Activity from Tell Me No Lies

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My (non-abusive) parents were recently going through some stressful health times and when I mentioned I was going to do some extra things on my trip to see them they asked me to spare them the details and make sure my visit with them was as… [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Even if these threads go nowhere and convince no-one, I'm glad they exist, because to block these discussions would be to tacitly accept the status quo, and the status quo is obviously unacceptable. Not every single place in the world is… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

>It's possible to answer "What was the Civil War about?" with other than "slavery." That is absolutely incorrect, unless you want to say that the Civil War wasn't about states seceding. Just to drive this home, the… [more]
favorited 56 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

>>It brings with it a different problem, that of the accursed final drop, which no matter what you do, will not fall until after you stand up and pull your pants back up. >There is toilet paper. Right over there. Boychild potty… [more]
favorited 7 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Summary: We’re all going to be replaced by generative AI. Even at smaller sites like Metafilter, humans. [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

The unfolding saga of Reddit's IPO highlights a dilemma in the cyber age: the exploitation of community-driven content for corporate profit. Why is this a problem again? People get a thriving community but if someone makes a buck off it… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

I might take a look but if there are less than 20 reviews I don’t place much stock in them. I’m looking for a consensus, not a bunch of anecdotes. I’ve only left reviews when I’ve had truly exceptional service, and I usually ask the owner where… [more]
favorited 3 times
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Standing also keeps you out of the cold toilet water. Oh man. We once arrived after midnight at a campground in Eagle Pass, Idaho and when I went to sit on the campground toilet I dipped my testicles into 40°F water. Inside I’m still… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

What would be my legal options or repercussions if I resigned? You have come to the wrong place to ask this question. You need to talk to your union rep and possibly an employment lawyer as well. Metafilter can provide a few educated… [more]
favorited 3 times
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Nothing really matters, anyone can see. Nothing really matters, to me! A bicycle accident left me partly incontinent. Those last drops no longer an issue...if the rest of it goes where it's supposed. So I'm guessing you no longer want… [more]
favorited 6 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

I might drop by the Louvre to see the Venus de Milo but that's about it. Probably not worth it. The Musée d'Orsay is much better. The Impressionists are spectacular in person. Musée Rodin is an absolute must. I once cancelled a flight from… [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

I am at a loss here, and my plan was to listen and not say or do anything. I don't think anything significant has happened that should derail that plan. But I never knew how to deal with him, he makes me feel unsafe… [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

b) he intends to show Paul as the cynical manipulative warmongering genocidal bastard he is not as some white savior good guy. [braces for Starship Troopers levels of audience missing the point] [more]
favorited 26 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

A conviction doesn’t preclude Trump from being in the election. Eugene V. Debs famously ran for President from a prison cell. Technically it could happen, realistically I doubt it. On the other hand I would have said the same thing about… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

I suspect Haley will stick in it until it is absolutely certain that Trump won’t be convicted before the election. [more]
favorited 15 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Super accurate paper cutter
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi post - 2 months ago

>> on the idea that founders were really big on every citizen getting a vote for President. >"Of the 16 states that took part in the 1800 election, six (Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Virginia) used… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Article ii, section 1, clause 2 gives the choice of presidental electors to the state entirely. Amendment 14, section 2. [emphasis mine] Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

From your description this doesn’t sound particularly like stalking or even someone trying to force their company on you. It sounds like he’s reaching out, possibly to try to make amends or because he’s simply forgotten how shitty it all was. I… [more]
favorited 5 times
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

It was a long shot to begin with and the decision is well reasoned and supported. I disagree with it, but I'm not surprised that the federal government came up with a way to keep control in their domain. The only thing they really went off the… [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

This my life and I deal with it by really liking who I am. Every step has led me to be the person I am today and to change any of it would be to abandon myself. [more]
favorited 33 times
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

[Spoilers] Given that the Fremen follow their victory on Arrakis with a jihad that slaughters half the known universe, maybe editing out their Arabic connections is a good thing? [more]
favorited 22 times
MeFi comment - 2 months ago

He's just not that into you. Getting married is not some prize you get at the top end of being into someone. It is off in a different direction all together. I was married and I can confidently say that it is something I'll never do… [more]
favorited 12 times
Ask MeFi comment - 2 months ago

Cool. I’m glad he’s able to cover costs. (On the other hand, one of my evil plans is to open a tire repair shop and to sprinkle caltrops randomly across nearby roads. Now I’ll need to make them of something non-ferrous) [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

Yeah, yeah, everything is terrible, the world is ending, we're all gonna die. Why is no one talking about how horrible the presentation of that article is? A map I can slowly scroll up and down on while factoids pop up and slide at vastly… [more]
favorited 8 times
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

There was cheap mockery Dune; it was called Doon and suffering from tryhard syndrome was sadly not even up to the not particularly high level of Bored of the Rings. It tried too hard, but it had a few brilliant moments. [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

>> the Fremen follow their victory on Arrakis with a jihad that slaughters half the known universe >> > بول، هل نحن الأشرار؟ Yeah, with that vibe going on I suspect that people will soon be claiming that the Fremen are *too*… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

I wonder if the estimates of how much a language changes over time are still relevant. Mass literacy and more importantly the internet means that millions of people can speak the same dialect, something that was never possible until now. I don't… [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

I wish we could trust movies to lean in hard into the nuances that are made explicit in the book And of course to trust viewers to recognize those nuances. But in this case I’m not sure it matters. Frank Herbert was merely echoing the… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

I’ve had good experiences with Italki. Many of the instructors offer separate packages for teaching or conversation. [more]
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Ask MeFi comment - 3 months ago

whether you are catastrophising. Unless you’ll be living less than a year or now have a felony record, thinking that something will follow you the rest of your life is catastrophising. If you have not appeared on the front page of the… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 3 months ago

And since I've ruined my reputation, this is going to keep coming up my entire life now. That’s some serious catastrophizing you’re doing there. And if someone is really demanding to talk to a manager at a company you’ve left you… [more]
favorited 4 times
Ask MeFi comment - 3 months ago

TI’m surprised at the number of people that seem to be arguing that consistency is or even should be a major concern for theologically driven people. Maybe Jesuits, but for most of the laity it’s just not how they think about things. I wrote… [more]
favorited 14 times
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

I am filled with too much despair to look deeper into this bullshit but I am curious: at any point in this process was a single woman ever involved? Of the nine justices the two women concurred with the majority opinion. The only person… [more]
favorited 17 times
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

Given the ease with which AI images are generated it seems likely that the friend not only created the prompt but also sifted through multiple images to find the one they thought would be most appropriate. All and all slightly more thoughtful than… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

Given that a lot of people really dislike LLM generated art, giving it as a gift is a pretty risky move, Not really. Righteously hating AI art has reached the level of veganism and crossfit in terms of people letting you know they're Into… [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

I doubt there’s any way to be sure in a specific case, but in my own experience I would lean towards getting people out into nature. A single Fortune 500 company board member who connects with the land can accomplish far more than 100,000 signatures… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 3 months ago

And ChatGPT has completely lost its calm. Coincidence? [more]
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MeFi comment - 3 months ago

In college I worked for an economics professor developing a stock market platform that could handle 20 users in a simulated market. The market allowed all sorts of different models as well as some quirks like different starting balances, different… [more]
favorited 9 times
Ask MeFi comment - 3 months ago

Ever since the whole abortion thing started, I’ve wondered about how the anti-abortion people with their metaphysical arguments would deal with miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies Who are we to question God’s will? [more]
favorited 2 times
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

I am filled with too much despair to look deeper into this bullshit but I am curious: at any point in this process was a single woman ever involved? The constitutional amendment garnered 59% of the vote, so presumably yes. [more]
favorited 5 times
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

Unfortunately for Alabama voters, the state lacks a public referendum system, meaning any reforms must pass through the state legislature's Republican supermajorities. There's nothing unfortunate about that for Alabama voters. [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

I’m all for not going, but if you do: pharmaceuticals, probably a low dose (less than or exactly 1 mg) of Ativan. I say that as someone who doesn’t drink or use recreational drugs and in general only makes use of pharmaceuticals if they are the… [more]
favorited 2 times
Ask MeFi comment - 3 months ago

In theory "making the office more comfortable" was supposed to win you employees a long long time ago. And yet most offices continued to be terrible. I'm not sure what has changed that employees are going to feel they have a choice now. [more]
favorited 4 times
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

The Law of Cosines is a lot tougher to explain than the Pythagorean Theorem, and yet it gives us the tool we need to move beyond the simple case. [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

That doesn't mean it's Definitely Wrong, but with all the evidence coming down on the other side, the hill modified gravity theory has to climb is getting steeper and steeper. There’s no question that dark matter is a better explanation,… [more]
favorited 1 time
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

The failures and losses do add up though. Trump's big selling point is that he is invincible, and he will always prevail despite the forces aligned against him. Sure, there's a nice story where he overcomes the setbacks on appeal or whatever,… [more]
favorited 3 times
MeFi comment - 3 months ago

There are people who believe that if something is legal it is perfectly okay, and people who believe the law is the least common denominator of human behavior. The latter is theistically but potently stated as: "Man’s law is not God’s law… [more]
favorited 1 time
Ask MeFi comment - 3 months ago

This time for sure! I lost my faith in dark matter after the first 50 years. If the "missing mass" is ever found it will likely be running a perpetual motion machine. Time to give up and recognize that our traditional model of… [more]
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MeFi comment - 3 months ago

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