Activity from Artw

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Neckbeard, is this a word we need?
Suggest "Grognard".
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 12:55 PM on December 23, 2014

Meta Slander?
I will be continuing to refer to the not-terribly-ambiguous murder as a "murder" regardless of the feelings of murder cop or any of his supporters.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 2:03 PM on August 19, 2014
Your character needs more of an arc.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 2:11 PM on August 19, 2014
/something about jokes "dying" on stage.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 2:52 PM on August 19, 2014
Are you the past come back to haunt us?

Maybe it's the ghost of a besmirched cop!
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 3:03 PM on August 19, 2014
I'm pretty sure there will be enough horror to make you want to vomit with disgust in the main thread tonight, if you want to keep things sober.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 5:50 PM on August 19, 2014

Making arguments out of thin air
I'm not really sure I can respond to a meta where I am called out for misrepresenting someone by directly quoting something they in no way contradict in any other part of their article. It is too silly. Have fun splitting hairs and shouting and stuff.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 2:34 PM on February 3, 2014
Feel free to declare victory because I no longer have a desire to engage with this site. Too dishonest, sniper and awful. People disagreeing with you is not "threadshitting" and it is ridiculous that the argument that it is gets given the time of day.

Catch you on the tweets,

posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 12:45 PM on February 4, 2014

How much is too much?
Eh, it's not like it's December, when I really do get a bit sick if everyone having a length competition with each other.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 8:28 PM on January 23, 2014

Yeah, probably going to take a bit of a break from FPPing now as that's kind of nuts. Still, enjoy!
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 10:53 AM on January 20, 2014
Early days, but all signs point to it being amazing.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 11:14 AM on January 20, 2014
Maybe I'll get a blog... Ha ha.

(for the young folk "a blog" is what they used to call Tumblr)
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 11:15 AM on January 20, 2014
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 11:53 AM on January 20, 2014
Even Shako gives a roar of approval!

Shako is the only bear on the CIA deathlist, so that is a high accord indeed.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 1:38 PM on January 20, 2014
I was expecting a more T. H. White kind of link there, really...
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 9:58 AM on January 21, 2014
Best post ever, that.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 12:57 PM on January 21, 2014

In the future, all Content will be blocked because of legal obstacles...
Fucking Tories.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 3:08 PM on January 7, 2014
Making dying in a ditch competitive with the NHS is their other longterm goal.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 3:48 PM on January 7, 2014

Happy new year, I guess?
Merry happy new year!
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 12:09 AM on January 1, 2014

Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas!
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 12:09 PM on December 24, 2013
The Christmassing area, pre-presents
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 8:04 PM on December 24, 2013
So, child #1 turns out to be highly adept with the nerf-bow. Could she be... the chosen one?
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 11:10 AM on December 25, 2013
Fall of the House of Duck.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 5:50 PM on December 25, 2013
Oh fuck, I gotta go to work.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 7:49 AM on December 26, 2013
All toys require a screwdriver to add batteries these days. This year we narrowly avoided a kid meltdown caused by faliure to find the screwdriver with a quick diversionary bribe.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 8:14 AM on December 26, 2013

What happened to quality comment/ discussion threads?
Early threadsshits getting stomped on fast has been a huge improvement to thread quality, IMHO. Great work from the mods there.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 11:43 AM on December 11, 2013
Yay! A post about Baby's Got Back - its a Christmas Miracle!
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 8:31 PM on December 20, 2013

Can we get a "Remove from Activity" button on the Mobile site?
I would like this feature.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 3:21 PM on December 18, 2013
/takes stress pill.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 10:05 PM on December 19, 2013

MetaFilter Offline
Good work getting it back, guys!
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 7:39 AM on December 17, 2013

87: Dungeons and Dragons
But it wasn't the roguelike one?
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 5:44 PM on December 10, 2013
These tweets made me think of that.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 9:49 PM on December 10, 2013
Pussy Patrol One: The Meow Mixxxer is real in our hearts.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 9:14 PM on December 11, 2013

Spreading rumors is bad news
Downing Street memo called it...

Though really the point the point thelonius makes still stands as well.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 7:08 PM on December 9, 2013
So did that thread about Tila Tequila being mentally unwell disappear?
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 10:50 PM on December 9, 2013
You guys, check out this shit that is happening in San Francisco RIGHT NOW!
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 6:03 PM on December 10, 2013
He didn't make the news because he was playing J. Random Nobody freaking out at the protestors though, did he? And if he hadn't been outed you know full well people would be using him as an example of the evils of tech workers and Google in particular.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 9:06 PM on December 10, 2013

I think I'll go and eat worms
Does the cake have teeth?
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 5:47 AM on December 10, 2013
Doge is about as literate as a tag cloud.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 11:35 AM on December 10, 2013

So literate

Much fragmentation
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 11:48 AM on December 10, 2013

wow 911 much 9-11 little advertising so afghanistan very wow africa much
america much animals wow animation very wow apple such architecture
such art astronomy wow australia much baseball batshitinsane
such bbc biology wow blog so blogs wow very book so books… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 12:03 PM on December 10, 2013
Dear Stack Overflow,

Which jQuery plugin is used to make babby?
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 2:07 PM on December 10, 2013

How do you decide which tags to include?
Metadata is important, people!
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 11:49 AM on December 6, 2013
So... here's how I'd do it... this is ChrisSims discussing HarleyQuinn, so those are a given, and it's Comics and specifically DCComics and a spin off from Batman, more specifically the Joker, and she's a Villian. BatmanTheAnimatedSeries gets a mention which is commonly abbreviated to BTAS around here, and she's played by ArleenSorkin who I have a good interview link for. And, because it's comics there's a possible Controversy relating to Sexism (and Suicide). What else? Errr... Love,… [more]
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 12:19 PM on December 6, 2013
And then a big later I'll realize I left out "Animation" and add it.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 12:20 PM on December 6, 2013
1418 bush

That guy left a real mark.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 9:14 PM on December 6, 2013
Tagging is super useful for that, also quick access to posts on a similar subject, and also I believe drives "related links" and "My Ask" - the better tagged things are the better those things work.

Also not a particularly significant or hard task.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 3:02 PM on December 9, 2013

Certainly I'm not the only one who would find this pony useful
I'm actually trying to do less comics posts these days.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 12:32 PM on December 6, 2013
I do a lot of them, and I post a lot anyway, so it feels a bit like I might be flooding, so I'm trying to make it more of a special occasion thing. Part of me wants to post a CA column every day though.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 1:29 PM on December 6, 2013
Drugs, back in the hippy days.
posted to MetaTalk by Artw at 7:19 AM on December 7, 2013

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