Activity from hippybear

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Artist friend wants to know how to find an agent
He sort of does both things. The awards he's won are for designing pieces to go with specific musical tracks, similar to what you might see at a planetarium laser show only much more detailed than the typical fare. He's also done some installations, like he did a large set of decorative laser boxes that were installed at a botanical garden for a few weeks.

I'm trying to avoid crossing any lines of promotion here. I'll see if he will let me post some links in my profile… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 5:54 AM on January 28, 2017

visual representation of subsets that comprise the entire set
In a Venn diagram, each circle represents a part of the entire set, and the overlap shows where they overlap. There is no assumption that other things exist outside the circles, because the circles represent the entirety of the subsets which are being examined. There is no need to show more than the circles and their overlap because anything not included in the circles is assumed outside of the considered sets.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 12:20 PM on January 26, 2017 marked best answer

Was my life as a bespectabled person a lie?
If you do decide to continue wearing glasses, make sure you can get completely neutral lenses in them. I had a period of wearing contacts and then decided I wanted to wear glasses (while wearing my contacts), and the pair I got were fun very round John Lennon sort of glasses with lenses in them, and wearing those fuckers really hurt my eyes after even a short time. The lenses appeared to be completely neutral when I first put the glasses on, but after an hour things started to go wonky and I… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 2:15 AM on January 13, 2017

Songs to Sing Along To At The Top Of My Lungs In My Car
Phil Collins - Take Me Home.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 11:56 AM on December 20, 2016

BOLD socks--within certain parameters
You might look at Sock Club. It does monthly sock deliveries, 100% American Made, and they're bold without being kitsch. Also does sales that aren't a subscription.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 9:15 AM on December 11, 2016

Gay as a pejorative?
The upshot of the conversation was "we will have to agree to disagree", but from where I stand now there's this young queer kid who still thinks it's okay to use "gay" as a word that indicates something negative, and that really bothers me.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 4:35 PM on September 10, 2016
Sure, but there's no equivalent for using "lady" as a pejorative, like "that is so Lady" or "fuck this Lady world". "Gay" has this other overtone which is used in the wider world as a pejorative, and it pains me to see a young gay man using the word as a pejorative and being resolute about doing so. Is this just a generational thing?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 4:46 PM on September 10, 2016
The meme is not ironic. The originating quote uses "cocksucking" and "eat dick" and "stick all this up your ass". It's basically a homophobic negative diatribe, full of descriptions of gay sex all as negative things because the person in question couldn't pass a test in college. If there is any irony contained in this "meme", then I fail to see it.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 5:03 PM on September 10, 2016

iPhone file management, in-phone or on a Windows computer
Hrm. I use Dropbox to move files between my iPad and my Computer regularly, meaning they are stored locally while also in the cloud. I don't take a lot of photos so I haven't had file space or file management issues, but I do know that Dropbox does allow you to move files around on your desktop and they then disappear from the cloud. I don't know if they then disappear from your mobile device or not.

I don't know if this is a useful answer or not, but Dropbox is… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 8:18 PM on August 30, 2016

Is rock music even a thing anymore?
When I go to events connected with the furry fandom, I end up hanging out with a lot of 20-somethings. They all seem to be simply OBSESSED with 80s culture. Clothes, music, video games, etc. There is a lot of 80s rock and pop floating around in their lives, often intermingled with current music in a way that is both jarring and encouraging to an oldster like me.

I have never had any conversations with any of them about current rock acts they might be listening to.… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 9:28 AM on August 27, 2016
Also, the Avett Brothers seem to be hugely popular with the younglings. But are they considered rock?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 9:30 AM on August 27, 2016

One Weekend In LA (not the extended LA, the central LA)
What about less transitory things, actual locations, that might not pop up on the regular radar, that we could visit? It's great to look for EVENTS to attend, but what about other stuff?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 10:30 AM on August 7, 2016
the hyper-authentic MacArthur Park area

If it's raining, will someone have left a cake out?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 3:42 PM on August 7, 2016
So, we did make it out to Union Station. Holy wow! What a beautiful building! Worth a visit from anyone going to LA, really.

We also wandered around downtown for a day, which was full of interesting architectural moments from casual buildings just sitting there full of details of the sort they don't put on buildings anymore to a self-guided tour around Disney Concert Hall that let us see a LOT of the building including stepping into the concert hall while the organ was… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 10:45 PM on August 14, 2016

What are "essential" apps for a new smartphone owner?
I guess I should say, the phone came pre-installed with a suite of Google apps including Chrome, Gmail, Maps, YouTube, Drive, PlayMusic, PlayVideo, Hangouts, Photos, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Voice Search.

I didn't realize those weren't preinstalled on all Android phones.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 3:53 PM on July 8, 2016
Thanks for the recommendations, everyone! I ended up downloading Keep, Dropbox, 1Weather, Sky Map, Privacy Flashlight, Dark Sky, and (not recommended) Sensor Box (which I used to learn that I cannot play Pokemon Go on my phone because it doesn't have a gyroscope).

I'll be looking back at this list as I use my phone more and perhaps want more functionality.

Really appreciate the insightful feedback on this question! Thanks so much!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 11:29 AM on July 16, 2016

What alternatives are surprisingly worth it?
Using newsprint, like newspapers, for cleaning glass instead of paper towels or rags. You can pick up the free stuff offered at the supermarket as local papers or real estate listings or whatever. It leaves a streak-free end result like nothing else I have used. I use it on both car and house windows, and it always satisfies.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 10:35 PM on June 17, 2016
Instead of commercial drain cleaners, try boiling water.


Most of the time it's half-solidified soap trapping hair and other goo in a tangle in the drainpipe, if it's in the bathroom. If it's a clog in your kitchen, you have easy access to the elbow bend of the pipe under your sink and you should remove that and look at it before you use any… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 2:17 PM on June 18, 2016

Unofficial evolving MetaFilter group sing-along chord-and-lyric songbook
Looking for more of a suggestion for individual songs that MeFites have enjoyed in similar sing-alongs during their lifetimes
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 6:18 PM on June 15, 2016

Uhhm, a better (actually correct) custom printed shirt, please??
It looks lie that service is using some kind of insert inside the shirt to feed it through the printer which holds the fabric smooth for printing but with that fitted tank is actually stretching the fabric laterally that causes it to snap into a different shape once it is off the printer.

Is this something you can't create on your own using an inkjet printer iron-on that would be suitable? Those are pretty high-quality these days.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 5:19 PM on June 15, 2016

Would you help me find a chair?
20 years ago, I had a Lay-Z-Boy recliner that was a hand-me-down from my parents who had gotten new recliners. So by the time I got it, it was already well-used.

Man, that thing was the Devil incarnate. It seemed like no matter what time of day it was, if I put the thing in recline position to read or watch television, I would end up asleep. Like, even if I had just gotten out of bed in the morning.

Wonderful chair. I can only assume that… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 8:32 AM on May 22, 2016

Gift ideas for my best friend at med school
It's not an expensive gift, but the new Santana album is a total throwback to the 60s, recorded with the lineup who performed at Woodstock. I've been listening to it obsessively since it was released. Might be a nice part of a larger gift.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 6:35 PM on May 20, 2016

Pop songs that were big hits across Europe but not in the US?
People know Kylie Minogue yt over here, but I think that's mainly from the 80s. She's much bigger internationally.

Kylie Minogue is, I believe, the biggest female recording star in the world outside of Madonna. She's basically unknown in the US (aside from her one hit wonder cover of Locomotion), but she is fuckin' GIGANTIC across the rest of the globe.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 11:26 AM on May 5, 2016

What is like MetaFilter, but not brutally depressing?
I never read the comments so I don't know what the actual community is like there, but I find Neatorama to be worth going through the front page twice a day, for the fun and other stuff.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 1:25 AM on April 28, 2016

How do we digitize our media?
I use iTunes for my music collection. On my 2007 Mac it will rip a 60 minute CD in just a few minutes. If the CD is known on the internet, all the album information will automatically be attached to the CD before you import it (this information is editable both before and after ripping), and if you have the iTunes settings right, all your music will be in folders arranged Artist -> Album for easy locating by any player you choose if the drive is available on your network.… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 11:16 AM on April 7, 2016

Help me buy a new Mac
Have you looked at the Apple certified refurbished webpage to see what is offered there? Often the same computers as retail only cheaper (because refurb) and still able to be covered by AppleCare. It's worth checking out -- maybe you will find something better than you think you can afford there.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 7:04 PM on March 4, 2016
Also what do you mean that your iPad 3rd Gen barely runs apps? I have a "new iPad" and it runs everything I want it to run. Maybe you need to do a backup-wipe-restore on that device to get it running more smoothly?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 7:23 PM on March 4, 2016
an iPad data plan I can't even really use.

My understanding is that those iPad data plans can be switched on and off, and you don't have to pay for months during which you aren't going to use it. You might want to research that.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 9:31 PM on March 4, 2016

Making an old MacBook Pro work for a single purpose
Came here to also say "max out the RAM".

Can you go under your Apple menu to "About This Mac" and give a little more info about the machine for this Ask thread? It is also possible that what Logic requires for processing power has, at this point, grown beyond the capabilities of your machine.

I don't know if you have a backup regime in place for this machine. If not, get an external drive and run Time Machine to get a backup.… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 10:04 AM on February 23, 2016 marked best answer
Upgrading Ram (from Apple)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 10:53 AM on February 23, 2016 marked best answer
If you are in doubt about what kind of memory your Macbook takes, you can always go into your System Information app inside your Utilities folder and click on "Memory" to the left and get information about your system's memory on the right, or even open it up and take a look.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 11:29 AM on February 23, 2016 marked best answer

What are some classic books for young children?
Pretty much any of the Sendak books are great, but I hold great fondness for Chicken Soup With Rice.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 12:46 AM on February 19, 2016 marked best answer

2 month long sinus infection won't go away
1. You're inadvertently eating something that's negating your antibiotics and that's not allowing the treatment to fully do its job.

What exactly could that thing be, that I might be eating to negate the antibiotics?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 5:51 PM on January 16, 2016
I've been taking non-opioid pain killers (etodolac and now diclofenac) for an injury, and have been mostly eating cottage cheese and yogurt with the rare venture into real food because they have been killing my appetite. Haven't had anything on that list of foods from Riverine.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 6:25 PM on January 16, 2016
I'm having basically zero pain or sinus pressure... just horrible rotting puss smells and a bad taste in the back of my throat and stuff coming out when I blow my nose that is obviously not normal mucous (the other nostril is fine).
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 7:09 PM on January 16, 2016

Head Lice And Long Beards
I think I'd rather shampoo now and early before I do anything like, um.. sleep with my head in contact with my bedding... or lie down on the couch...

A shampoo and washing the tiny bag's worth of stuff I took with me is much easier as a preventative feels much easier than laundering my entire house once something has developed.

I guess I'll shampoo the beard, too.

*itches everywhere even if it's just psychosomatic*
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 4:08 PM on December 26, 2015
To be clear: I haven't found lice on me. I was in a house that, after I left after spending about 48 hours there, was found to have lice on the children. I didn't snuggle or wrestle with any of the children, I didn't wrap myself with any of the afghans sitting on the couch that the kids were also using. I did sleep in a bed in the house for 2 nights.

I've used Rid-X today on my hair and beard, and I'm washing every piece of fabric I had in that house in hot water… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 6:54 PM on December 26, 2015
None of the stores that would carry that were open today. I will try to find one open tomorrow or on Monday.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 7:51 PM on December 26, 2015

Nerd hobby that gets me out there
You can sign up for and browse local meets and join groups and stuff for free. You should check out what is going on in your area -- you'll be surprised at the groups that are out there.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 4:55 PM on July 3, 2015

Homeless. Now what?
You mention searching for work on CL... Are you familiar with It's a job listing aggregator that seems to do a pretty good job of assembling a wide variety of postings from across a lot of sources. It might yield something more fruitful than just using CL.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 9:49 AM on April 27, 2015
Has anyone heard from item in the past while?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 1:51 AM on May 8, 2015

Please help me find the right music score for a video
The NIN album Ghosts (in parts I-IV) is all CC-attribution free to use, it's all interesting moody instrumental stuff, and much of it is quite short. Maybe you'll find something in there you like?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 11:59 AM on March 23, 2015
Actually, that YouTube link is silly. Here is the page for the album at, which has the tracks separated and download links.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 12:09 PM on March 23, 2015

Mailing from Mexicali or Calixeco
I assume that if he's sending mail from Mexicali, which is part of Mexico, he is using Mexican stamps, because he is putting the mail in the Mexican postal service for international delivery.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 3:00 PM on February 13, 2015

Hey, bub... Wanna buy a cathedral?
I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure any such venue with kitchen facilities is going to require meeting local food prep codes and being able to pass inspection.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 1:34 PM on August 15, 2014

Eric Clapton's penis
See also Robert Plant in The Song Remains The Same.

It wasn't that uncommon in the 60s and 70s, especially for rock stars.

Heck, even into the 90s I would put on a favorite cock ring and the tightest jeans I owned and push everything over to one side before I went to the bar for the evening.

I'm pretty sure when one is dressed this way, 1) erections are pretty subdued due to the clothing, and 2) it's part of the 'on display' thing.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 7:30 PM on August 6, 2014 marked best answer

Samurai Jack in widescreen
Doesn't reformatting a 4:3 picture to 16:9 basically mean you lose any information which might be contained at the top and bottom edges of the frame? Or is there something else going on here where the 4:3 version actually was a cropped-down version from an original wide-screen production?

If it were me, I'd want to watch it in its original aspect ratio to see it as the creators intended.

A lot of DVD players or widescreen TVs allow you to… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 7:38 PM on June 15, 2014

How can I keep my beard healthy, soft, manageable, and generally happy?
My beard oil lists grapeseed, almond, safflower, argan, jojoba, olive, and castor oils (in that order) as ingredients. Along with some essential oils for fragrance.

Two of the oils listed there are ones mentioned in this thread.

I guess I have an Oil Exploration Adventure ahead of me. (Back off, Exxon, this doesn't concern you!) I will report back results as they come in.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 8:58 PM on March 13, 2014

This rock chick needs more rock chicks to listen to.
Amy Ray rocks pretty hard, both when she's writing as half of Indigo Girls (Go from Come On Now Social) or on her own (sadly I can't find any studio of this on YouTube, but here's her performing Lucy Stoners from Stag in an audience recording).
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 11:35 AM on January 5, 2014

How much do you spend on food in a month?
When I was unemployed and had all the time in the world to do careful shopping, I had the grocery budget of our household of two (excluding beer) down to about $100/month. And that wasn't eating poorly... that was shopping for discounted, about to expire meats and veggies, doing a lot of from-scratch cooking of things we might have bought pre-made, and generally working hard to only buy things on really good deals.

As soon as I started working, our food budget doubled.… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hippybear at 4:05 PM on November 29, 2013

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