Activity from Artw

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Will Musk's defense of Scott Adams make you leave?
Stopped posting and deleted my previous tweets when the board accepted the offer, because I know Musk is a fascist dip shit and his given reason for buying the site was to unban actual real Nazis.

Resumed a bit when it the sauce might not go through and frankly that was a mistake: the fun was gone knowing it was a platform that might be bought by some other Nazi at any time.

And then the sake went through and musk continued to be a… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 8:01 AM on March 7, 2023
Handily all the “verified” Elon supporters get sorted up to the top of replies too Haraldur, so you can see what kind of people Twitter is for now.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 9:13 AM on March 7, 2023

Masto and other accounts - will probably feature a lot of pictures of cats.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 8:43 AM on April 26, 2022

Roll, Truck, Roll
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 8:26 AM on November 1, 2021

"In this story I think that the helicopter is a closet."
I stand by my comments in the original thread.

Also this should have been an FPP and the people pushed off about the logging are RIGHT to be pissed off about it.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 3:53 PM on July 14, 2021

RIP HuronBob
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 5:08 PM on October 26, 2020

Twitter harassment from Mefi Outsider & Go Mefi
I’m seeing no reason not to make all meta comments viewable to logged in accounts only,

From my observation of trolls of various stripes they will abuse every last thing they can but throwing extra steps in their way can be effective way of tripping them up. Make it an effort for them.

Locking down the text of the metas themselves is trickier as some of them are announcements that should be public, but that seems handleable with a flag (or by… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 11:05 AM on July 13, 2020
It is very, very hard to get Twitter to do anything. The two things that seem to work are celebrities getting upset (not really a thing here) and sufficient reports being made on a bad acting account that a human actually ends up looking at it and bans it. Anything that increases the chances of the later is good.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 12:27 PM on July 13, 2020

Coronavirus check-in thread 2.0
A lot of comics people on my timeline agonizing over whether to do ECCC in Seattle and a lot have pulled out already. I think ReedPOP probably needs to just cancel or postpone it but they are reluctant because of money and do are fence sitting. If the county or state does step in that may give them that may be the push they need.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 11:27 AM on March 4, 2020

How about an update conversation on the post megathread era?
Probably not returning as an active contributor to the site any time soon, and suspect that a lot of what they broke in terms of my trust in the site *can't* be fixed, but from the outside it does seem like the site has done better as a whole.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 12:21 PM on December 19, 2019

Decommissioning the US politics megathreads
The changes to moderation (which for the mods seems to have amounted to “take all your worst instincts and go for it”) were the thing that made them truly toxic instead of a bit unwieldy and crap. Getting rid of them is a good move but late and leaves a lot of damage - good luck to you guys repairing that (and not finding odd new ways to double down on it), though I think I’m still done with the site for now.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 9:52 AM on July 25, 2019

State of the Site, July 2019 update
I absolutely do not trust the mods as far as deletions go these days, so I don’t contribute as much.

And yes, that renders the megathreads worthless as well as being a stupid resource draining idea to begin with. Get rid of the fuckers already.

And yes I’ve brought this up previously and basically been told to shut up, which is TBH not a thing that increases trust or goodwill either.

Honestly I should probably just stop donating and button already, all the good Mefites are elsewhere.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 6:57 AM on July 12, 2019
That every FPP be a short essay to justify itself submitted for for critique rather than, say, a link to an interesting thing on the internet to discuss is very much a later development . It’s fucking obnoxious and it’s why I’ve given up on doing FPPs.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 7:07 AM on July 12, 2019
That’s entirely the bullshit mindset that drives half the bad moderation on the politics threads, the other half being “Someone is disagreeing with my friends/Nancy Pelosi”.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 10:36 AM on July 12, 2019
Solidly looking forward to the Politics Megathread specific thread where we hear that our moderation is actual good and doesn’t need to change again.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 4:33 PM on July 13, 2019
LM is kind of a problem mod that way, even given the trigger happy nature of the mod crew these days. Letting them go a while back would maybe have helped things.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 4:46 PM on July 13, 2019
Welp, the threat of Mod 101 has tipped me over into cancelling funding, no sense in keeping this whole mess going if you guys are fundamentally and pathologically dedicated to the path that’s going to bring it down. May be convincable in some kind of one-off funding to help with the wind-down when in happens so definitely reach out when it’s time for that.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 5:33 PM on July 13, 2019
and ummm, now I really am confused. What's this "threat of Mod 101"?

We’re apparently going to get a talking to about how the moderation recently has actually been good and not a big part of the problem.

Also FWIW I don’t think firing LM right now would have any effect whatsoever, that horse left the barn a long time ago.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 5:43 PM on July 13, 2019
Gaslighting weirdos that always leap in whenever some aspect of the site is questioned, I’ll miss you least of all.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 6:14 PM on July 13, 2019
Happens every time and absolutely a part of how moderation has gotten so toxic - it’s a closed feedback loop.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 6:21 PM on July 13, 2019
Sorry, why am I supposed to be wanting to start a MeTa thread about LobsterMitten? Am I an idiot? I know exactly how that would go.

Not sure there’s anything much to discuss - when I see mod comments that are petty and vindictive and seem to be tailored towards creating as much upset as possible in the name of making things “less contentious” (whatever that is) LMs the name that is there more often than not.

Given that it’s a moderator and… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 7:14 PM on July 13, 2019
Maybe everyone should just move on then.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 7:26 PM on July 13, 2019
People on this site always shit on Reddit, but I've seen way more radical left politics there than I've ever seen here.

Left wing politics are considered “contentious” and therefore fair game for deletion. MeFi is more that guy from Get Out who would have voted for Obama a third time if he could.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 12:54 PM on July 15, 2019
Also worth pointing out that though people talk about deletions in discussions in terms of maintaining the site’s wokeness it’s just as often if more so some bullshit like the royal wedding business mentioned above, or weird attempts to police conversations in particular directions, or the removal of “contentiousness”, etc... etc...
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 1:29 PM on July 15, 2019
Oh everywhere else is having a racist freak out right now too, don’t worry about it.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 1:59 PM on July 15, 2019

Following up on last month’s discussions: immediate actions and planning
Said once again: one of the primary reasons I enjoy Metafilter is that there isn't self-imposed segregation by topics or groups. The lack of topic/group identification remains the characteristic of Metafilter that distinguishes it from Facebook, Reddit, and many other sites. Please maintain that feature.

FWIW, I suspect very little, if MeFi becomes a bunch of self reinforcing cliques like the politics thread I am done with it. Very much not a model of success as far as I am concerned.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 7:53 AM on July 9, 2019

Farewell pjern.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 1:52 PM on March 6, 2019

Nintendo Switch: The Enfriendening
It's kind of awesome.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 7:32 PM on February 22, 2019
More of a solo thing, but any Futness Boxing nerds here?
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 7:17 AM on February 25, 2019

Keeping arguing about the US primaries in check
Probably worth emigrating away from MeFi for this sort of thing if your favoured political discussion is anything other than the most warmed over centrist takes. Where too I could not say, but this place is basically a cost bubble for that ideological bent and nobody else.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 7:21 PM on January 16, 2019
The politics threads are absolutely all about playing favorites and appealing to the clique. Defenses of it are generally just about shitting on everyone not in that clique. It’s a bad part of the site and probably not a good sign for future site culture, since trust in the moderators is a big art of that culture and the plot is thread breaks that.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 11:13 AM on January 17, 2019
It’s not a moderation decision. It’s an editorial decision. Which is a big chunk of the problem with what is going on with the moderation in those threads.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 12:47 PM on January 22, 2019
“The thread of record!”

It’s a self important, delusional scam.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 8:07 PM on January 22, 2019
LOL at the notion the insane deletion rate is a sign the users are disfunctional.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 5:34 PM on January 23, 2019
If it’s not for all users then i don’t see it as something that should be on the site. Maybe it just goes somewhere else, taking its core users and mods with it, and fulfills its true destiny as a Joe Manchin-centric version of “r/the_donald”?
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 5:56 PM on January 24, 2019
A threas that nature moderated in that manner is practically a factory for grudges, yes.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 6:20 PM on January 24, 2019
And whilst I’m making myself unpopular: pagination the fucker already.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 6:33 PM on January 24, 2019

RIP Samizdata
Oh fuck.

posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 9:17 PM on November 26, 2018
I very much miss his presence there.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 9:05 AM on January 4, 2019

Fanfare and a Tone (?) question.
“Too positive” doesn’t seem much of a problem. Would prefer to “fuck this book”.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 3:29 PM on December 12, 2018

rtha in hospice
Sad news, a presence that will be sorely missed. Hugs to all.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 12:08 PM on November 10, 2018

Fucking Fuck XVI
Re: Nazi posters - sometimes they’ll stick Razors or other nasty surprises behind those, so be a little careful scraping them down and maybe use a tool rather than doing it barehanded.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 1:59 PM on November 1, 2018
This seems like useful information to drop here:

Important PSA for my fellow Americans: For reasons I do not fully comprehend, the earlier seasons of Great British Bake Off previously denied us are now available on Netflix under the title Great British Baking Show: The Beginning.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 8:09 AM on November 4, 2018

A better way to favorite on a mobile device
I find it very easy to mis-flag comments whilst trying to favorite, so moving those two apart or making it a combined menu that’s a little less prone to fat fingers would be good.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 8:02 PM on October 11, 2018
(I think they mostly get mis-flagged as fantastic, sorry to anyone I’ve done that to by accident)
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 8:03 PM on October 11, 2018

Can we delete the standard issue Manchin defence on sight please? It adds nothing and is disruptive.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 7:58 AM on September 26, 2018
Here's the comment that prompted the rant this time.

It's a link and a quote from the link on the voting intentions of a group of dems, which would seem like exactly the sort of thing the thread is for. It does have one line of commentary at the bottom. As comments go it is very much not noise.

And here's the standard rant in response I mentioned. It is not a link. It is not new information. It is very much commentary and commentary on other… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 9:29 AM on September 26, 2018
It is unclear to me if phearlez is from WV, but commenting on actions the affect all users should be open to all users.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 10:54 AM on September 26, 2018
Welp, here we go again. At least he didn’t cut and paste in his long form version. (That’ll be Friday, no doubt)
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 9:29 AM on October 4, 2018
Mmm hmm.

How about you don’t do the cut and paste Friday?
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 11:06 AM on October 4, 2018

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