Activity from forbiddencabinet

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Feeling depressed about career prospects. Where do I go from here?
I'll refrain from offering specific career advice because I'm not a librarian, but I will say that my partner has an MLIS and moved from Edmonton to BC. I really don't think you should rule out other provinces just because you perceive them as being competitive. There aren't a ton of library schools in Canada and out-of-province applications are to be expected.

If you might want to pivot into IT I can offer this suggestion: consider improving your database administration… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 1:00 AM on April 2, 2021

What is Vitamin D milk?
I am from BC and never in my life have I ever heard anyone call anything "Vitamin D milk."

The common BC milk brands are:

Island Farms/Natrel

None of them use prominent Vitamin D marketing or branding. If someone is in the interior they *might* see some Dutchmen's milk which does prominently display a "D", but it is a pretty localized brand.… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 11:40 PM on March 9, 2021

Music advice for old(er) moms
There have been two album releases in the last month or so that I've been playing a lot. They are The Last Exit by Still Corners and Wellfare Jazz by Viagra Boys.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 9:05 PM on March 1, 2021

What are your favorite recipes involving ground beef?
You can make bulgogi with ground beef. It's a very quick and easy weeknight meal.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 9:06 AM on January 29, 2021 marked best answer

Keep my heart pumping while my heart is pumping
Run Lola Run, surely?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 3:55 PM on January 18, 2021

Please help my baby and I listen to good streaming music
I have had an Echo, Sonos, and Audio Pro T5.

The T5 sounds significantly better than either of the others. That said, it does not have Alexa integration, just a stereo aux input. If you want Alexa integration you should look at the Audio Pro Addon C5A. It's the same speaker, but with full Alexa support. It is hard to do better under $300 than this speaker. The Addon series punches way above its weight.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 2:31 PM on December 31, 2020 marked best answer

Trying to figure out Nintendo Switch
Most games support multiple control methods.

They are:

Single joycon held horizontally - this is supported by most games that don't need a lot of buttons and most first-party Nintendo games. This is usually what you will use for old NES/SNES games as well as games like Mario kart.

Single joycon held vertically - very few games support this.

Two joycons in a comfort grip - I have yet to see a game… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 11:51 AM on December 31, 2020
Oh, also there is one other control method! The Switch has a touchscreen! Support for this is kind of hit or miss and sometimes undocumented, but comes in handy for some puzzle games or if you a complicated password or something.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 11:53 AM on December 31, 2020

Is there great decaf coffee that tastes EXACTLY like caffeinated coffee?
Yes! This single-origin decaf is fantastic. I always keep some of this around for evening coffee or for friends that that prefer decaf. The roast is medium-dark leaning more towards medium.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 10:00 AM on December 3, 2020

teach me how to read again!
I'm a novel-a-dayer and long ago I learned that if you're not vibing with something you should just put it down and move on to something else. It isn't the book's fault nor your own. Just like with music you need to be in right mood for whatever you are trying to read. Different books take different moods and levels of concentration. I usually have two or three books on the go as well as some serialized fiction or a book of shorts. If I'm not able to get into a groove with something within the… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 5:00 PM on November 10, 2020

Friendship feeling uneven, need advice on how to balance it.
I don't have advice to offer for all of your wants, but as a technology professional that gets a lot of requests for assistance from everyone under the sun. Here are some suggestions for handling that.

If called/texted/emailed for assistance: deprioritize them. If it is a phone call that you don't want to leave going to message or they call about something else and move into tech support land then just say something along the lines of, "I'm sorry, I don't have… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 8:56 PM on November 1, 2020

Two labels, one box
I do a lot of international RMAs with vendors and it's very common to combine multiples in the same box. Most companies will ask you to mark both RMA numbers on the outside of the box. I've never been asked to attach two separate UPS shipping labels, though. For high ticket items, I have to make sure to fill out the acompanying paperwork correctly to avoid extra taxes at borders.

Are you certain she is asking you to attach two shipping labels and not two return/RMA… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 9:14 AM on October 22, 2020

Favorite adult advent calendars?
Perhaps not quite the answer you are looking for, but have you considered a calendar exchange with a friend, family member, or partner? I do so every year with a group of friends. The first year we all made re-usable advent calendars and now every year we fill them up with goodies and pass them off to another person in the group.

Might be fun for you if you have someone that will do it for you. You get to spend November making the calendar and stuffing it and then in… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 3:33 PM on October 5, 2020

Please recommend comedy TV shows!
Arrested Development -> Schitts Creek
The Good Place -> Miracle Workers
Parks & Rec -> Dreamland
30 Rock -> Better Off Ted, Ravens Banquet
The Simpsons -> Bob's Burgers
Archer -> Sealab 2021 (not to be confused with Sealab 2020)
Community -> Los Espookys
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 2:15 PM on October 5, 2020
Not particularly analogous to anything you've mentioned, but you would probably like Slings & Arrows. It's must watch TV in theatre nerd circles. It's sort of a workplace comedy about a shakespeare festival where each season follows the production of one of shakespeare's plays and the overarching season narrative mirrors the events of the play. Solidly in dramedy territory.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 2:42 PM on October 5, 2020

Plant light
I have this light and I am very happy with it. It does not come with a timer, but that was a plus for me since I hooked it into a smart plug (I use lots of these for scheduling lights for aquariums and terrariums).

These lights mounted perfectly into a corner bookshelf that I have. I used a spade bit to drill out a hole to run the cables through and it is hidden by a facade so you can't see the cables or the fixtures. The LED doesn't get too warm while still providing… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 1:07 PM on October 4, 2020

Has anyone here tried eating insects in earnest?
I've eaten crickets. They don't really taste like anything. More of a texture than a flavour. They taste like the seasoning. I think if you were able to process the legs off of them people would have no trouble eating them as a snack food. It's not like popcorn has much flavour beyond the butter and seasoning either.

I've also eaten Beondegi since a Korean restaurant in my city has it on the menu. It is definitely harder to eat than crickets, not because of the flavour,… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 12:02 PM on September 28, 2020

Horror films where the haunting isn't really a haunting?
Housebound (2014)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 8:11 AM on September 20, 2020

Best AI program/site to use for writing fiction?
If you can get beta access I think Sudowrite is exactly what you are looking for.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 1:11 PM on September 11, 2020 marked best answer

Seeking substitutions for saltines on soup
I also love crumbling saltines into soup and, in my case, I add them until it becomes more of a sludge. I've found the best healthy alternative to me is to just add barley to all of my soups making them all various types of barley soup. The barley sucks up the broth in a way that satisfies in the same flavorful sludgy kind of way.

You might also experiment with dumplings.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 9:55 PM on September 3, 2020

Negotiating Loud Musical Instruments in an Apartment
I know this isn't directly answering your question, but have you considered putting up some acoustic foam in whatever room she practices in? It's a lot easier to dampen sound inside your unit than for your neighbors to block it.

I know this because I have DJ friends that (pre-covid) would throw very small parties in apartments with all of their gear. The first thing they would do is temporarily put acoustic foam over all the walls and put down mats over top of the… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 11:40 AM on August 24, 2020

Help me become a less reluctant dog owner
Hey, you're me from about 10 years ago. I did not want a dog, but my partner at the time really did. They got the dog and I made it very clear it was their dog. Walks, bills, etc were all to be their responsibility. At first they were very good about sticking to that agreement, but soon enough I was asked to split dog food and do the evening walk and so on. I really resented having to do the dog walks, but partner felt that I should have to do it because they got up early to walk the dog. The… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 5:27 PM on August 21, 2020

Not quite an ARG, but almost
That sounds like a ton of fun! My gut says that you need to make at least some of your posts more of a puzzle and in the world of riddles and puzzles that means making the way to the answer a little more abstract.

One really common thing done in puzzling is to put the answer in the metadata, so it doesn't really matter what the photo is at all. Someone takes a look at the exif and finds that there is a message in there that is the next piece of the puzzle, like a written… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 4:43 PM on July 23, 2020

A page-turner written by a trans or NB author?
Not a mystery, but Daniel Lavery (book is still published under Mallory Ortberg) wrote a book of short stories that are reinterpretations of classic fairy tales that is really fun. YMMV depending on your tolerance for horror. Anyone that enjoyed The Toast's Children's stories made horrific features will enjoy the book. The books is called The Merry Spinster.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 10:49 AM on July 10, 2020

How do I do shaving?
You will want to change things up a bit based on your beard/skin type and the specific products you want to use also depend a bit on your beard needs.

In any case, this is my routine:

I shave every day using a safety razor (I like crystal brand stainless steel blades). I use a badger brush and cup soap.

3/week I shampoo my beard with a beard shampoo or soap. Right now I use a soap bar from Mammoth Beard Co. I otherwise… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 4:16 PM on July 8, 2020
Oh, I just want to say that part of the reason you might be experiencing pain/sensitivity when shaving is that you are leaving it so long. The longer your hair is the more uncomfortable and grabby it is going to be when the electric clippers or razor start cutting into it. Your skin is also going to be less used to it. Duller blades will make it even worse.

If you want to have a beard you will need to figure out a style that compliments in your face and then shave/clip… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 5:05 PM on July 8, 2020

I need a hobby
Needle felting. It's easy to start and get recognizable things out of your early projects and the better you get at it the more ambitious you can be with your creations. Relatively little needed for materials to start as well. The repeated stabbing motions are also rather cathartic.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 10:45 PM on July 4, 2020

Recommend me some seedy weird foregin movies from the last decades!
Let the Corpses Tan. The trailer really doesn't do it justice, but I'm not sure how you would cut a trailer for it. It's a formalist western and their most approachable film. If you want weirder and darker then The Strange Color of Your Body's Tears is the film of theirs to watch. I'd also say the trailer for that one will give you a better idea of what to expect from Let the Corpses Tan as well.

Also, I want to say to be careful with some of the recommendations. Please… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 11:37 AM on July 3, 2020

What are some good blogs/sites that are like
You might like these blogs:

The Generalist Academy - interesting things from science and history
Kicks Condor - ephemera from the diy interent
Things Magazine - general interestdesign/architecture.
We Are The Mutants - Science fiction, pulp fiction, horror, anti-establishment punk
We Make Money Not Art - art/politics/science and the intersection of those things.
Sociological Images - often heavier topics, but… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 9:23 AM on June 24, 2020
Forgot to add BLDGBLG - architecture, engineering, science, interesting things in geneeral
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 9:38 AM on June 24, 2020

Games like Diplomacy
If you like Diplomacy then give Neptune's Pride a try. Iron Helmet also has a co-op game called Blight of the Immortals which is also pretty fun. These are real time games, but very slow. You check in once or twice a day to and they play out over a long period of time.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 8:30 AM on June 9, 2020

May the 4th ... well, you know.
Seconding Movies With Mikey/ Filmjoy. His whole thing is to focus on the things he loves about a movie instead of talking about things he didn't like. Some decent criticism out of him as well, at least as far as youtubers go.

You might give Movie Bob a shot. He does cultural criticism of geek culture in his The Big Picture series with some regularity. His videos are very digestible, rarely longer than 10 minutes. He's also a very outspoken left leaning, social justice,… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 10:33 AM on May 4, 2020

Concerned about depictions of/references to sexual assault in Twin Peaks
Sexual violence and sexual exploitation are very much a part of Twin Peaks and are key elements of the crime that is investigated. The 1992 film (Fire Walk With Me) is a prequel to the TV series and is much heavier on the tragedy and horror elements that are present throughout the TV series. Any content warnings you might give someone for the TV series go even more so for the film. Like a lot more. As in probably don't watch if you're worried about triggers. Tonally the show and the film are… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 10:25 PM on April 25, 2020

Gimme those cozy travel fantasy recs for quarantine!
You might give L.E. Modesitt Jr. a try. They're usually about someone pursuing a trade or career and follow them throughout their lives. There is usually a back drop of war in the stories and plenty of the novels follow military careers, so YMMV.

Robin Hobb may also be worth a try. I'd point towards the Rain Wild Chronicles as the closest to travel fantasy. It is about a group of people traveling along a river to reach the ruins of an ancient city. It is part period… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 7:58 PM on April 23, 2020

2 Nintendo Switches, 2 Children, 1 Dad with a credit card
Your Nintendo Switch account (the admin account in control of both of your kids' accounts) should be able to login and download a game from the Eshop on the second console without having to pay again. If you browse for the game in the store it should say "purchased" where the buy button would be. If it has a price there you are logged in with the wrong account. To redownload you need to navigate to your portrait/avatar in the shop corner and open account details. You should see an… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 11:01 PM on April 21, 2020

D&D and my 7 year old nephew
The basic edition of the player's handbook is a free download from the official website. It is literally compiled from excerpts from the full book and covers all of the rules and about a third of the character options. It lacks the full colour art, a ton of character content, and some other bits and pieces.

Why not give it a read so you know what your nephew will be getting? The printed book is just more of the same, so you will have a good handle on exactly what he will be consuming.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 9:57 PM on April 12, 2020

Podcasts/books for men about healing from heartbreak after being dumped?
Does it have to be non-fiction? Movies like 500 Days of Summer, High Fidelity, or Forgetting Sarah Marshall might speak to you more than any self help stuff. Then there are movies like Lost in Translation and Before Sunset that aren't exactly about getting over breakups, but are about knowing something can't last and accepting it for what it is.

Never underestimate the power of fiction when you encounter it at just the right moment. I'd recommend a book or two, but none… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 9:43 PM on April 7, 2020

Help me choke down this protein powder
I'd just make meal bars or balls with it. There are many, many recipes for different diet types out there. The general idea is you mix it with a variety of grains, seeds, peanut butter, dried fruits, etc. and then portion it out into snack size. Keep in your freezer and just grab one in the morning or as a snack.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 4:43 PM on March 30, 2020

Come over for game night… oh… wait…
Are you married to using physical pieces? If not you could use VASSAL. It is a free and open source game engine intended for playing board and card games over the Internet. It isn't the prettiest piece of software, but is well supported by the larger board gaming community and has modules for just about every game you can imagine. It has built in communication tools, but I normally use whatever group chat option everyone is most comfortable with. Here is the getting started guide and here is a… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 9:43 AM on March 18, 2020

Recommend Interesting Non-Improvised Podcasts
The Ongoing History of New Music is really good if you're interested in the... well, ongoing history of new music. It's honestly a bit better if you can catch it as an actual radio broadcast since then you get to hear the full piece of whatever music they play. Unfortunately for the podcast they only play 30 seconds or so of each track. It's still very good, though. Everything from following a musicians career, to digging into production history, to shining a spotlight on musicians that learned… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 12:26 PM on February 19, 2020

Trying to get over astrology trauma
Since you can't unring this particular bell you are left with a few options:

1) If the reading is correct then you have some forewarning. Perhaps you can spend part of this year preparing for things. Use this as an excuse to do some things that, even if calamity doesn't strike, will aid you in the longterm. Some things might be putting money aside in a savings account for a rainy day, making sure that you have a will and other legal matters organized, returning any… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 7:27 PM on January 29, 2020

Need resources on using cannabis for chemotherapy nausea
Ideally your mother should ask her care provider for advice or look for a group/organization near you that specializes in medical cannabis. I am not a doctor and can't give you medical advice, but here are some resources that might help.

For resources I suggest that these two Leafly articles might answer some of your questions.

The BC Cancer Society also has a fact sheet that gives some pretty straight answers to common questions.… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 9:34 PM on January 21, 2020

Lay me down to sleep... and pins & needles?
Have you tried putting a pillow between your knees while you side sleep? That is a common trick to alleviate pain due to hip/spine alignment problems when side sleeping. If you really are compressing a nerve or something while on your side it might help with that. There are special pillows to make this more comfortable, but a small throw pillow ought to be enough to do it.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 8:41 AM on January 7, 2020

Non-screen ways to help me get better at solving puzzles?
Try puzzle books. These days they are mostly done via kickstarter these days as limited print runs. The most rcent that comes to mind is 404. These kinds of books have been made for decades, though. Some famous ones are Maze and The Clock Without a Face.

The Mysterious Package Company also has a line of detective experiences called Post Mortem. The way it works is they send you case notes, evidence, and such for a case. You read through everything and try to solve the… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 1:48 PM on December 21, 2019

ISO feel good, mushy, safe-feeling books and movies
Tampopo. It is a cute story about a truck driver falling in love with a widow (and helping her save her restaurant) intercut with vignettes exploring all of the different ways that humans interact with food. It is at times hilariously uncomfortable (several scenes feature a couple exploring the eroticism of food), but I'd say it is overall poignant, funny, and heartwarming.

One content warning: this is a Japanese film and it does feature turtle and prawns killed on… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 3:02 PM on December 19, 2019

[NSFW Filter] Guilt over faking an orgasm... I think I might be asexual.
'nthing anxiety rather than asexuality. It sounds to me like you experience sexual attraction and desire, but are having problems reaching orgasm with a partner. This is not unusual at all, even if it is something people don't talk about (especially men). Maybe you are some flavour of gray asexual, but I don't really get that read and think you should spend more time exploring your arousal and sexuality before making that conclusion.

Difficulty reaching climax is similar… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 10:50 PM on December 10, 2019

How do I help my sister with deep, lifelong depression?
The hardest part about loving someone with long term or intractable depression is learning to step back. There are no magic words that will make them not depressed. There is no guaranteed treatment (but surely this next thing.) and sometimes the best anyone can do is manage it. It sucks, but that's the way it is.

Assumptions I've made:

1. Your sister has a therapist.
2. Your sister's therapist has helped her establish some healthy… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 5:12 PM on December 9, 2019

Steam games off external hard drive on Surface Pro 6
Seconding Aleyn. This will work, but do make sure you have a good quality external using the fastest possible USB port you've got or your loading times will be terrible.

Not what you asked for at all, but lately I've been directing people to try Geforce Now. It doesn't look like any of the games you want to play are supported, though.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 7:35 PM on November 28, 2019

Mustache Pageant Colour Commentary
What kind of mustaches do Bob, John, and Jim have? I feel like this is where you would make a light joke about the their 'stache. Something like, "Here come's Bob riding in with both hands on his handlebar!" Insert appropriate lighthearted introduction depending on type of mustache.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 3:51 PM on November 27, 2019

Thing that goes thump in the night?
Could it be related to heating? E.g. you/wife adjust thermostat before bed and you're hearing furnace/boiler/whatever changing state. Heating systems can make all kinds of weird noises.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 8:57 AM on November 27, 2019

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