Activity from Ghidorah

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Any MeFites in Japan?
There are a fair number of us (hey there lesser weasel, long time!), and it might be possible to wrangle something together. When will you be in Tokyo?
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 5:43 PM on March 16, 2024
Strutter Cane and I were talking, and I realized this had slipped my mind, but, and this is dependent on a lot of things, we might have an idea for a place to meetup. Back when I had my own restaurant, we had more meetups than I think we’ve had total in the nine years since. Now, the baton has been passed, and Armage has his own place, but it’s not exactly Tokyo. He opened Southbound, a taproom and restaurant for his beer import business in Yokohama (about a five minute train from Yokohama… [more]
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 4:06 AM on March 24, 2024

Nahhhh-NoWriMo: A zero stress, no rules writing month - December victory lap!
November is one of my busiest months at school, four grades worth of term papers to edit, return, and mark again, but I've also been sitting on several different story ideas for the better part of the last two years. I've got a definite "if I don't get this started now, I never will" sort of feeling, and a need to start building the habit of writing. I'm not sure how far I'll get with this, but I'd like to break ground on, and hopefully finish a couple of the short stories I've got… [more]
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 3:57 PM on October 31, 2022
I was all full of hope, but then I spent most of the month writing comments on student essays, burnout, then depression, then needing to finish checking those drafts to give back to the students so they could finish their final drafts. I managed a grand total of zero words on any of the things I meant to write, and a lot of time staring at walls. This week and next are for grades. School will finish on the 13th, and we have an absurdly long break. I'm going to aim for DoDeWriMo, and see what… [more]
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 4:52 PM on November 29, 2022

Japan Zoom Sunday, 12/27 8ish?
That works fine for me. Hopefully we can get a couple more folks together, but as far as first come, first serve goes, let’s go with Sunday.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 9:24 PM on December 24, 2020
I just updated this, so, uh, 8?
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 10:26 PM on December 25, 2020
As long as it’s relatively simple to set up. Most of the zoom stuff has been patched up, and I’m less unnerved by using that than I am posting on metafilter, so whatever works. I’ve heard of Jackbox, and it sounds like fun. If you want to handle the setup, that would be great.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 1:34 AM on December 26, 2020

Peripatetic Persistent Pirate Puffins' Pacific Peregrination: SF to Tokyo (1708 hours) 🐧
If I’d known you were coming, I would have made up the guest room!
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 6:16 PM on November 27, 2020

Not Really At the Palace Hotel, Tokyo Zoom
IRL is being dumb, and every time I try to edit the details, it tells me that I forgot to include a host city, which? Huh?
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 2:56 AM on November 7, 2020

Japan Zoom飲み #13?
I just sort of looked at my schedule, and with any luck Mrs. Ghidorah and I will be getting out of town on the 10th, and I might not be around on the 17th. On the other hand... the 9th? It's not like I had big friday plans this week.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 5:55 AM on October 4, 2020
The weather will be poop, we’re not going anywhere, and suddenly Saturday works for me.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 3:32 AM on October 7, 2020

Zoom飲み #12
Wait, what?! Oh, nuts. Uh... jinx! You owe me a coke!
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 4:29 AM on June 27, 2020
That was the plan all along! All Japan, all the time! Or at least on Sundays at 8.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 5:41 AM on June 27, 2020
Hey all. I had a pretty great evening chatting with emmling, but we were wondering, is it time to shelve the weekly meetup? It seems a lot of people are back to busy again, with work and other things starting up again. I've really enjoyed these last several weeks, and it's made me feel like the Japan Mefites are a bit more of a community than in the past. I'd rather not see them fade away entirely, though. Would people be more interested in possibly a monthly get together?
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 5:37 AM on June 28, 2020

Japan Zoom飲み #11
misozaki, the thumb to forehead thing is something that I grew up with and thought was a universal thing, but the more and more people I meet, the fewer know about it. It's just a silly way to say "not it." Another one I've seen (less obvious) is touching your finger to the side of your nose. Honestly, I teach it to my students, and it can be a great way to get students to "volunteer," especially since the student that ends up last usually hasn't been paying attention.… [more]
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 1:53 AM on June 15, 2020
I noticed that this post seems to have been extended? Is this just a catchall for meetups now? If so, is the next one happening on Saturday instead of Sunday? I don't think I'd be able to make a Saturday meetup, but I'm a little confused by the date switch.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 4:11 PM on June 25, 2020
It might be worth making a new one, if only because this one says Saturday, June 27th, instead of Sunday. I can make a new one in a little bit, and will try to stop in for a bit, depending on how much work I can get done and how well my internet agrees with me.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 7:26 AM on June 26, 2020

Japan Zoom飲み #10
My wife and her sister absolutely adored the actor in that. I have no idea who the guy is, but they wouldn't stop talking about how cool he is. Multiple wide shows and interviews were watch, with many "kakoiis" dropped. Mokkun, maybe?
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 1:07 AM on June 10, 2020
Hey DoctorFedora, it would be great to have you! And, well, yeah, we kind of went with Zoom because that's pretty much what we had the most experience with. They've been doing a lot of security focused updates, and I figure as long as we avoid openly discussing our plans for violent revoluti... I've said too much.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 4:16 AM on June 11, 2020
I've sent out links to the meet up, if you didn't get one, and would like one, please comment here or memail me and I'll send one to you.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 6:50 PM on June 13, 2020

Tokyo Online Meetup #9
I sent memail invites to the meeting last night, if you didn't get one, but would like one, please let me know
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 12:29 AM on June 7, 2020

Tokyo online meetup #8
I've sent out invite links, and I made the meeting a recurring one, so in theory you can just click on the same link next week. I sent out links to folks that have been dropping in regularly-ish, if you didn't get a link and would like one, let me know here or through memail.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 9:29 PM on May 30, 2020
I'm just sort of getting dinner on the table. I'll get the meeting up and running at 8, and try to join in a bit later.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 3:37 AM on May 31, 2020

TOKYO-ISH! \m/ \m/ ズーム、ズーム、ズーム \m/ \m/ SUNDAY!
I wasn't crazy! They exist! Halcali-Baby Blue
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 6:26 AM on May 17, 2020

Tokyo / all-Japan special Greenery Day get-together
The trivial pursuit thing is kind of a pub quiz idea. I've got the game, and I could read off questions, people could write down their answers and then show them to their cameras. Points, prizes, excitement. That, or just chatting. That's fine too.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 1:04 AM on April 27, 2020
I sent invites through memail to everyone who's attended a previous event, or expressed interest. If you didn't get a mail, and would like to join in, let me know and I'll send one to you.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 6:00 PM on May 3, 2020

Japan Online Meetup NUMBER THREE!!!
I'll contact the mod-folk about the notifications. Anyone else want to move the start back to, say, 8? I only set it earlier because I'm still sort of teaching junior high, and have an early start on Mondays. I could do weekdays as well, but I'm still sort of liking Sunday evenings.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 4:57 AM on April 24, 2020
So, I used the contact form, and found out that alerts aren't sent to nearby folks in case of an online meetup. I asked if that's a thing they might change, and they said they'll talk it over. I tried to make a physical meetup, but kept getting errors about not adding the city (though I'd put the address for Tokyo Station in, complete with the city) which might have to do with the recent server work, so for now, it's back to a proposed event, though people were saying 8 works better, so lets… [more]
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 8:07 PM on April 24, 2020
Be there shortly, got dinner started late. The meeting is up and running, if you want to join in.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 3:59 AM on April 26, 2020

Japan-Wide Non-Meetup!
I’ll be there, sorry for not clicking going yet. As far as dinner, we don’t mind if you join us for dinner, Gen!
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 1:00 AM on April 18, 2020
Hey, sorry, a little miscommunication between Bugbread and I. I just sent out invites, and I'll have it up and running by 7. If you wanted to join, but didn't get an invite, please post in the thread, and I'll memail you the invite.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 2:43 AM on April 19, 2020

We’ve got a meeting on Monday (to practice Zoom, funny enough), but scheduled middle of the day to keep us off rush hour trains, and set to be in the cafeteria so we’re all spread out. Other than Monday, though, I... I don’t have plans until May 7th... /sobbing in total isolation
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 6:42 PM on April 3, 2020
Hey, Bugbread, as far as other software, Gotanda and I have been using zoom to try to get up to speed in case we need to use it for classes. I've seen the stuff about how awful it is, but honestly, I've heard a lot of the same issues about Skype in terms of privacy, so I'm not sure if we can find something better. As far as other topics, Gotanda and I have been chatting for the last couple hours, and we did chat a bit about it, but for the most part, we've just been talking about random stuff.… [more]
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 2:49 AM on April 4, 2020
That's awesome to hear, Gen! Gotanda and I both have the school email access as well, so we can do the no time limit chats. I think as long as the host has the unlimited time chat capability, others can join in without the time limit as well.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 2:57 AM on April 4, 2020
Gen, weirdly, I’m not sure I can do tonight, I want to try to get ready for my one scheduled dose of society tomorrow when I have to go to school. I want to try to be productive and map some stuff out for the month of no classes ahead, and go over that stuff with some of my co teachers tomorrow. If others can do it, I might try to stop in, but just for a bit. Misozaki, I definitely understand the hesitance, though it seems like Zoom is actually trying to take peoples concerns to heart and is… [more]
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 6:42 PM on April 4, 2020
Next Sunday works for me, too. I’m up for whatever, but honestly, I’m also okay with just catching up and seeing everyone again.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 4:28 AM on April 5, 2020
How does 6 on Sunday feel? Late enough to have some beers, not so late that it’ll mess with work the next day? Also, I’ve messaged some mefites that maybe didn’t see this, if anyone else if up for cat/mefite herding, if there’s anyone who hasn’t chimed in that you’d like to see, feel free to drop them a line and see if they know about this. The more the something somethingier I always say.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 12:16 AM on April 9, 2020
damn... So, aside from Flapjax and I, anyone else in? I know there's still a bunch of mefites around Japan, I was kind of hoping we could get a decent sized group together, but so far, it looks like two attending and five maybes. If there's a better time or way to meet, I'm all ears.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 2:10 AM on April 11, 2020
Seven works fine for me. I’ll set it up, and memail links to folks.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 9:50 PM on April 11, 2020
I've set up the meeting and sent invites through memail, though memail strips out HTML, so I guess just copy and paste the links. Anyone who didn't get one, but would like an invite, please memail and I'll send one to you.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 10:08 PM on April 11, 2020
Good to hear. See you in a bit.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 1:18 AM on April 12, 2020
Thanks to everyone that was able to make it. It was good to see everyone, and if possible, we'd like to try to do it again next week, same time, and maybe make it a regularish kind of thing. Whoever's free can drop by for a bit, and just have a chat. Good times, and thanks again to the people who could make it.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 4:19 AM on April 12, 2020

Hello again, Tokyo
Glad to hear you're coming back! Where abouts are you going to be staying?
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 8:59 PM on October 29, 2019
I'm pretty useless when it comes to figuring out places to stay in Tokyo, sadly. What sort of things are you looking to do this time around?
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 10:50 PM on October 30, 2019
Sorry to have left you hanging, unfortunately, I'm not really up on places to stay. You're right, though, most hotels are pretty tiny, unless you pay a fortune to upgrade to surprisingly small. As far as things to do, you'll be here right in the busy time for year end work parties, and a lot of places that are good for groups to while away an evening together will be booked up in the coming weeks. It might be a good idea to solidify plans and hammer down numbers in order to get a reservation.… [more]
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 5:35 AM on November 13, 2019
Just to check, Runes, are we looking for all ages sorts of things, or drinks, or? Any particular requests for food/drinks you'd or your family would like to try?
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 6:59 PM on December 2, 2019
Sorry for not being in touch. Unfortunately, I don't think I can make this meetup, and I'm sorry I won't get to see you this time, Runes. I hope you're having a great trip, and I hope the meetup goes well.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 3:00 AM on December 26, 2019

Tokyo 20th Anniversary Meetup
Also, since we haven’t met (sorry, forgot that), I’m the bald, heavyset white guy with a beard and glasses, with a grey backpack on the table.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 7:59 PM on July 13, 2019
A further heads up: the festival is trying something a little different this year. At every beer festival, there are tons and tons of plastic cups used once and thrown away, so to avoid that, they are selling either glass or plastic cups (glass is ¥500, plastic is ¥50) to reduce waste. That means you need to buy a cup in order to get beer. Personally, I like the idea, because the amount of plastic cups the average festival goes through is ridiculous. Past that, beers are ¥600 for a full pour,… [more]
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 8:05 PM on July 13, 2019
Fifth Element with better special effects. Good to see you too. I always aim for the “let’s not let so much time go by before the next one,” let’s try to make it work.
posted to MeFi IRL by Ghidorah at 8:19 AM on July 14, 2019

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