times
MeFi comment - Last year

I can't even hack Stellaris (even after an AskMe about it and some very kind MeFites giving me tutorials/re-introductions) so I don't think this is for me. But I wish it were? I have a deep envy of people who can really get into these kinds… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - Last year

I've owned my own house since I bought a literal shell of a place to fix up in 1999; when we sold that and moved in 2014 we tried renting, but after six months I couldn't handle it. The thing that a lot of rent/own arguments don't account for is… [more]
favorited 10 times
MeFi comment - Last year

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