Activity from Shepherd

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Moving at a speed of 100 inventions per year

Madman or genius? Well... madman. But being confined to an asylum (with one of his symptoms described as "manic invention") didn't keep Karl Hans Janke from developing elaborate theories of atomic energy, flight, space travel and the history of humanity, creating over 4,000 complex drawings and even models over 40 years of incarceration for paranoid schizophrenia.
posted to MetaFilter by Shepherd at 9:00 AM on June 2, 2008 (4 comments)

Geothermal heat on a mountain?

Geothermal heating: what happens if you live on a mountain?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Shepherd at 10:14 AM on May 23, 2008 (14 comments)

What famous(ish) comics folks love Tintin?

What (semi-)famous artists (preferably still living) are stated Tintin fans? Comics-related artists especially sought.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Shepherd at 7:59 AM on May 6, 2008 (10 comments)

But I was just here!

Why doesn't MetaFilter always recognize that I have visited?
posted to MetaTalk by Shepherd at 10:55 AM on May 2, 2008 (38 comments)

Mail-Order Mintsters

Mint me, MeFi! What are the best mints I can mail-order from Canada?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Shepherd at 12:53 PM on April 18, 2008 (9 comments)

We're gonna adventure like it's 1983!

Red Box Basic D&D meetup: Sunday, May 4 in Montreal?
posted to MetaTalk by Shepherd at 4:56 PM on April 17, 2008 (7 comments)

Phantom Philes Phoil Phone Phun

What are these weird files in my cell phone's memory?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Shepherd at 11:03 AM on April 11, 2008 (7 comments)

Any more free music and I'll have to grow more ears.

Music is good. Free is good. So free music must be double good. With over 1000 albums listed from netlabels and other sources, Free Albums Galore (mentioned a while ago) is a well-curated collection of links to some of the best free full-length releases on the 'net. Of course, there are a lot more netlabel resources out there.
posted to MetaFilter by Shepherd at 9:35 AM on April 8, 2008 (8 comments)

Naps: better late than never?

Can I nap in the evening without screwing up regular sleep?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Shepherd at 12:57 PM on April 1, 2008 (18 comments)

Worst winter ever. Deadliest winter ever?

Ice has destroyed my oil furnace chimney. Will it kill me?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Shepherd at 3:47 PM on March 9, 2008 (8 comments)

Low-cost marketing ideas for an off-beat graphic novel

What will give me the best bang for my buck to advertise a graphic novel that's horror-genre-based, but totally violates genre conventions?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Shepherd at 2:37 AM on February 29, 2008 (10 comments)

Dead Eyes Open, a series I wrote for SLG and that...

Zombie comic out in TPB - Free PDF of chapters 1 & 2 Dead Eyes Open, a series I wrote for SLG and that a Hollywood screenwriter would pitch as "the West Wing meets Dawn of the Dead", came out in trade paperback this week. That's an Amazon link, as it's not in the SLG store yet, but I also encourage you to patronize your friendly local comics shop. I've put both Chapter One (4.7 MB) and Chapter Two (4.6 MB) -- the first third of the book -- online as free PDFs. In retrospect, this was a 12-issue story that I (over)ambitiously tried to cram into 6 issues, because 6 issues was all I had. The Publisher's Weekly description of the pacing as "frenzied" is accurate, if a bit harsh. Blow for blow, though, I still think it's the most ambitious zombie book, in terms of really taking the genre in new directions and trying new things, that's ever been released. Please do check it out.
posted to MetaFilter Projects by Shepherd at 7:46 AM on February 27, 2008

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