Favorites from Winnie the Proust

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Displaying post 101 to 150 of 171

Any still alive "old Internet" forums/sites?

I really, really miss live journal. Is there anywhere online with that kind of feeling/community, but also, not dead?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Cozybee at 12:59 AM on June 29, 2020 (18 comments)

I happen to be the obscure expert you need

Perhaps my favorite thing about Ask Metafilter is when someone asks a question that could best be answered by a very particular, obscure kind of expert, and then that exact expert shows up and answers, expertly. Can you post great examples of that here? The more perfectly precise the match between the needed expert and the one who shows up, and the more improbable it is that the right expert would have come along and answered, the better.
posted to MetaTalk by daisyace at 3:53 PM on June 11, 2020 (58 comments)

Attaching portable monitor to the top of screen, not the side

I have been considering a product like this or this for when I would normally need my external monitor for work that requires more screen real estate. I bought two of of these side mount magnetic holders for my iPad to see how I liked a second monitor hooked up to my laptop and realized I’d rather have the screen attached above rather than on the side for the kind of work that I do. The magnetic holders I bought suck and will be returned, so looking for another solution.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by the thorn bushes have roses at 5:18 PM on June 9, 2020 (6 comments)

How can I subscribe to shared Google calendars from MacOS and iOS?

Two organizations I belong to publish Google calendars of events. I would like to subscribe to these from my Macintosh and iPhone, so they appear on the calendars I look at every day. I don't want to change which calendar apps I use. How can I do this most easily?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Winnie the Proust at 9:11 AM on May 8, 2020 (4 comments)

Why is it always "rotate right" for images and not "rotate left"?

Every app that I can think of that has a rotate button always orients the rotation clockwise. However, whenever I upload a photo that needs rotating, it always requires three clicks. It seems like it would make more sense to rotate left and require only one click from the user. Is there some kind of design thinking I'm overlooking here?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Roy Batty at 5:36 PM on April 15, 2020 (15 comments)

Best supportive house slippers for hot feet?

Anyone have a favorite women's summer, supportive house slipper/flipflop/slide they love? Thanks!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by tipsyBumblebee at 9:38 PM on April 8, 2020 (17 comments)

Video meeting/party where people can move freely between small groups?

Is there a way to allow participants in Zoom (or another similar system) to talk in small groups, and move freely between groups? Zoom lets you you divide a group into breakout rooms, but only the meeting host can create rooms and move people between them. I'm looking for workarounds and/or other systems that would give participants more freedom. I want this for conferences/meetings and also for cocktail parties. Do you have any ideas/suggestions? Have you seen anything like this done?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by ManInSuit at 10:24 AM on April 2, 2020 (8 comments)

Good introduction to financial markets

Lately, I've been interested in the global financial system and how it works. To learn more, I am looking for a book that ideally starts at the bottom with the very first principles (what is money?) and also covers the more complex stuff like bonds, equities, derivatives, and whatever else there is that I don't know of.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by milan-g at 2:49 PM on March 30, 2020 (5 comments)

Do I job search right now?

I was going to job hunt....and then this crisis happened.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by pando11 at 2:01 PM on March 23, 2020 (9 comments)

how do I shorten the sleeves of sweatshirts and other knit tops?

For reasons that don't matter here, the sleeves of "long sleeve" tops are always a few inches uncomfortably too long for me. I always have to fold them up; and it looks and feels sloppy (even worse if they're "pushed up.") I'd really like to be able to shorten them by myself. (Plaintive details inside)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by fingersandtoes at 2:31 PM on January 11, 2020 (13 comments)

What is this image scrolling software?

I have an collage project I'd like to pursue that would require software similar to what I'm assuming was used by Neal Agarwal for his amazing The Deep Sea. The end result would be presented as a web page. What am I looking for?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by philip-random at 6:03 PM on January 2, 2020 (8 comments)

How to decide whether to transition from self-employment back to a job

I've been self-employed for fifteen years, but now have the opportunity to move into employment in a related field. How should I decide whether or not to do this? Have you made such a shift, and how did you decide whether or not to do it?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Anonymous at 8:55 AM on December 20, 2019 (8 comments)

How was this animation done?

I'm looking to do something like the nice animation on THIS SITE. Can anyone tell me what might have been used to make that? It's been a while since I made animations. Thanks!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by ecorrocio at 11:22 AM on December 10, 2019 (10 comments)

Gifts for a Python and Electronics Enthusiast

My son loves Arduino, he loves electronics, but most of all he loves Python 3. He's not a beginner; he writes Python for a living -- and he loves it passionately. You should have seen his face light up when he discovered a shortfall in the 3.8 documentation last night. You kitted him out a few years ago -- what's good now? Tell me about MicroPython kits, "advanced" programming books, what? Thanks for any suggestions!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by pH Indicating Socks at 9:04 PM on December 2, 2019 (15 comments)

Life after Dogman, graphic novels

Looking for recommendations for graphic novels or comics appropriate for 7-9 year olds. Kid has already finished the Bad Kitty, Bad Guys series and Captain Underpants and Catsronauts as well. My current approach is to check out anything tagged elementary and graphic novel from the library but would appreciate authors or series. Note: Books with frequent pictures (eg like Bad Guys that aren't full graphic novels are okay.) More complex vocab okay, adult themes not okay.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by typecloud at 11:51 AM on December 3, 2019 (32 comments)

The Best Project Management Books

Looking for recommendations on project management books.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by bfranklin at 6:59 AM on December 2, 2019 (6 comments)

Looking for women's underwear with cuffs around the thigh holes

Because of the shape of my ass (??) almost any underwear I wear tends to ride up into my ass crack, which is understandably annoying. The only underwear I've found that doesn't do this is pairs with tight cuffs around the thigh holes. Can you help me find affordable underwear like this?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by mekily at 2:33 PM on November 25, 2019 (16 comments)

Any tips or tricks to help effectively build a fake profile on Facebook?

Does anyone have advice on creating a fake Facebook account, without being caught by their fraud detection, or noticed by other people?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by crocodiletsunami at 1:00 PM on November 19, 2019 (17 comments)

The theory of music theory

Is there a book that is the music equivalent of Gilles Deleuze’s books “Cinema 1: The Cinema-Image”, “Cinema 2: The Time-Image”, and Roland Barthe’s “Camera Lucida: Reflections of Photography”?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by gucci mane at 1:12 PM on November 19, 2019 (14 comments)

Gmail OCRs my attachments, including postal covers. Can I turn it off?

Gmail is OCRing all the images sent as attachments to me, including in my case, postal mail. Can I stop it?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Glomar response at 6:21 AM on November 19, 2019 (2 comments)

cheap sleep/leisure bras for small band, big breasts

I wear something in the range of 32DDD/34DD and I'm looking for an affordable sleep/around-the-house bra that will be big enough in the cups and small enough in the band, especially something doesn't create uniboob.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by needs more cowbell at 5:49 AM on October 26, 2019 (18 comments)

How can I look good without dying of heat exhaustion (as a business man)

I try to dress with a little style but am finding it difficult in hot climates I am travelling a lot - with a small bag - to very hot countries like Chile and Vietnam. How can I look good without dying of heat exhaustion, and while keeping my bags small
posted to Ask MetaFilter by jander03 at 9:49 AM on September 30, 2019 (5 comments)

What are some good books on economics for a beginner?

I am wanting to learn more about economics. I am currently minoring in political science (4th Year undergraduate student). Yet, I am terrible at maths -- the maths aspect might be difficult to understand.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by RearWindow at 9:23 AM on September 23, 2019 (8 comments)

What are the pros and cons of giving your kid a debit card?

Have you given your young teen a debit card, and how has it worked out for you? I am considering it as my kid is going into high school this year.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by RajahKing at 12:22 PM on August 27, 2019 (15 comments)

What is this mystery machine?

I found this machine in a vintage shop near Santa Rosa, CA, and immediately fell in love. The owner of the shop didn't know what it was either - my receipt reads "WHAT IS THIS???" I brought it home, have christened it "the portal", and am now using it as a plant stand. However, the mystery remains: WTF was it originally for???
posted to Ask MetaFilter by introcosm at 1:53 PM on August 25, 2019 (16 comments)

Delicious-smelling body lotion

My legs are kind of dry--I'd love a recommendation for a scented body lotion.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by bookworm4125 at 5:58 PM on August 20, 2019 (14 comments)

Where can I find clothing like Roselinlin?

I'm new to buying women's clothing and found the online women's clothing seller Roselinlin. I love the look of everything they sell. Alas, too good to be true... I've also found a lot of bad reviews about them (items received aren't in line with pictures and descriptions, poor customer service, difficulties returning items). Where can I find clothing like this from a reliable site (especially at decent prices)?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by kokaku at 5:00 AM on August 13, 2019 (22 comments)

Can I fix this cracked bowl?

I bought a lovely Tunisian bowl today, from a shop that I had previously bought a lovely Tunisian pitcher from. They match. It seems in the transit from Sausalito to home, a small crack has formed. This bowl was the last the shop had, and it matches the pitcher I have, and the company has apparently folded. So how can I fix this hairline crack so I can put things in this bowl like lemons or fruit? Hope me metafilter!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Homo neanderthalensis at 8:40 PM on July 24, 2019 (9 comments)

Does cross-linking help SEO? Does it really?

I edit content for a company's blog and continually run into misconceptions and strongly held beliefs that doing X, Y, or Z is "good for SEO" and finding actual evidence of this is difficult. Specifically, I'm trying to determine if there's any truth to the widespread idea that "cross-linking helps SEO." What happens next will shock you. Um, I mean, please read on for details.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by jzb at 8:11 AM on July 19, 2019 (7 comments)

Pretty (efficient, compact?) pill case recommendations, pretty please!

Hope me find a good pill case(s). I need multiple, so might end up with a couple different kinds. I’d like each one to be aesthetically pleasing in some way, and would love them to be compact, organized, and portable if possible.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by seemoorglass at 6:23 AM on July 16, 2019 (16 comments)

iPhone 6s. Taking a video outdoors. It sounds like a hurricane.

I would love to take more outdoor video with my phone, but every video sounds like I'm Jim Cantore standing in the middle of a hurricane, when I'm really just on the beach with a slight breeze. Are there hacks to muffle the sound of the wind on my phone without resorting to a "dead cat" or one of those furry things that professionals use? A similar question was asked in 2011, in case someone has come up with a better but still stupid simple option.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by HeyAllie at 7:10 AM on July 3, 2019 (2 comments)

What do we need to know for our first model rocket launch?

What do we need to know for our first model rocket launch?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Doofus Magoo at 6:22 AM on September 17, 2009 (17 comments)

Explosions--you know, for kids!

Our last Girl Scout meeting of the year is coming up next week and I think it'd be fun for the girls to blow things up.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by phunniemee at 8:23 AM on May 16, 2017 (26 comments)

I should have done this years ago!

I'm looking for suggestions for changes in your life or home or work or whatever that seemed like small things but ended up being really impactful. Some examples within.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by tocts at 12:49 PM on June 19, 2019 (121 comments)

Ordering glasses online: Prism edition

I just dropped $300 on an eyeglasses prescription. I'm feeling ripped off (though I know that's pretty standard). I'd like to order a spare online, but I have bifocals AND a prism. Is buying online a bad idea? How do I know the company (Zenni, Warby Parker, whatever) got the prescription correct, besides the obvious and trying them on? I know a ton of people do this, but how do you actually get it right? Especially with bifocals?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by onecircleaday at 4:19 PM on June 18, 2019 (10 comments)

Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something

There are millions of mobile applications available to smartphone users today, and that number will only keep growing as it becomes easier to build and deploy apps. Some apps are for amusement, but others are specifically designed to improve the lives of their users or the world at large.

We asked a panel of Young Entrepreneur Council members the following question about some of the most innovative apps they’ve encountered that were created to help people: What’s one innovative app you‘ve seen that’s designed to help people, and what can leaders learn from apps like it?
posted to MetaFilter by Johnny Wallflower at 7:49 AM on June 4, 2019 (5 comments)

I Once Had a Pair of Flowing, Loose, Silky, Bohemian Pants - Need Name

I had a pair of really nice and very loose Boho/Gypsy/Hippie cocktail/lounging pants/trousers (for women) in a paisley print of browns. The material was man-made but felt like silk. You could bunch up the entire pair and it would be the size of a medium sized orange. Or less. The material was ribbed. I think that's key. Tiny folds. The waist was elastic. Very, very light-weight.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by watercarrier at 9:40 PM on June 12, 2019 (18 comments)

iPhone App to take pictures/video and capture text about them

I would like to take pictures/video with an app that prompts me for text descriptions every time (force me to provide context for the image/video). I will be using this content for a large work presentation and don't want to use social media apps. I use Windows 10, Box, Office 365 products, and have an iPhone 8. Is there an iPhone app that: 1. takes picture/video 2. forces me to enter a text descriptions (and maybe capture location/date/time details) 3. stores results someplace easily accessible (preferably in an Office/Windows app) for use in a PowerPoint presentation. Ease of use is paramount, as I will be on a tour and won't be able to spend too much time with each picture. Thanks!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by GernBlandston at 7:05 AM on June 12, 2019 (2 comments)

The Perpetual Diamond

The perpetual diamond is an optical illusion that produces motion continuously and unambiguously in one direction despite the diamond itself never physically changing location. Link is to online paper; scroll down for brainbending video demos [flashing lights, only if you click play].
posted to MetaFilter by carter at 7:40 AM on June 3, 2019 (49 comments)

Where can I find old handwriting worksheets on the Internet?

This is the sort of thing I assume exists in the droves on this Internets of ours, but an initial search has been lacking. I'm looking for an archive of scanned (preferably high-res) images of old hand-writing exercises. You know, the type you had to do in grade school when learning how to write, like this. Either handwriting or cursive is fine.
  • I'm specifically looking for older historical versions from the US. The older the better, but lets say 1920-1970 would be ideal.
Any help appreciated!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by jeremias at 3:07 PM on May 20, 2019 (9 comments)

Help me transition from UX design to UI development

I’ll soon be starting a new role as a UX designer at a small company and would like to level-up my skillset to contribute more to the UI engineers I’ll be working with. What tools and workflows are you using, and where should I be upping my development skills to improve communication and minimize design/dev gaps?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by homesickness at 9:54 AM on May 14, 2019 (5 comments)

Please Help Me Find the Very Best Strange, Trippy Short Films and Videos

For several years I've been collecting strange, odd, weird, trippy videos and short films. But I have this feeling that I'm missing some good ones recently. Here's the difficult part: they have to be outstanding. I know that "outstanding" is highly subjective (and so are "strange" and "trippy" et al). But I trust your good taste. Also, I have lots of time to watch videos, so if you're sitting on something amazing, feel free to ignore my overly-pedantic criteria and post it.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by doctor tough love at 4:04 PM on May 6, 2019 (45 comments)

UX pros, what are even doing with these prototypes

I know that this isn't a UX-focused forum and this is a very niche question but here we go. I'm a UX designer and I really like using Axure because it lets me quickly mock up realistic interactions with conditional logic and a data set that I can manipulate easily. For a bunch of reasons I've been tasked with looking into alternatives and I'm not having much luck.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by bleep at 12:11 PM on April 18, 2019 (14 comments)

Best Art app for iPad Pro?

Does anyone have advice on the best professional level Art Program for an iPad Pro ( not the upcoming Photoshop) ?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Liquidwolf at 10:10 AM on April 3, 2019 (10 comments)

How are music box movements tuned - chromatic or scale?

I would like to buy a music box movement and install a custom made cylinder into it. I've got the tune, I've got a plan for making a custom cylinder, but I'm getting hung up on making sure the movement I get will be able to play it.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dbx at 4:20 PM on March 31, 2019 (7 comments)

19th through mid-20th century book recs needed, some restrictions apply

I am creating a book group in which our tastes after about 1940 do not overlap. I'm looking for novels from about 1800 to 1940, available in English (translations are more than welcome; if there are several translations, do you recommend one?), but not the really famous ones. See inside.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Frowner at 10:36 AM on December 8, 2018 (46 comments)

Why does bluegrass/country harmony sound so unique?

I am a Hungarian/Romanian who married an American from the South. Why do the harmonies in bluegrass and country music sound so beautiful and so different from anything else I have known? What is it about the way they are structured and sung that makes them unlike other music?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Comrade Doll at 7:28 PM on December 2, 2018 (16 comments)

What are some great board/card games that aren't too big?

I'm going on a trip with family and want to bring along some games that won't take up too much space. Ideally they'd be good for about 4 people give or take, and fun/novel to play. I'm thinking of buying Fluxx, for example. Our favorite games of recent years have been Pandemic and Codenames, but those are both a little bigger than would be ideal for this trip. Ideas? Thank you!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by malhouse at 8:59 AM on November 29, 2018 (56 comments)

Resume / CV website?

A friend wants to host their CV and a selection of downloadable materials (PDFs, mainly) by way of a portfolio. They want it to look slick, and the less coding the better. Have any of you had good experiences along these lines with hosting or template providers?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by sandettie light vessel automatic at 8:58 AM on April 25, 2018 (7 comments)

How can I subscribe to this Google calendar from my Mac and iPhone?

Has Google made it harder to find the ics url needed to subscribe to a calendar, or am I going crazy? Is there a way to dig out the URL so I can subscribe to a published Google calendar from iCal on my Mac or from my iPhone calendar?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Winnie the Proust at 8:04 PM on November 24, 2017 (5 comments)
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