Activity from Rhaomi

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Songs where the lyrics consist mostly of a long list of objects!
"That Funny Feeling" is mostly this.
The surgeon generals' pop-up shop, Robert Iger's face
Discount Etsy agitprop, Bugles' take on race
Female Colonel Sanders, easy answers, civil war
The whole world at your fingertips, the ocean at your door
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 9:29 PM on December 4, 2021

Mystery: What is this eerie, looping video of a man walking?
RTS has an audio podcast called Inédit about concerts, FWIW.

Maybe try contacting them? I sent them a tweet about it, will update if I get a response.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 10:03 PM on November 30, 2021
Got a reply! Google Translate:

Hello, thank you for your question. The looping sequence in the YouTube video of your post is the 36th minute of episode 4 of season 1 of 'The Twelve,' which we aired the night of November 5-6 at 12:35 am on RTS2.

In our recordings of the November 6 broadcast between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. on RTS2, we… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 7:20 AM on December 1, 2021 marked best answer

What’s fun when you’re 12 and into Japanese / Greek / Roman history?
Amazon hosts a platform for live virtual tours by local tour guides; there are a bunch available for Rome and other Italian sites. They're 50% off right now, and you can buy a gift card version so they can choose their own.

Seconding Gonick's "Cartoon History" books.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 9:18 PM on November 28, 2021

Ding Dong, the witch will be dead in 34 years, 3 months and 2 days
It was Where Are You In The Movie, posted on MeFi back in 2009. The page is dead, unfortunately, and doesn't seem to survive in usable form on There may be a way to reconstruct it from what was saved, but the lack of Flash player support in current browsers is an obstacle. Or maybe contact the developer to see if they're interested in reviving it?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 8:07 PM on November 20, 2021 marked best answer
Looked at this again and can't believe I missed it -- the site was originally a MeFi Project and the creator condour75 is still active here if you want to message him about it!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 9:50 AM on November 21, 2021 marked best answer

How do you pronounce "sentient"?
So this is fun: I probably learned this word as a kid from reading sci-fi, but the first time I can remember hearing it was from it's usage in the first Halo (which just turned 20 a few days ago!). Sen-tee-ent.

But then why is Cortana (voiced by American actor Jen Taylor) using the British pronunciation? Turns out her character was originally written with a British accent... which helps explain her use of "sod off" in the same scene.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 8:16 PM on November 18, 2021

Renaming folders in Windows
Also, Windows will understand the change automatically, but you'll have to manually update any programs that point to that location, such as a preset save folder.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 3:17 AM on November 18, 2021 marked best answer

Who is the Velvet Underground of today?
I was going to link to Pitchfork's recent reader poll of the 200 best albums of the last 25 years, but I accidentally came across their previous poll from 2011 first (covering the last 15 years that time). Then I realized comparing the two would be a great way to find which albums have had the most staying power.

I dropped both lists into a spreadsheet, cleaned them up, and sorted them alphabetically. Then I eliminated the ones that appeared only on the 2021 list (too… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 12:00 PM on October 24, 2021

Poems about makers
The Creation, James Weldon Johnson
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 11:20 PM on October 23, 2021

Is there help for my old iPhone?
One thing I noticed was killing my 6S battery was being in areas with weak cell service. The phone struggles to maintain that connection, regardless of whatever other apps or settings you run or if the phone is even being actively used. Switching to WiFi and putting the phone in airplane mode in places where this happened often fixed that problem.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 10:33 PM on September 23, 2021

What's stopping us from grabbing 16 Psyche?
All the articles valuing it at a zillion skillion dollars are just clickbait.

Gold and other precious metals are valuable largely because of their rarity. They do have industrial and practical applications, but the constrained supply is what makes them worth so much. If you towed a solid gold asteroid the size of Texas into orbit and started bringing great chunks back to Earth, its commodity value would instantly collapse because its arrival would make gold about as commonplace as dirt.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 10:16 PM on September 21, 2021

What happened to A.V. Club's A.V. Undercover series?
In case you missed it, this article from July points to a YouTube channel ("Alvin Untercover", lol) that has "almost all of them, several hundred worth, in hi-def".

As for the missing ones, note that some (though by no means all) of them may be preserved and watchable via The first one I pulled from your link (Julien Baker covers Death Cab For Cutie’s “Photobooth”) is available here, for example. If you can find a list of… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 7:28 PM on September 16, 2021 marked best answer

Examples of websites with simple, minimalist design?
Drudge Report
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 11:57 AM on August 14, 2021

How do I get all the websites from a stumbledUpon-like site?
Have you tried contacting them? Seems like a small operation.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 8:18 PM on June 8, 2021

Hearing someone asking for a trope name and then realizing it's me
I doubt there's an"official" name for something this specific, but going by TVTrooes it's similar to a Post Wake-Up Realization crossed with a (very mild) Tomato in the Mirror.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 9:11 AM on June 7, 2021 marked best answer

Which Roman Republic Figure Was Trump...Roundup?
I'd say Commodus if you had to pick an emperor, but our historical moment feels closer to the late Republic than the Empire. In that vein, the most Trump-esque figure was arguably Clodius Pulcher: Meet the Trump of Ancient Rome, a Populist Demagogue Who Helped Bring Down the Republic. His disruption of elections using violent mobs is instructive.

You could also make an argument for disgraced nobleman Catiline who mounted a failed coup, or the plutocratic Crassus.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 11:12 PM on May 25, 2021
El_Marto: "I would like to advance that one (or both) of the Gracchi Brothers might be an answer."

They were essentially left-populists, though, wanting to redistribute wealth from the aristocracy to benefit the urban poor, expand public welfare, and grant voting rights to people outside of Rome. It's an imperfect metaphor, but I'd liken them to a more radical John and Robert Kennedy -- wealthy political scions with military records who… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 10:39 AM on May 26, 2021

Maybe its better if they kept their mask on... movie edition
The Mummy (1999)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 4:22 PM on May 21, 2021

Interesting ways to enjoy music
Call it a remnant of messing with the settings on my parent's record player when I was a kid, but I often like to drop the MP3 of a song I love into Audacity and play it double-speed just to hear the over-arching rhythms in a different way. I also used to apply a center pan/vocal removal filter to hear a more instrumental version, but found the new AI-powered tool Spleeter is much better for that. You can separate out up to five elements -- vocal, bass, drums, piano, and "other" -- and… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 12:14 PM on May 21, 2021

Legend of Zelda BOTW is amazing. What else?
YouTuber videogamedunkey's reviews on Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey were what convinced me to buy a Switch. If the (pretty freeform) BotW video rings true in terms of what you enjoyed, see if the more structured Odyssey review gets you similarly jazzed to play it. I 100%-ed it and it was excellent.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 1:06 PM on May 13, 2021

Words coined to be opposites of existing words
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 12:09 AM on May 13, 2021 marked best answer

Moar books please
Ted Chiang's short stories are exactly this. What if God and angels were scientific fact, or Biblical cosmology was literally true? What if a brilliant mathematician disproved math? What if we could remember everything? His stories appear in a number of places, but the best collections are Stories of Your Life and Others and Exhalation: Stories.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 6:06 PM on May 11, 2021

Songs that are about a song of the same name
Three Dog Night - Old Fashioned Love Song
Just an old-fashioned love song playin' on the radio
And wrapped around the music is the sound
Of someone promising they'll never go
You swear you've heard it before
As it slowly rambles on and on
No need in bringin' `em back,
`Cause they're never really gone

Just an old-fashioned love song
One I'm sure they wrote for you and me
Just an old-fashioned love song
Comin' down in 3-part harmony
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 12:19 PM on April 19, 2021

Did I screw up my Covid vaccination by taking Advil a few days later?
IIRC, they only recommend against taking it *before* the dose so the meds don't temporarily cover up an adverse reaction.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 6:12 PM on April 9, 2021 marked best answer

this tiktok but MORE
The first ~4 minutes of this sequence from The Fountain (spoilers)

From the other end of the spectrum: dying
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 3:40 PM on April 6, 2021

Talk me down, please - vaccine anxiety
I was kind of skeptical of the "you'll be fiiiine" responses here until I re-read your question and realized the saline shots were given out by a different pharmacy in a different town. If it had been the one you went to I'd be on the horn raising hell and trying to find out for certain whether or not my dose had been screwed up, but the odds of this very unusual mix-up happening at two different locations in the same area (without being noticed at one of them) is… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 6:07 PM on March 18, 2021

My friends lied and got the covid vaccine. How bogus is their excuse?
I wouldn't end a friendship over this, but that's because I'm in bizarro-NY where it seems like everyone around me is smugly *refusing * to get the vaccine or even mask up properly, so somebody doing something unethical to get the shot would be a refreshing change of pace.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 11:36 AM on March 14, 2021

Who/what is persistent, dedicated, and methodical in pursuit of a goal?
TVTropes: The Determinator

A character — good or evil, male or female, young or old — who never gives up. Ever. No matter what.

There is no stopping the Determinator. They do not understand tact. They do not Know When to Fold 'Em, and it's a waste of time to tell them the odds. No one can reason with them. They'll do whatever they have to without question. No price is too great to pay for success, up to and including their own life. Do not expect… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 6:57 PM on March 10, 2021

Seeking songs with a "reveal"
Radiohead does big mood/tonal shifts a lot in their studio albums (see e.g. the way "All I Need" blooms @2:45), but my favorite is from a B-side, specifically how "The Daily Mail" abruptly morphs from a gorgeously sad piano ballad to an explosive big band number about 2/3rds of the way through.

Also, I love how the Alabama Shakes "Gimme All Your Love" effortlessly switches back and forth from delicate love song to an almost villainous hysteria.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 3:47 PM on March 10, 2021

How long will the British Royal Family continue?
Wikipedia has a nice article on abolished monarchies, if you'd like some case studies of the times this has already happened.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 8:35 PM on March 7, 2021

Why the blur on the arch?
Maybe try contacting somebody in the Parks Department? This page on the park and the arch recommends calling "Art & Antiquities" at (212) 360-8163 for more info. You can also email a question to the commissioner's office here.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 4:39 PM on March 2, 2021

Searching for (and accessing) clips from old talk shows & news programs
Imperfect, but has a dedicated page for searching TV captions (and playing matching clips). It's news-heavy but has a lot of interviews.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 12:27 PM on February 17, 2021

Movie scenes where the characters are as freaked out as you would be?
The intro scene from 28 Weeks Later, which subverts the expected self-sacrificing heroics for cowardly, fleeing panic

Noomi Rapace's desperately pleading delivery of "there won't be any home to go back to" in Prometheus has stuck with me since the trailer

A lot of the scenes from War of the Worlds had a very raw, traumatic, post-9/11 kind of feel

And for my money one of the most powerful scenes in modern film… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 3:52 PM on February 12, 2021

Do Latinxes say "Latinx"?
Pew Research, 2020: About One-in-Four U.S. Hispanics Have Heard of Latinx, but Just 3% Use It

More anecdotally, Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ-07) is decidedly not a fan, saying it makes it harder to authentically communicate with Hispanic voters who overwhelmingly don't identify with the term.

Personally (as someone with Spanish-speaking family who retains enough to be dangerous), I think it's much better to use the popular Argentinian method of… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 8:02 PM on February 11, 2021 marked best answer
(Consider also, from an accessibility POV, that most screen readers for the visually impaired will choke on "Latinxs" and other -x/@ forms far more often than the -e form.)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 8:24 PM on February 11, 2021

Help me write a sentence in Spanish that is wrong in this precise way
If using outside resources is OK, I recommend they use WordReference. It's a free multilingual dictionary search, with especially good support for breaking a common word into particular shades of meaning, including a follow-up section full of idioms that use that word. It also as an appendix linking to threads from the associated forum that mention the word, so people can review related discussion of particularly tough cases.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 8:45 PM on February 10, 2021

Which '90s kids cartoons had the most sophisticated writing?
Hey Arnold. It had a lot of silly or fantastical episodes, but also took some unflinching looks at urban poverty, mental illness, and dysfunction. Just off the top of my head: Mr. Hyunh's daughter, Pigeon Man, Stoop Kid, Helga's parents.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 7:33 PM on February 2, 2021

More music like this?
Eagles - Journey of the Sorceror

Diego Stocco's "bassoforte" demo

Parts of the Bastion soundtrack are a lot like this; here's the theme (From Wharf to Wilds) as a sample.

You might also like Chris Thile's mandolin work, especially his covers of modern songs. For ex, here's his band Punch Brothers covering Radiohead - 2+2=5
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 3:28 PM on January 31, 2021

Not enough income for Obamacare?
teremala: "In case this framing helps: itself asks for your best estimate of what 2021's income will be, not what you made in 2020."

Yeah, AFAIK you're eligible for a 2021 marketplace plan and subsidies based on your estimated income for 2021. You can base that estimate on your most recent tax returns if your income is roughly consistent, but that's not required. As far as subsidies go, if your income estimate is too high then… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 8:07 PM on January 1, 2021
FYI, President Biden will be opening a new ACA enrollment window for uninsured people from February 15th to May 15th!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 2:44 PM on January 28, 2021

Cute and warm and distracting
The food of Studio Ghibli
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 2:32 PM on January 24, 2021

Zenni anti-reflective coatings
FWIW, I opted for the superduperultramegawhatever anti-smudge coating with Zenni once and they seemed just as smudge-prone as they'd ever been. YMMV. (I did keep the standard anti-reflective coating, though).
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 7:48 PM on January 12, 2021

How socialist would America be if...
You'll need to clarify some. The national vote for president? Then there'd be about 51 Dems and 47 GOP, with two independents. If you mean the national Senate vote, the Republicans actually won that nationally by about 51%-48% in November, albeit only in the 35 seats that were up for election this year. Doing some back-of-the-napkin math based on the national Senate vote in the last three elections, Dems would have roughly 53 senators total.

The bigger question is how… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 10:33 PM on January 10, 2021

Maybe this belongs lost to history.
I googled "mario fights kkk game", and apart from some too-recent parodies I did find one possibility: a 1997 romhack called "Super KKK Bros." Warning: it's *extremely* racist, in a "13-year-old edgelord who just discovered swastikas and the n-word" sort of way. That being said, here's a video and a satirical review.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 3:16 PM on January 3, 2021

The extremely far future of journalism
Far future space opera setting means worlds are further apart, with both travel and communication more tenuous than at any time since the Age of Exploration. Somebody needs to have boots on the ground (or in space) to tell The Folks Back Home just what exactly is going on in Andromeda or the Oort Cloud or whatever. I agree the nature of the business might need to change -- maybe they're working for the Space Government, or on retainer for a trillionaire -- but the need for reliable information… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 5:48 PM on December 30, 2020 marked best answer

Conspiracy theories: liberal edition
There were some pretty out-there ideas about the Mueller investigation, like the baseless claims pushed by Louise Mensche and Claude Taylor

The idea that the 2016 primary was rigged/stolen from Sanders

Often distrust of big pharma tips over into condemning modern medicine in general, hence stuff like anti-vax, homeopathy, and Goop
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 3:25 PM on December 29, 2020

onomatopoeia but for meaning
TVTropes has a whole category of self-demonstrating articles.

In your case, though, I'd just call these people "hypocritical."
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 10:45 AM on December 28, 2020

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