Activity from Shepherd

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This is amazing! The Internet being the Internet, has anyone built a reliable index for all similar museum-makes-things-public-domain initiatives? I know I've seen several (I've posted one or two!) and it'd be great to have a place to hop around… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

I am not a lawyer, not your lawyer, and not based in the U.S. but my first instinct would be to start with a realtor you know and trust in your area and ask them that question. Failing that, I'd guess you'd want to ask a real estate lawyer, who might… [more]
favorited 17 times
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Years ago I picked up a copy of Mr. B Gone in a little free library. The book starts with the narrator running through a litany of "if you X, don't read this book!" that was so try-hard and Hot Topic in its 'edginess' that… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

Bwah ha ha ha ha
favorited 15 times
MeFi post - 3 months ago

Well, maybe I'm a big ol' dummy but I really liked the entire season; second favourite of the series after 1. Maybe a bit more than 1? I found it had more interesting characters and character development at the centre than 1, which did feature a lot… [more]
favorited 18 times
FanFare comment - 3 months ago

Movie: Magic
favorited 1 time
FanFare post - 3 months ago

Can we agree that Lamb and River are for all intents and purposes Rick & Morty? Old, boozy, food-stained know-it-all with plot armour and the ability to get out of anything; wide-eyed naïf blundering into perpetual danger. [more]
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FanFare comment - 3 months ago

Not to abuse the edit window, also spent some time afterwards trying to track down Dylan Dog comics -- not easy in the very early Internet days -- and ultimately either failed, or have completely forgotten reading them. I bet it's a lot… [more]
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FanFare comment - 3 months ago

We watched it at home, then realized it needed to be seen on the big screen, so caught it at a local indie cinema that does some rep screenings along with arthouse films. It really, really supports a second viewing -- every scene had… [more]
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FanFare comment - 3 months ago

I saw it original run in Toronto and would not shut up about it, to the point that my friends were getting kind of annoyed. I haven't watched since because I'm afraid it won't hold up. Based on the above, I might give it another whirl! [more]
favorited 1 time
FanFare comment - 3 months ago

But then I realized that the joke must be that it sucked. But it actually sucked the first time. Only now the singers are making funny faces so you know they know it sucks. Okay. I think you can be a bit more generous to the people who… [more]
favorited 18 times
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

Long Dark and Frostpunk, both mentioned above, are the only games that have ever made me feel cold while playing them, regardless of the heat and time of year. [more]
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Ask MeFi comment - 3 months ago

Best KeePass for PC + iOS?
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi post - 4 months ago

I've been in similar situations. It stinks. I'm sorry. Managing up you'll have to be careful to not be cynical or condescending; managing down, you have to be careful not to be tyrannical or condescending. You don't want or need to permanently damage… [more]
favorited 23 times
Ask MeFi comment - 4 months ago

I'm about to career pivot from a decade in higher ed marketing and communications into being the ED of a small non-profit, but I'm hoping to carve out enough time/energy to actually write a comprehensive "how-to" manual on higher ed… [more]
favorited 17 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Ia! Ia!'90s Basic Cable Production Values f'taghn! We found the first 1/3 a bit of a slog, with the Red Shoe Diaries sets and acting, and the doughy "sexy" kid vibing like Vincent Kartheiser and not bringing nearly as much heat… [more]
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FanFare comment - 4 months ago

Dawncaster is my jam. I love a solid deckbuilder. One price up front, 100% playable (it gets more fun after you get a run or two under your belt and start unlocking stuff). No ads. Every expansion is its own up-front cost, not necessary to play… [more]
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MeFi comment - 4 months ago

I think I do, but I also find spending 18 minutes watching something that probably boils down to 3-4 key points isn't something I enjoy. Could somebody who enjoys watching videos TLDR the criticism? Is is just "BetterHelp connects people who… [more]
favorited 8 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

My dream the night before last was a sci-fi Terminator thing, but the friendly "fleshy Terminator" was played by Sam Elliott, and at one point he got all his flesh blown off by an evil Terminator, but survived, and for the rest of the dream… [more]
favorited 18 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

It's probably not this, but back before comics broke my fingers and crushed my spirit under its relentless grinding millstone, I was working on a project for Ape Entertainment (RIP) with the premise that it was based on an obscure comic from… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Interestingly, this post led me to go take a look at Jobs, which led me to notice this post for my area, which led me to share it with a number of Indigenous people I know... https://jobs.metafilter… [more]
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MetaTalk comment - 4 months ago

it's better and more effective when someone makes the (painful) effort to actually do a little digging and *show* the actual Nazism (and anti-vaccine rubbish, etc.) Yeah -- I know "Substack has a Nazi problem" isn't new news… [more]
favorited 8 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Entirely up to you and your interests/tastes, but you can be friendly in other ways while setting the terms of engagement during the workday: - Make a point of trying to notice and compliment small things -- "hey, is that a new shirt, it's… [more]
favorited 35 times
Ask MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Movie: The Predator
favorited 1 time
FanFare post - 4 months ago

Cords connect stereo equipment in Fritz's home. This might be my new high-water mark for sweaty image/caption combos. [more]
favorited 7 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Not to detract from the article, but to save others a few minutes trying to figure out what "Front Range" means -- the article doesn't explain it, and I thought it was a technological thing, like "back-end" for web sites -- it's… [more]
favorited 21 times
MeFi comment - 4 months ago

Just finished this; I really, really liked it. I've got a huge soft spot for small/indie filmmakers who don't laze into gore or nekkid ladies as their raison d'etre, and this is up there with Hellbender and in an entirely different way Psycho Goreman… [more]
favorited 1 time
FanFare comment - 4 months ago

Movie: Alien vs. Predator
favorited 4 times
FanFare post - 4 months ago

I invested in a solidly reviewed mid-tier set of noise cancelling over-ear headphones, and every evening set aside 45 minutes to an hour to sit or lie down and do nothing but really listen to music, whether it's an album I love or something… [more]
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Ask MeFi comment - 5 months ago

So nice to see you back, DoT! I really, really wanted to like this, but at every turn I just felt a bit flat about it all. Bill is a shade too pathetic to give us a Clark Griswold level of self-delusion that pulls us through the comedy… [more]
favorited 1 time
FanFare comment - 5 months ago

er, fake-bait radiation signature; a fake bat would at least have been monster adjacent. [more]
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FanFare comment - 5 months ago

Jeez, I feel like the turd in the punchbowl, and possibly I'm outing myself as a soulless dolt, but when we left the theatre I turned to my wife and said that about 90% of the movie feels like somebody perfected an AI LLM called the "Miyazaki… [more]
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FanFare comment - 5 months ago

Reacher: New York's Finest
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FanFare post - 5 months ago

Pink Floyd is one of my favourite bands, and it never occurred to me that the title of their first album come from anything except the acid-washed meanderings of Syd Barrett's mind. I can completely see how the two things fit together, though. [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

who are these people that confidently make bad assertions I feel like the proclaiming that one is MAGA and "confidently make bad assertions" does have an extraordinary Venn diagram overlap, so this very specific mystery isn't a… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

I really enjoyed it! It occurred to me early on that the Predator doing that chittering noise is supposed to be the Predator talking -- I think -- so now I just like the idea that the Predator is talking to himself all the time, "super… [more]
favorited 26 times
FanFare comment - 5 months ago

uh Birdman [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 5 months ago

I really enjoyed it but was in the slight minority -- my wife was enthralled (while annoyed that some absolute potato brought his pre-reading age child to a Japanese monster movie and sat next to her, so the entire movie was either… [more]
favorited 1 time
FanFare comment - 5 months ago

Just got back from Godzilla Minus Zero, a movie with at least a reasonable monster:drama ratio (and both good monster and good drama, which helps). I'm retroactively liking this episode even less than I did when watching it. I'm just not… [more]
favorited 8 times
FanFare comment - 5 months ago

If you want to do the janky version for very simple documents, you can go to Links -> Embed and just embed image files for simple hand-off if you're working with people in the same org who will have all the same fonts. But that makes the INDD… [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - 5 months ago

I mean... prisons have kitchens, don't they? Where prisoner employees serve food to people who are often considered very difficult to work with? Wouldn't prison with a side of KP be a more apt punishment that also delivers the desired effect? [more]
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MeFi comment - 6 months ago

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