Activity from Gorgik

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There's Some Whores in This House
YouTube comment:
Kidz Bop: “There’s some s’mores in this house.”

Also, that chain link hair was pretty cool.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 6:11 PM on August 11, 2020

Sometimes it’s easier to rewrite genetics than update Excel
Yesterday I got an Excel spreadsheet which contained only a screenshot of another Excel spreadsheet, admirably matched for column and row size...I work in support.

I know how I'm going to drive my boss nuts next week.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 8:14 PM on August 6, 2020

Fun with flags, y'all
This reminds me of John Oliver on the New Zealand flag debate from 2015
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 8:45 PM on August 3, 2020

just a generalization of the feeling of isolation
I love this. I'm impressed at how well she captured the feelings of a 53 year old white dude.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 6:18 AM on June 24, 2020

We were once so close to heaven
This album, along with Primus' Frizzle Fry, will forever remind me of my final semester of college, and broke me out of my Metallica/Led Zeppelin rut. And also listening to it with friends and drinking and eating pie. And then, a little later, singing along while driving around upstate New York with my graduate-school girlfriend.

So really, a lot of things.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 2:09 AM on June 16, 2020

Schitt’s Creek cast Feat. Mariah Carey: Dear Class of 2020
Chris Elliott sucks the air out of every scene he is in, it's so painful.

FYI, this eases up incrementally further down the road.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 5:47 PM on June 10, 2020

The International Archive of Dreams
I had a dream the other night where I was trying to diagnose a problem with an espresso machine. Someone came along to help me figure out what was going on. That someone was Danny DeVito. His method: licking the machine.

posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 5:49 PM on June 3, 2020
Sorry, I should have added, I saw this right before I went to bed, so that answers part of the question.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 6:04 PM on June 3, 2020

With Teeth
Whenever I see what people are doing these days I'm embarrassed that I got all excited whenever I made a Lego car that had four matching tires.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 6:57 PM on May 17, 2020

"I'm just a kid" TikTok challenge
This is what started me down this particular path
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 8:53 PM on May 12, 2020

You know, I didn't know this song before Community. I like this version more.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 5:11 PM on May 8, 2020

Come on and get up
God damn that was great.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 12:25 PM on May 6, 2020

love smile dream RAGE
I might make that first "arrrgghh!" my ringtone for whenever my wife calls me.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 7:16 AM on April 29, 2020

Stop Using Dark Mode
Screw the Professional White Background, when are we getting Hot Dog Stand mode on MetaFilter?

Ugh. Seeing that combination reminds me of....When I was young and naive and thought a lot less about what I said prior to saying it, I took a "psychology of sexuality" course in college. This was mostly the professor presenting us with as many different provocative topics as he could think of.

One class he had the… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 6:14 PM on April 25, 2020

I've been so politely at the bottom
Pull it tight boot strap
Strap it on and top em
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 5:19 PM on April 18, 2020

Mathematician John Horton Conway died yesterday of COVID-19.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 10:29 AM on April 12, 2020

Queen: "[I]f we remain united and resolute, then we will overcome it."
It's short, and who knows all the things behind it, but I'm glad to hear someone in a position of authority speak plainly, hopefully and with gratitude.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 4:26 PM on April 5, 2020

They can't work Skype, we're brokenhearted
After watching a doctor talk about the virus in a way that made me hopeful, this was a nice chaser. I'm confident tomorrow will grind me down, but I'm going to bed a little less anxious than I've been in a few weeks.

Thanks for posting!
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 8:03 PM on March 31, 2020

Some People
I live in (at least) two worlds. One is the corporate-iest of corporate America, where I have to listen to people talk about business continuity, the struggles to keep billing processes running, whatever else, and the worst part is listening to people regularly co-opt language used to describe the magnitude of this current crisis and use it to talk about server failures, or answering phones, or whatnot.

The other world is food banks and domestic violence advocacy and… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 7:38 AM on March 30, 2020
My non-MeFite friend added: "Some people are putting one foot in front of the other and hoping they end up somewhere they recognize"
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 10:12 AM on March 31, 2020

This Is Not An Endorsement Of Arson
I dislike sports in general, but love listening to Jon Bois talk about sports, and try to watch everything that gets posted here.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 8:28 PM on March 26, 2020

Free audiobooks from the entertainingly weird world of Daniel Pinkwater
I was a preschool assistant for about 2 years in the mid-90s. During that time, I read Tooth-Gnasher Superflash approximately 40,000 times. Sometimes even to the kids.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 5:18 PM on March 18, 2020

RIP Genesis P-Orridge
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 3:41 AM on March 15, 2020

Working from home, sort of, in the time of coronavirus.
Guerrilla leader Che Guevara executed in Bolivia (you were 7 months old)

Also, I was on the other side of the planet, so you can't pin that on me.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 8:10 PM on March 14, 2020

Here’s What a Googol-to-One Gear Ratio Looks Like
chavenet, jazzy mining soundtrack FTW!
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 7:34 PM on March 7, 2020

"I chose you."
I love the different reactions at all age levels. And those young ones might not understand exactly what this means, but I hope they can watch it in a few years, and carry that feeling with them.

Thanks for posting this.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 9:03 PM on February 24, 2020

"Thunderstruck" in the key of baby
Oops. h/t to Miss Cellania
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 7:20 PM on January 17, 2020

Kith and Kin
I loved this. It reminds me of and expands on Martin Buber's I and Thou and the nature of relationships and objects.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 7:44 AM on January 15, 2020

Some GIFs make a sound. This one says, “bloop!”
I loved this article.

His first fight, in April 2010, resembles a video game with poor collision detection.

posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 12:00 PM on December 30, 2019

Maybe Mariah is at Number One, but check this out

Here's another, by The Regrettes.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 12:58 AM on December 25, 2019

And that sounds like a player piano from a cowboy movie.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 1:01 AM on December 25, 2019

No Gritty, so this list is invalid
#34. I didn't get the song, but this story made me cry tears of joy
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 7:37 PM on December 15, 2019

This Is Why You Let The Car Finish Rendering
Can we create a children's show that values admitting you're wrong, listening to other people, and not hoarding wealth? I think the current adults are past saving, but maybe we can persuade the kids.

persuade the kids
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 7:16 PM on November 22, 2019

Juliana Hatfield Sings (and plays!) The Police
Man, that version of Roxanne is powerful. That guitar, so crunchy! Thanks for posting!
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 7:08 PM on November 21, 2019

3D Scan of Nefertiti Bust Now Available Online
Amazing. I grew up with a copy of that bust in my house. I'm surprised it's taken so long for a scan to come out, but I suppose that's the point of the article.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 9:16 AM on November 14, 2019

the increased presence of food in games has prompted a shift
I loved this, thanks for posting.

The development team was so serious about the realism of the food, they went camping (much of the game takes place as a road trip) and took photos of the food they were able to create outdoors. Part of their quality control was, of course, taste testing: If a dish didn’t taste good to the team, they wouldn’t put it into the game. “Recipes were just one element of the camping scenes, but the catalyst for our obsession was the… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 7:59 AM on October 27, 2019

But where's Skinny Boy?
I love the foot against the wall
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 8:50 AM on October 23, 2019

Sady recommends horror.
I never read nor watched GoT, nor will I ever. But am I glad to see this paragraph in a review of it:

But here is what I know about women and power: Men fear powerful women, because they know that women have always had cause to fear powerful men. Men fear that women’s power will be violent, because they use their power to rape, assault, and beat us. Men fear that women’s power will be temperamental and despotic — that they will be forced to fear our every mood… [more]
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 9:07 PM on October 14, 2019

makes for an almost ASMR-like experience
It reminds me of DOT DOT DOT
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 2:03 PM on October 10, 2019

John Updike never tried to push a woman out of a moving car
Patricia Lockwood on the Blue, previously.

Particularly Rape Joke
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 11:35 AM on October 3, 2019

VLOOKUP is dead (not really). Long live VLOOKUP
From the announcement: "In fact, it’s so fundamental to spreadsheeting that most users can recall the sense of achievement they felt when they first mastered VLOOKUP, myself included."

I remember way back when, thinking "there has to be a way to match these columns", and the day I finally figured out how to do it with VLOOKUP (using the built-in help files, since online support wasn't....great), I ran up and down the halls of my office, shouting joyfully.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 9:50 AM on September 25, 2019

technically it's more of a Wibmer's guidelines
I really liked the skateboard bit at 3:00. So smooth.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 10:01 PM on September 24, 2019

Everyday Carry
Some of the twitter/instagram pictures are not actually emergency services.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 8:29 PM on September 16, 2019
Playmobil, they look like playmobil sets.

Someone else thought so, too :-)
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 7:51 AM on September 17, 2019

Dance all night with everyone/ Don't let nobody pick your fun
First concert I ever saw, freshman or sophomore year of high school. I loved The Cars.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 8:05 PM on September 15, 2019

MTB video - Parallel
sjswitzer, the front fork on the second bike is beefier (it's connected to the handlebars directly). I don't know that much about downhill bikes, but I'm guessing the first one is a more traditional mountain bike, and the second is specifically for downhill riding (for the huge drops he does).
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 4:02 PM on September 9, 2019

"This book is not visually stimulating nor is there any real prose."
Also seems like a good time to share the sublime Goodnight Dune, previously.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 11:53 AM on September 3, 2019

NULL Big Deal
I have used
the NULLs
and put them on
my automobile

and which
you were probably
for missing values

Forgive me
they were tempting
so simple
and so funny
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 8:32 PM on August 14, 2019

Reminds me of this Devereaux Peters previously, although not as "fun".
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 9:58 AM on July 21, 2019

I was just talking with some friends about women having to carefully navigate spaces when men are being dominant. This is a good companion to that conversation.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 6:28 AM on July 11, 2019

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