Activity from forbiddencabinet

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Really really long audio recs needed with no sexual violence content
If you are inclined towards Science Fiction/Fantasy then you might find the Sexual Violence in SFF database useful. Here is the google spreadsheet. The database is crowdsourced from the /r/Fantasy community on Reddit, which is a surprisingly wholesome community for such a large subreddit.

The database is far from complete, but you can filter the list to only show works with "none" and it even includes things like questionable consent and non-physical harassment.… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 12:18 PM on November 10, 2019

Vegetarian dinner ideas for large groups, with some extra constraints
Taco potlucks are the go-to thing in my friend group because it is very easy to accommodate all dietary restrictions, inexpensive in both time and money for people to contribute, and a very fun and social thing to build and share them together. Even if you don't potluck you can easily prepare a taco station. There are all kinds of options for fillings and because people construct them themselves everyone is safe so long as you clearly label everything. Pulled jackfruit, shredded tofu, and even… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 12:14 PM on November 3, 2019

Do you have tiny wonders? I need 20 of them.
Seeds, hatched bird eggs, or shells.

The softest thing you can find.


A chemical reaction of some kind. Everyone knows baking soda + vinegar, but I'll bet a lot of your 30+ adults haven't seen a calcium gluconate snake.

Miracle fruit tabs. Include instructions and maybe a sour candy or something.

Unusually flavoured things. There are all kinds of strange candy… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 7:17 PM on November 2, 2019

Why can’t guys admit that they like me? Are they embarrassed by me?
First, it sounds like these men have been jerks and they are definitely not worth wasting mental energy over. I'm sure there is nothing wrong with you and, frankly, if I met an introverted person in their thirties that told me their metafilter handle was "Kobayashi Maru" I'd be well on my way to developing a crush because I am an introverted nerd whose idea of a great date involves people-watching while pretending to be on an away mission.

I'd guess that maybe… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 10:21 PM on October 31, 2019

Where the Wild Songs Are
Polysics - Kaja Kaja Goo
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 8:21 AM on October 17, 2019

Best games with that gotta-catch-em-all vibe
There are a fair number of Pokemon-inspired iOS games. You'll probably have to try a fair number to find one that you like, but I'm sure at least one will scratch the itch for you. I liked Dragon Island Blue and Neomon.

For the computer you might consider looking into the wonderful world of fan-made Pokemon games. For example, Pokemon Omicron/Zeta.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 3:39 PM on October 11, 2019

A Halloween Party with kids
My family did this all the time. Both adults and kids love novelty themed foods and drinks. Eat The Dead is a cooking blog with all kinds of recipes that will be full of things adults won't have seen before. Not just the bog standard witch fingers, eyeball punch, etc. Kids will like it all.

You'll need some activities to keep the kids busy while adults chat and get their own hijinks in on-the-sly. Some activities, like dunking for apples will be enjoyed by adults and… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 10:38 PM on September 11, 2019 marked best answer

Book 'em.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 3:48 PM on September 5, 2019

Famous women you learned to like... after recognizing societal misogyny
How about Kristen Stewart? Popularly panned for her role in the Twilight films, but she is a damn fine actor if you see her in just about anything else she has been in. Watch Personal Shopper or Clouds of Sils Maria and then tell me that Kristen Stewart can't act.

Also, since I mentioned Twilight, there's also Stephanie Meyer. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I like Twilight (or any of Meyer's writing), but she's no worse than a million men out there writing horny… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 11:27 PM on September 3, 2019

Hope me RPG with my kid!
I'm a fan of Third Eye Games' PIP System for lightweight, RPGs for young tabletop gamers. There are tons of good adventure seeds to build into a quick 30 min adventure and the system is structured without getting in your way. It also doesn't have any system mastery elements (like D&D). The generic system is good if you're okay doing a little lifting, but if any of the standalone games using the system appeal to you or your daughter I would recommend you go with them. There are enough ideas… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 9:23 AM on August 29, 2019

Prejudicial food names?
Grilled bologna is has all kinds of names that fit this. Redneck Steak, Newfoundland Steak, Indian Steak, etc.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 3:43 PM on August 16, 2019

Help me find someone to solve my wifi issues who isn't from my provider
What you want is a Network Technician. You should be able to find one in your city by searching for something like "Home Networking Technician", "Home Automation Specialist", "Low Voltage and Networking Installation", and that sort of thing. You're probably looking at $100+/hour with a minimum.

I do not live in your city and I can't give you any good recommendations so you'll have to do your own research unless a mefite local to you chimes… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 12:17 PM on August 11, 2019

What is this noise I can make
Soft palate, maybe? I can make a kind of rumbling/croaky sound with mine if I keep my mouth closed. It feels kind of like air is moving between my nasal area and mouth and it vibrates something in the soft palate area during the process.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 10:48 PM on August 8, 2019

Music for a Paradise Garden
Personally, I'd go for ambient works. I am thinking of something like Mary Lattimore's Hundreds of Days. Beautiful, uplifting, easy to ignore in the background, while still being very rewarding to listen to. It doesn't really hit your indo-persian mark, though. Iran has an interesting electronic music scene complete with ambient musicians. I think Porya Hatami has the same kind of peaceful sound.

If you want something more classical then I suggest Hossein Alizadeh. One… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 12:12 PM on August 5, 2019

art that is funny, sad, knowing, and kind
A friend of mine makes very beautiful and humanist short stop-motion films. A lot of themes around death, change, and that sort of thing, but framed in a natural and positive way. Sad in a cathartic kind of way. They have a very whimsical style heavy on allegory, so ymmv based on how much you like that kind of thing. LGBTQ+ themes are also very common in their work.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 9:41 PM on July 26, 2019

Make my bag look awesome
I have enamel pins all over my bag. Same idea as patches, but you don't have to sew and you can switch it up as much as you like. You will want to use ones with a strong clamp or you might lose them from time to time.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 12:23 PM on July 18, 2019

Can I defeat automatic license plate readers?
Yes, they really do work. You don't even need the shield as there are clear coat spray treatments that also work. Another option is IR lights that shine around the plate and obscure it. You don't even really need a fancy countermeasure since some carefully painted on dark mud can be enough to make these systems fail at properly reading individual characters on the plate.

ALPR isn't that hard to defeat, but you run into other problems:

- It may… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 9:25 PM on July 13, 2019

Help me follow my Cannabliss...
Just to ask the obvious thing: have you tried contacting GTS Living Foods? They will know if it is available outside of the keg format (it might not be since it's listed as a seasonal specialty item) and they will also be able to point you at a distributor near you or has an online presence. In the best case scenario they might arrange something special for you.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 9:52 PM on July 10, 2019

So you agree? You think you're really pretty?
One of my partners has something that our circle of friends calls "resting friend face." It's not exactly a smile, but just something about the way they hold their face that makes people feel like they are instantly approachable. They attract people like a magnet. Barristas, clerks, bus drivers, or you name it will all try and strike up conversations or compliment them. It doesn't seem to matter what age, sexuality, politics, or gender they present.

I think… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 3:19 PM on July 9, 2019

Seeking songs that say times are hard but they will pass
Rhythm Composer by Villagers is about depression explicitly, but I feel like it's what you're looking for.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 10:56 PM on July 4, 2019

Best places on the web for deep distraction
I really love watching aquarium update and aquascaping videos. Good ones are very relaxing and enthralling. It's hard to explain. I know it sounds boring. Here's an example of update videos. For aquascaping specifically I recommend George Farmer. He endearingly rambles on and never has anything negative to say. He mostly just talks about plants that he likes and tries to explain what he's doing. It's kind of like watching Bob Ross paint, but planting things underwater instead. Here's a playlist… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 4:21 PM on June 24, 2019

What to play on a Switch
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 9:43 AM on June 18, 2019

give me the F O R B I D D E N K E Y S
A service where people mail in those old mystery keys that nobody remembers what they unlock. It then sells blind boxes of mystery keys to people.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 11:52 AM on June 5, 2019

Am I being a jerk to my local bike shop?
You could also pay your LBS to due a tune-up on the new (used) bike for you.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 12:13 PM on May 16, 2019

Are "man poops" a product of sexism?
Here is your TMI for the day:

I am male. I am healthy. I am very hairy and there is much hair between my cheeks. Poop must pass through my bushy butt forest. Sometimes cleaning up that hair can be tricky after a poop. I'm not even talking buttsplosion here, just your standard, mostly firm sausage poops. Shaving/waxing the butt crevasse is ill advised.

What I'm saying is everyone should install bidets and be rid of the tyranny that is toilet paper. Best thing I've ever done.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 4:16 PM on May 10, 2019

Will people think I'm a sketchy guy for visiting Thailand?
I'm going to go against what seems to be the prevailing opinion here. Some people are going to think this of you. I wouldn't let it bother you or stop you from doing something you want to do, though.

My father (sixties) regular goes to South East Asia. He loves traveling and if I ever mention to friends/acquaintances in passing that he is in Thailand, Vietnam, etc. the very first thing they ask me is if he is a sex tourist. Every. Single. Time. It doesn't matter which… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 4:56 PM on May 8, 2019

Please Help Me Find the Very Best Strange, Trippy Short Films and Videos
This is by no means exhaustive, but some short films off the top of my head that might work for you.

- Jan Švankmajer - Food
- Brothers Quay - Street of Crocodiles (this is actually 21 minutes so not quite in your requirements.)
- Bertrand Mandico - Living Still Life
- Matt Reynolds - Hot Dog Hands
- Don Hertzfeldt - World of Tomorrow
- Robert Morgan - Bobby Yeah

These ones might not… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 4:46 PM on May 6, 2019

Do I go into debt and buy a car for a CHANCE at peace?
I have lived this. I work in the senior and memory care industry. I am attending a charity event for the Alzheimer's Society of Canada this very weekend. I have so much empathy for you and your family and for the incredibly difficult period that sounds like is just around the corner. Trust me when I say that you need to start setting boundaries now. You need to come up with a plan with your siblings so that you can be united as your mother declines.

There is nothing… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 1:03 PM on May 3, 2019

Concepts that are blue
The police as in "The Thin Blue Line" or "The Boys in Blue."

In video game visual language the color blue is shorthand for "mana" or magic. That's why mana potions are almost always blue, same for mana bars.

In Victoria floriography (i.e. sending messages with flowers) blue flowers were a symbol for secrecy, mystery, intrigue, etc.

Blue in films is often used to show that it is night… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 6:09 PM on April 29, 2019 marked best answer

Step away from my job!
So, firstly, I don't think it is childish to feel some level of anxiety or even to feel threatened by your partner moving into your field. For one, you could potentially be in competition with your partner for work and that could lead to all kinds of relationship friction and perhaps more so in Tech where women often have to work twice as hard just to be taken seriously. For another, people often like doing something different from their partners since it means you are doing something different… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 10:36 AM on March 21, 2019

List of artists with "broken" minds?
Louis Wain is the most famous example I can think of.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 6:42 PM on February 9, 2019

ideas for low-stress standing social events
Role playing games? They're very social, require no skill, can be played anywhere that has a table (or even just a reasonably flat surface), and have a buy-in price that starts at free. My suggestion would be to play ones like Fiasco or any of the Powered by the Apocalypse games since you can go from "never played before in my life" to "rollicking good time" in about 10 minutes, but there are a million other options out there that cater to all types of people. For example,… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 6:37 PM on February 9, 2019

Good news aggregator? ?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 2:58 PM on January 29, 2019 marked best answer

Equivalent to eggs and toast in other cultures?
I'm assuming you've ruled out other "on toast" options like beans on toast and avocado on toast? Beans on toast is probably the most UK lazy breakfast imaginable so it even counts as another culture.

Toast aside, the first thing I thought of was shakshouka. You can make it pretty quickly as long as you don't get fancy, though I think it's faster/easier if you partially make it ahead of time. I find the sauce keeps fine for three of four days in the fridge, so I… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 6:02 PM on January 28, 2019

Help Me Experience Showering Bliss
You should be able to change out the hose/shower head to a different style. For example, something like this Grohe showerhead. Note that link is for the entire shower system, including the bar. You can buy just the head/hose for around $100. I couldn't find it on their website, but you can also get a different style shower bar like this one. See how it is a different style bar that includes a rainshower and a hose, but still has a lower connection point for the water source?… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 4:14 PM on January 23, 2019

Looking for COMPLETED awesome sci-fi TV shows
Have you watched Star Trek TNG or DS9 yet?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 11:55 AM on January 7, 2019

Hot sleepers,give me your mattress recomendations
I am the hottest sleeper that ever did sleep. We're talking open window, no blanket in the middle of winter hot. Casper and similar companies will try and sell you on their fancy new-fangled foam and gel products that wick away heat. They might be cooler than memory foam, but in my experience Caspar still sleeps like a muggy, sweaty nightmare for me.

Springs are what you want. No matter how fancy the foam is at the end of the day it is an insulating layer. If you want… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 11:45 AM on January 4, 2019 marked best answer

prog beyond Tom Sawyer
Are you specifically interested in '70s era prog? If so Rush isn't a bad choice. They're one of the big names along with the likes of King Crimson, Yes, Genesis, Jethro Tull, Pink Floyd, and so on.

If you are more interested in hearing modern prog music then I'd point you at Steven Wilson/Porcupine Tree as a good entry point.

Where you should really be looking is Prog Archives. It is the definitive resource for prog rock enthusiasts. The site… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 3:08 PM on December 12, 2018

Insert poker pun here
I am a poly het male whose primary partner is a poly bi ace female. Just to give some context to my answers.

> Do I have a requirement to disclose this on, like, first dates with potential partners? I want to tell these people, but how?

Not necessarily. think a lot of this depends on how you are dating. Online? Yes, absolutely it should be right there in your profile. Offline you really need to account for what your potential partner is… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 8:54 PM on December 11, 2018

Movies that take place in one night
Coherence is about a group of friends dealing with weird events following a comet sighting. It takes place over one night. I'd say more, but this is a movie where spoilers really do hurt the experience.

The Invitation features friends (some estranged) meeting for a dinner party. Over the course of the night we learn more about their relationships/history and there is a growing tension and sense that something is wrong.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 9:50 AM on November 29, 2018

Alexa, play something we all won't be bored with
I don't know if you can do it with Alexa directly, but in my experience the best kind of playlist for a diverse group like that is one of multi-decade top 10s. Like you get a playlist that has everything that hit the top 10 billboard from 1960 to 2018 and then you shuffle that beast.

Playlists like that exist on Spotify so if you have at least one family member that subscribes to Spotify you could use something like this playlist: https://open.spotify.… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 4:24 PM on November 23, 2018

I could have sworn this required opposable thumbs
Maybe something to deter Allan from jumping onto the counter in the first place? Back when I had a cat we were able to train it to stay off the counters by using aluminum foil and tape. It looked really dumb for a few weeks, but once the cat learned what happened when it tried to get onto the counter it eventually stopped trying.

You could also go with the Nuclear option: change the faucet/tap to a different kind.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 4:17 PM on November 23, 2018

Feminist adventure and action movies
* Fury Road
* Hanna (2011)
* Set It Off
* Brave (I think? Can't really remember the details of that one.)
* Widows (2018) It just came out and it's kind of like Ocean's 8.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 5:00 PM on November 19, 2018

I hate the new Gmail
I also don't like the new gmail, but I exclusively use my phone for emails these days. You could probably open an account with just about any webmail provider and forward your emails from gmail to there. That'd be more trouble than it is worth to me and I'd be more inclined to use a desktop app or ditch gmail entirely, but ymmv.

After trying dozens of email applications for android my recommendation is Edison Email. It does have a smart reply feature, but you can turn it off in the settings.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 10:01 AM on November 19, 2018

How to create a (murder?) mystery diorama
I don't know of something exactly like what you want, but I think those murder mystery themed word puzzles/riddles would be a good place to start. Remember those? You'd find them in sets of Mind Trap and that sort of thing. You would need to represent all of the clues given in the riddle in the diorama and I am sure there are many that would work.

Something like:

Two women ate dinner together and both ordered iced tea to… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 10:56 AM on November 14, 2018

How to be a modern stoner
I'm late to the party, but I'll throw in my advice.

You should absolutely should get a grinder. You want one with a kief catcher on it. Honestly, you'll probably have several after a while since they are often given away as freebies with vaporizer and such. As for gear cliche's, as long as you stay away from rasta symbols and leaf logos on things nobody will mistake you for a stoner-bro.

I'd advise against getting a Pax3. I know they are cool,… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 3:59 PM on November 7, 2018

Spooky spooky tunes, where are you?
*Cracks fingers.*

Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble does a kind of breakbeat/triphop/nujazz hybrid inspired by classic horror movies. They also have a side project called the Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation which leans more jazzy.

Speaking of jazz, there is also Bohren & Der Club of Gore. They've been making music since the '90s, but if you haven't encountered them before they make jazz inspired by black metal. Very ponderous and moody stuff.… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 2:49 PM on October 16, 2018

Looking for ANYTHING like Mandy
The Void might be your thing. Synth music, homage to occult and cosmic horror with some great practical effects. I do feel like it spends a little too much time ticking off boxes for genre fans, but there is more to like than dislike. Give it a try.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 4:17 PM on October 3, 2018 marked best answer

Love is like oxygen. Silent, silent oxygen.
As a snorer whose previous marriage was strained partially due to my snoring (and other things not relevant here) let me chime in.

1. It is important that you let him know. Be up front, but be kind. Definitely don't wait until you are exhausted from not getting enough sleep. Your boyfriend probably already knows he snores (surely someone has told him before) and either doesn't know it bothers you or doesn't realize how bad it is. If he is a good human he will listen to… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 9:49 AM on October 2, 2018

Do I need a lawyer to file for a simple divorce in Toronto (Sept 2018)?
I divorced in Canada (BC) a few years ago and would not recommend skipping the lawyer. My divorce was also uncontested and not messy, but the lawyer thought of things that I would not have thought to cover. We could have divorced using a notary and the [BC Family Law guide]((, but I am certain that I would have been kicking myself now had I done so.

The lawyer was incredibly helpful in dealing with the splitting of assets and… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by forbiddencabinet at 8:05 PM on September 26, 2018

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