Activity from Rhaomi

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Japanese language crochet pattern—can someone translate a phrase or two?
Using Google Translate + dictionary:

First one:


中長編み = half double crochet
2目 = 2-stitch
の = 's
変わり = change
玉編み目 = ball stitch

So HDC 2-stitch changes to a ball stitch?

Second part:


1段 = 1-stitch
1模様 = 1-pattern

Hopefully that helps until somebody fluent stops by.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 11:27 AM on March 29, 2020

Library/Book pun needed!
Time Enough at Last
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 8:10 PM on March 27, 2020

I like my sci fi like I like my
Blindsight for sure -- you can read it free online!

Watts is a PhD (marine biology) and it shows. The central story is about first contact with a truly alien species in a frighteningly plausible way, and it's adorned with scads of cutting-edge technologies and mental theories described in a lucid and compelling, almost cinematic narrative style. He even concocted a "vampiric" subspecies of humanity for the story so well-constructed that he… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 3:48 PM on March 27, 2020

Google image search is showing child abuse material under related images
If it was a standard Google search, there should be a "Send feedback" link at the bottom of the page that lets you submit a complaint and even include a highlighted screenshot of the results page.

edit: This feedback link is also on the Google Images homepage, but disappears when you actually do a search. If you're willing, I'd try doing a regular search of the phrase from the main Google homepage -- then if the suggestions/images show up… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 6:43 PM on March 24, 2020 marked best answer

Expand my repertoire - emergency landing entertainment for toddlers
praemunire: "I'd vet it in advance but they made a movie about Sullenberger (starring Tom Hanks so probably not too unwholesome). You could just show him the bits recreating the Hudson landing."

Here are the key scenes:

Take-off, hitting the birds, and talking to air traffic control (the bird part is a little disturbing, there's a small firey explosion, and the ATC guy says "shit" at the very tail end of the… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 4:10 PM on March 23, 2020

How is this going to affect so many?
loveandhappiness: "My county in Florida has 12 confirmed cases."

The key word is "confirmed." Due to widespread lack of testing, there are likely many, MANY more cases circulating than the official numbers indicate. Ohio's Dr. Amy Acton estimated there may be up to 100,000 carrying the virus in her state alone.

The large-scale lockdowns are a last-ditch attempt to slam the brakes on this invisible spread… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 3:59 PM on March 22, 2020

Story about a carpet that comes to life
You might also like the Bradbury short story "The Veldt", about parents who lose their children to high-tech wallpaper that looks like an African savannah, and the early Stephen King short "Here There Be Tygers," about a boy whose fear of tigers comes to life one day at school.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 3:46 PM on March 22, 2020

Which candidate has the best chance of defeating Trump?
I'm a Warren voter who's long had Sanders as my #2, so Super Tuesday was dismaying for plenty of reasons, but what's really given me pause is the absolutely anemic showing from young voters. Youth turnout underperformed in many states, and even in California's early voting the under-30s only made up 9% of the total. Meanwhile, in the places where turnout surged -- like Virginia, which doubled 2016's primary vote -- Biden crushed Sanders by running up the score with older voters and… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 4:49 PM on March 4, 2020

SF story ending: old character recalling their life since the present
This isn't it, but your question reminded me of my favorite storyline from Warren Ellis's Transmetropolitan series, about the sad, lonely experience of a cryogenic "revival" in the far future: Another Cold Morning
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 3:39 PM on March 4, 2020

English as She is Spoke in a 100 years.
Here's an interesting exercise in constructing a "Futurese" conlang that's as different from modern English as modern English is from that circa 1000 AD, using academic linguistic principles as a guide. The final version is from around the year 3000, but it shows intermediate versions from 2100, 2400, and 2700.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 11:31 PM on March 3, 2020 marked best answer

Insurance not covering an annual check-up
telegraph, I got an emailed EOB notice from Blue Cross back on February 7th (only just now noticed it). Logging into their site shows the partially covered items as well as the $500 owed to the hospital, including the boilerplate "THIS IS NOT A BILL." Although, the uncovered charges are footnoted with "THE CLAIM WE RECEIVED DOES NOT INDICATE THIS SERVICE WAS PROVIDED FOR TREATMENT OF AN ILLNESS OR INJURY AND THEREFORE, WOULD NOT BE COVERED BY YOUR BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD PLAN.… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 6:43 PM on February 24, 2020
Yeah, I think bassooner may be right -- reexamining the summary of benefits, it lists "preventive care/screening/immunizations" as "no charge/no overall deductible", but adds a side note with a link to a separate document that says this only includes specific tests. And while x-rays and blood work are likewise "no charge/no overall deductible," it also has them in the category of "diagnostic tests", which I guess only applies to stuff done for cause. So… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 10:59 PM on February 24, 2020

Called BCBS and all they could say was it was probably a coding mistake and to have the doctor's office refile.

Called the doctor's office billing dept., relayed what BCBS said, and emailed them the EOB; they said they'd contact the hospital and get it straightened out. I mentioned my concern about collections and they said to call the hospital to let them know they were working on it.

Called the hospital billing… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 12:26 PM on February 25, 2020

Parody or satire books for an 11 year old
Parody is tough. My first thought was Bored of the Rings, but it may have aged poorly by now. And avoid Barry Trotter if you want something family friendly. I feel like most stuff in this genre will be sub-Mad Magazine level kitschy dreck, especially if aimed at kids.

In terms of satire, you can't go wrong with Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, or possibly Pratchett's Discworld series (with Colour… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 11:26 PM on February 20, 2020

How would you describe this art style?
I'm only familiar with Homestuck; while the others seen pretty disparate in style, they all seem to draw from the aesthetics of tween media from the early 2000s: MSPaint doodling, Flash animations from Newgrounds, point-and-click adventure games, Cartoon Network TV shows, Japanese visual novels. Younger millennials colorfully rebooting their own nostalgia about digital media for a Gen Z audience. If there's a catchy keyword describing all of that, I'm not sure what it is.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 12:06 PM on January 20, 2020

Is a YT series that starts "non-fictional" but becomes NOT old hat?
Marble Hornets is another more recent example -- started out like a student film project, morphed into Slenderman creepiness. Also I think there was a zombie apocalypse one 4-5 years ago, but that might not have been on YouTube proper.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 1:46 AM on January 14, 2020

No phone zone with emergency calls
I think you can also set Do Not Disturb to allow calls through on the second attempt. Just let your closest contacts know to try you twice in an emergency and you should be good.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 7:35 PM on December 30, 2019

Help me find a word/concept for my fantasy novel.
At least one of Ursula Le Guin's short stories describes an arrangement similar to this -- she calls them Hearths, along with words like flock, school, swarm, warren, and clan.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 2:46 AM on December 23, 2019

Help me find these glasses!
She's the VP of IKEA Sweden, and the top result for "swedish glasses" (actually located in Denmark) has the very similar-looking Trae+Buffalo Titanium frames for women. The finishes further down look somewhat different, but it seems like a pretty organic design so it's possible the texture varies (or maybe she paid for a bespoke job).
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 8:13 PM on December 18, 2019

Video Game Boss Music Playlist
Can't go wrong with the classic Pokemon Battle Theme (bonus: it never ends!)

VVVVVV had a fantastic chiptune soundtrack; the most bost-battly being Pushing Onwards. In a similar vein, Super Hexagon's thumping three-song soundtrack (8:32 total) is perfect for a game that's like one never-ending boss battle; my personal fave is Otis, but Focus is probably a better fit.

Seconding the Halo main theme, specifically the version from Halo 2 with Steve… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 8:56 PM on December 13, 2019 marked best answer

Creatures Made of Multiple Human Beings?
TVTropes: Body of Bodies

These monsters can be either made of various corpses "glued" together, or just being an amalgamation of random body parts disposed in a casual manner. Sometimes it can be the result of the villain or another creature absorbing his underlings or Devouring the Dragon in order to become much more powerful. Hence it can fit nicely for a One-Winged Angel. Unlike a Flesh Golem (which is likely started as a sort of homage to the Frankenstein… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 4:01 PM on December 3, 2019 marked best answer

how do I page down on my telephone's internet browser?
If you don't mind ditching Chrome, it looks like the Dolphin browser supports optional page up/down scrolling with the volume keys.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 9:54 PM on December 1, 2019

Winfinite Indow 818-555-0130
I imagine they're also plastered in ads if you don't have an adblocker running. Easy to generate a website with every possible number if you pair them with fake generated names.

On a more paranoid note, I've sometimes suspected these sites are owned by spammers so they can tell when a given number is searched during/after a call and flag it as belonging to a real person. Like clicking an unsubscribe link in a spam email.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 12:35 AM on November 25, 2019

What words do you repeatedly spell or speak out loud incorrectly?
I'm only typing "silhouette" correctly here because of my smart keyboard suggestion thingy. Ditto "hors d'oeuvres." Superfluous double letters suck (accommodate, embarrassment, millennium, etc.) And while I totally know how to spell "commercial", something about the mechanics of typing it always makes me want to write "commerical" instead.

Since technology has solved most of these for me, my worst remaining tic is using… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 10:17 PM on November 13, 2019

Purchasing new hard drive for an early 2000's computer
cosmicbandito is right; data recovery is your best bet here. I've had good experiences with Gillware -- they'll give you a free preview of the recovered files, and you only pay them if they find the data you need. Plus they have a blog post about successfully recovering data from a mid-90s hard drive, so they shouldn't have any trouble handling your disks.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 10:03 PM on November 13, 2019

Your best non-fiction books of the decade?
The Fifth Risk, Michael Lewis's portrait of the critically important, unsung career civil servants undergirding the US federal government and how they're faring under Trump's historic maladministration. Sounds topical, but it captures a disturbingly pervasive lack of long-term thinking that's much deeper than the current government, and will be reverberating through American life for decades to come. Quotes, previously.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 9:21 PM on November 8, 2019

Help me (a dumb dumb) understand the Roman Empire
If you don't want to plow quite as much time into it, TVTropes has some pretty decent high-level UsefulNotes on The Roman Republic and The Roman Empire written in the site's characteristic style.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 7:48 PM on October 21, 2019

Help me remember a word association game has a (broken) copy of the game. Also, the developer's site is down, but the Wayback mirror has a copy of his contact page if you want to try tracking him down.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 11:18 PM on October 15, 2019

"Neutronyms" for words referring to the past or future
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 8:50 PM on October 3, 2019

What am I concerned about?
I Google Image searched "i'm concerned buttons" and found a likely suspect from a 1973 newspaper article:

Area Institutions Plan Special Events To Observe National Hospital Week

"Your Hospital: A Caring Community --Your Health: Our Common Concern." With this thought as its theme, National Hospital Week will be observed today through Saturday by more than 7,000 hospitals across the United States. Some three-million people who… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 7:48 PM on October 3, 2019 marked best answer

More piano songs like this?
"On the Atchison, Topeka, and the Santa Fe"

Bonus: player piano!

Double bonus: it's about a train! (if they're into that)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 12:41 AM on September 26, 2019

Suggestions for art-house game trailers
I read your question and immediately thought of the trailer for Eskil Steenberg's abortive indie project Love, one of my all-time favorites. Not only does it still look gorgeous 10+ years after the fact, but it marries pitch-perfect music with careful visual storytelling to lay out the essence of the game -- mysterious world, magical user-driven construction, communal multiplayer -- in a really evocative way that leaves you yearning to learn more. It's a real shame Minecraft… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 1:08 AM on September 25, 2019

Name a scary sounding but harmless disease or condition
Subconjunctival hemorrhage - a burst blood vessel in the eye. Generally harmless, but definitely sounds (and looks!) scary.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 12:16 AM on September 5, 2019

That’s a fantastic film!
Maybe Sunshine (2007)? About a spaceship crew on a last desperate mission to reignite the dying Sun before all life goes extinct. It's beautifully shot, and blends traditional SF thrills with mysticism -- the Sun itself is an awe-inspiring, godlike presence that plays havoc with their psychology.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 12:11 PM on September 4, 2019

Songs That Use Religion As Metaphor for Love or Sex
TVTropes: Love is Like Religion
Love Is Like Religion is a trope commonly found in pop songs and other romantic works where religious imagery and terminology are used to talk about love as though it itself were a faith or as though the beloved were a celestial being.
Lots of musical examples inside.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 4:43 PM on September 1, 2019

What can we play now that we’ve finished Breath of the Wild?
Super Mario Odyssey? It has a small handful of "boss" fights, but they're pretty easy, and 99% of the game is exploring vibrant, exotic worlds and solving hundreds of inventive mini-puzzles. The mechanic that lets you take the form of other creatures (including their powers) adds a lot of fun, too.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 11:56 AM on August 31, 2019

Want More Music Feels
I’m not a huge fan of the original, but this “unplugged” 2017 rendition of “Take On Me” was quite striking. The silent audience reaction really makes it.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 12:52 AM on August 30, 2019

Massively multiplayer music
Kutiman's ThruYou is the solid gold standard here. Simply incredible audiovisual match ups of dozens of YouTube videos. He also did a follow-up and similar projects.

InBflat lets you make custom remixes of a bunch of people exploring the same soothing theme on a wide variety of instruments.

Dozens of people spread throughout an apartment building cover Arcade Fire's anthemic "Wake Up" in one take.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 12:42 PM on August 9, 2019 marked best answer
1,000 musicians gather in a stadium to cover Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name"
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 11:45 PM on August 18, 2019 marked best answer

What is this melody from?
It kinda sounds like "Banging on a Trash Can" from Doug, which could explain the hazy memory if he's remembering it from childhood.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 12:40 PM on August 11, 2019

Is there a phone game that approximates a social life?
Maybe find a Discord for something you're interested in? It's got customizable notifications, and supports voice chat if you find a group you really click with.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 7:09 PM on August 9, 2019

Inventions of the 21st century (not through computers or the internet)
Those "Boogie Board" e-paper tablets (no power or active electronics).

3D pens like the 3Doodler.

The "hoverboard" craze started in 2013.

Air fryers were invented in 2005.

EnChroma lenses for color blindness

The weighted therapy blanket was technically invented in 1999, but really took off among the general population in the last few years.

Maybe some Dyson products, like that bladeless fan?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 2:25 PM on August 7, 2019

examples of progressive victories or holding the line in swing states
While reading about the Nebraska state senator that called out the GOP's acquiescence to racism, I was shocked to learn that in the 2015 and 2016 sessions their legislature passed a number of progressive laws over the Republican governor's veto, which requires a 3/5ths supermajority. No idea what internal state politics drove those standoffs, but the laws passed include the repeal of the death penalty, granting commercial/professional/driver's licenses to DACA recipients,… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 1:18 AM on August 7, 2019 marked best answer

What else does to you what watching “The Barrel” does to you?
I'm not usually much for dance videos, but the FutureShorts piece "Maze" was pretty mesmerizing.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 2:25 PM on August 3, 2019

Absurdist re-imaginings of common software GUIs (Flash warning) is sort of half-serious, experimenting with movement-based navigation in a variety of contexts and penalizing you if you do click anything.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 9:35 PM on July 26, 2019

Is There a Word for this Type of Place?
spear closet

You might also be interested in the Backrooms meme from earlier this year.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 7:52 PM on July 24, 2019

Pining for Meander Where you May (NYT books forums)
OK, so the bad news is that the NYT forum's URL structure in the 00s was godawful and make it hard to trawl the Internet Archive -- I found a few archived pages, but the coverage isn't great. If you call up all archive results on the forum URL* and then filter by the forum code 264b5b, you get 18 pages, all from February 9th, 2002 (and one later scan that's just a redirect). The earliest messages reference some kind of forum reset in late 2001, but I don't think there… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 11:45 PM on July 11, 2019 marked best answer

Best ebook app reader for iOS 2019
According to this Wikipedia article, the app eBookMobi ($1.99) is the only iOS e-reader that can handle CBZs, PDFs, and MOBIs -- everything but DJVU files, actually. Also, KyBook 2 (free w/ $1.99 pro upgrade) supports all that plus multiple audiobook formats (no MOBI, though). I'm a Marvin user, myself, so I can't speak to the features of either, but those are your best bets in terms of format coverage, and the Wiki article has lots more comparison charts showing how they stack up against each… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Rhaomi at 2:29 AM on July 10, 2019

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