Activity from Gorgik

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Bo Burnham vs. Jeff Bezos - Video Essay
Thanks for posting this. It'll take me a while to finish this one, but I watched this essay about Miraculous, and it's really great. I like their style a lot.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 9:41 PM on August 20, 2021

An organizing motto for their grief
I can't read about conspiracy theories right now. Does the article move on from that after the section about his father?
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 3:46 PM on August 12, 2021

ASL WAP (sltwitterv)
Sorry, I'll ask the mods to add a possibly nsfw note
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 10:01 AM on August 4, 2021

Could I interest you in everything about "Inside"?
I love the special. This post is a perfect homage, given the care and obsession that it took to make it.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 3:13 PM on July 21, 2021

Attribution error
I've been thinking a lot about these issues lately, and I want to contribute more to this discussion later when I'm not at work. But for now, I think there are some parallels between this article and this previously, about the idea that some kinds of crimes are committed by monsters, rather than people that have been influenced/enabled through society and culture that perpetuates all kinds of harm.

It's not about forgiving/validating, it's about understanding and trying… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 12:23 PM on July 6, 2021
I've spent a lot of my (non-professional) adult life volunteering to support victims of gender-based violence (sexual assault, domestic violence). About 7 years ago I started working with a program for men, many of whom had committed crimes rooted in gender-based violence. And some who had been convicted of rape, and some DV.

Part of the goal of this program is to hold space for the men who come through, and meet them with compassion, as a model for what healthy… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 9:31 PM on July 6, 2021

Nikole Hannah-Jones and Ta-Nehisi Coates joining Howard University
“Many people, all with the best of intentions, have said that if I walk away from UNC, I will have let those who opposed me win. But I do not want to win someone else’s game. It is not my job to heal this university, to force the reforms necessary to ensure the Board of Trustees reflects the actual population of the school and the state, or to ensure that the university leadership lives up to the promises it made to reckon with its legacy of racism and injustice.… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 11:54 AM on July 6, 2021

Goonies never say die.
Whenever anyone says "Thank you" to me, I think "Don't thank me, we're all part of the same team"

Sometimes I actually say it, which usually end up confusing them.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 8:15 AM on July 6, 2021

Smac McCreanor vs Hydraulic Press
I'd seen one of her cat things (the first here) somewhere, but didn't realize it was a whole series. She's brilliant.

Thanks for posting, lots to check out.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 9:47 PM on June 16, 2021

Cameras ain’t what they used to be
That's a great article. I really like the writing style and humor:

All of this, what little of it there is, is likely riveting only if you’ve been steeped in the local history against your express consent.


[reporter] asked me to correct the record: “Often when we read about Rochester in the national media, it seems like the writer thinks … all we ever do is walk around and cry about how
… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 12:42 PM on June 16, 2021

Sticky Fingers
of the kind that severely damages careers in the civilized sports.

Oh, I'd like that kind of accountability everywhere, not just sports.

Thanks for that link, flabdablet!
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 7:01 AM on June 10, 2021

So cool, especially the part with the blue and white balls in the middle. I don't know anything about juggling, but for a lot of that it ended up feeling exactly like what cortex said, that the balls were just moving back and forth along a single line.

These two were also sweet: Then vs. now, and talking about juggling as a mechanism for coping with depression
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 7:21 PM on May 29, 2021

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Rests
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 8:31 PM on May 26, 2021

Racist. Sexist. Boy.
Oh man, I just started listening to them a few days ago. So great!
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 8:29 PM on May 20, 2021

Sleater Blue Filter
I'm here for the SK love. One More Hour, 1998. That smile that Tucker and Brownstein share (1:00) while singing a song about their break up. So great.

And in case anyone hasn't seen it, this is just a great concert from 2015.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 2:14 PM on May 13, 2021

The Girl in the Kent State Photo
Back in Kent, Ohio, local business owners ran an ad thanking the National Guard. Mail poured in to the mayor’s office, blaming “dirty hippies,” “longhairs” and “outside agitators” for the violence. Some Kent residents raised four fingers when they passed each other in the street, a silent signal that meant, “At least we got four of them.” Nixon issued a statement saying that the students’ actions had invited the tragedy. Privately, he called them “bums.” And a Gallup poll found that 58… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 11:36 AM on April 25, 2021

And his bio sounds like the worst dog in the world!
I sent this to a friend who wrote back "I know men that are gross and have no manners and still found a forever home so there's hope for Chowder"
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 9:35 AM on March 29, 2021

call me when you need
One of the recent YouTube comments is "This is so demonic. LORD FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEIR DOING."

I'm pretty sure he knows exactly what he's doing.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 9:36 AM on March 26, 2021

"If this is an obituary, I won't hear it and I won't respond to it."
A+++ for the title.


posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 1:28 PM on March 25, 2021

Part of this nutritious breakfast!
I love Grape Nuts. I remember being first upset, than in agreement with a comedian who said "let's call grape nuts what they are - un-flavored bacon bits".

He also said "shouldn't KY jelly really be called 'jam'?"
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 9:05 AM on March 25, 2021

"...not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends"
I did one of these over the summer. Hollaback is a great org, and has a bunch of good resources about a variety of things on their Website (I first heard about their anti-street harassment programs, mentioned in the post).
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 12:23 PM on March 21, 2021

Dick Hoyt, 1940-2021
I've read about the Hoyts on and off over the years, and I still can't wrap my head around the accomplishments they made and the willpower they both exhibited.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 9:33 AM on March 18, 2021

You'd have me down, down, down, down on my articulation points

They should have at least picked a Transformers appropriate song

I would recommend their performances of "The Touch" and "Dare" then! :-)

Or the Bandcamp link, which is the entire 1986 movie soundtrack
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 11:42 AM on March 16, 2021

On Looking Closely
This reminded me a little of Alexandra Horowitz's On Looking, an series of essays about walks she took with experts in various fields (including and a dog, and another with a child), all paying attention to different things in the environment that are normally overlooked or unappreciated.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 8:28 PM on March 4, 2021

KIRINJI: Jikan ga Nai (There's No Time)

It feels like there should be a genre of talented dancers dancing in non-traditional-dance outfits. Like Fik-shun in a full firefighter's uniform. Or something.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 5:10 PM on February 24, 2021

Life in a Supertall Tower: Leaks, Creaks, Breaks
I think when she talks about steel plates she's saying, probably without understanding, that she was on an elevator car platform, rather than in a lift.

“They put me in a freight elevator surrounded by steel plates and plywood, with a hard-hat operator,”

She's complaining about having to use the freight elevator. The office skyrise I'm in has a freight elevator that is clad in diamond-plate, since every bangs into the walls.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 7:18 PM on February 3, 2021

Are you prepared for the unbearable puns?
The bear had a big fuzzy clause

Claws, surely
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 10:40 PM on January 29, 2021

do the damn thing girl
and does she throw up Westside W's at around 1:18?

I wondered what that was, and she does it in the post-meet conference, while saying "fours up". Turns out it's a UCLA thing
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 11:12 AM on January 26, 2021
And thanks to those that pointed out the fist.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 11:12 AM on January 26, 2021

Larry King, 1933-2021
When I was a sophmore in college, first time living on my own, in a tiny detached studio apartment with a leaky roof, no girlfriend, no Internet (cuz 1986), no computer (just a word processor that booted from a floppy), no TV, I'd alternate spending my evenings reading, doing homework, and listening to Larry King's radio show. I liked the interviews, and his style.

I recognize now all the various problematic things that he was and represented, and have no interest in… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 1:10 PM on January 23, 2021

Why Are You Closed?
Antunes, previously
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 5:08 PM on January 11, 2021

Immensely more interesting than both Chrono Trigger and Persona 4
I'm only partway through this one, but I love Tim Rogers and am grateful for the MF FPP about his DOOM review that turned me on to him. These reviews aren't just about the game, they are about history, culture and journalism, along with a healthy dose of autobiography.

While not one of the Action Button reviews, his Tim Rogers Roasts The 2018 Games Of The Year segment about God Of War is so great and personal. I can see that some people might ask why he tells this… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 5:44 PM on January 3, 2021

Slash in Short Pants (Several LYT)
Also thought it was a solid cover.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 10:27 PM on November 8, 2020
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 7:42 PM on November 9, 2020

Steamed votes (funny)
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 2:25 PM on November 7, 2020

2020: Time Meant Nothing, Never Would Again

Also, I can't help but think that when Jack Black dies, it'll be from a stroke he has while singing.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 8:57 PM on October 27, 2020

"You might say, that's wild, how did you get there"
Smash Bros. owes millions of dollars in OSHA violations. I'd seen the books of Skyrim one, but never went down the rabbit hole. Thanks for posting.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 8:53 PM on October 26, 2020

Escaped cloned female mutant crayfish take over Belgian cemetery
I would watch a series where Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hunted down Escaped Cloned Female Mutant Crayfish.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 8:10 AM on October 24, 2020

The Amazing Randi has passed
I was lucky to see him in person in the 80s, where he performed a disgusting demonstration of "psychic surgery", and also did an amazing mind reading truck that was obviously not mind reading, but so baffling that it might as well have been mind reading.

For that, and all that he did to advance science and skepticism of pseudo science,

posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 8:07 PM on October 21, 2020

a matter of limited hearts
The place I work recently adopted a "personal pronouns in email sig files" policy, and there is now a "name pronunciation guide in email sigs/intranet directory entry" under consideration.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 1:54 PM on October 20, 2020

Metal Drum Playthroughs Galore
Oh, I was hoping someone would do this. Thanks!
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 2:19 PM on October 15, 2020

Tool's Danny Carey playing Pneuma
I've been binging a bunch more stuff about Tool, and came across this deconstruction/analysis/cover of Rosetta Stoned (which, again, I had not heard before this weekend). Anyway, it's interesting and inspiring....
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 9:05 PM on October 11, 2020
Oops, this one
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 4:44 AM on October 12, 2020

The Internet of Things
As Lomas explains to The Verge, Qiui is in a bit of a bind.

/side eye emoji
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 5:06 PM on October 6, 2020

DOOM speaks for itself
I just finished his review of The Last Of Us, and I really, really like his style. Thanks for posting.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 9:28 PM on September 15, 2020

Jerome Ellis transcribes one of his performances
h/t to tywkiwdbi
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 9:44 PM on August 20, 2020

Sorry about the window. If you don’t like my solution, build your own.
I wish I could write project comments like this: "If it start beeping, either it’s malfunctioning and needs to be rebooted, or there’s a significant radiation leak on campus."
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 11:52 AM on August 17, 2020

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