Activity from dis_integration

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I'm on ADHD medicine and I feel guilty
I definitely struggled with guilt like this when I was taking adhd meds in grad school, because they made it possible for me to actually do what was expected of me but these were drugs that people would buy without prescriptions in the same field so that they could perform at a higher level (or, more often, to finish work faster so they had time to do things other than write and study all the time). I've transitioned to a role where things move fast enough and my focus changes enough that I… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 10:22 AM on June 22, 2023

International family vacation that isn't to Europe
So based on your rules, your options are Africa, Asia and Central/South America, and the various island nations. Let's rule out Australia since it feels like America/Europe combined. Jamaica is a good choice if you like the idea of the Tropics. Island nations feel strange because of the depth of the poverty and the vestiges of slavery. Buenos Aires is a nice choice, safe and fun, with big city vibes and beautiful countryside nearby. But it may feel too European? Lagos is probably too chaotic if… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 8:43 AM on June 12, 2023

French self-study with a particular goal in mind (reading/writing)
I used the Sandberg French for Reading posted above, but it's basically out of print now for some reason. Folks that came after me in grad school used the more recent French for Reading and Transation by Shannon R Becker. It seems pretty good, and is available in paperback for not an insane price. (Also available in PDF from certain book sharing sites, if you want that access, you can memail me)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 9:19 AM on June 9, 2023 marked best answer

Are you someone with intrinsic motivation? Share your secret sauce.
i have a deep and gnawing internal anxiety that i'll fail at everything, become destitute and homeless, abandoned, then die alone unloved and unnoticed in the cold without any accomplishments, and am in a constant struggle to push that possibility as far away from me as i can by working working working. i don't recommend it
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 6:18 AM on May 23, 2023 marked best answer

Navigating an awkward job offer situation
Fluff the first one and ask for more time. Tell them you're excited and love the company and the role but that you need to push the start date by two weeks and see what they say. You don't have to give them a reason except that it would be better for you. This won't burn any bridges, and they almost certainly won't immediately drop you. Instead they'll meet and float the idea with everyone involved in hiring and they'll either say yes, and you can finish the interview process as Foreign Company,… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:19 AM on May 17, 2023

Toggl Track with all the features, for Linux
Toggl track has a windows binary. Have you tried running it under WINE? It might just work fine in linux.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 5:24 AM on May 10, 2023

Specific spot to experience the levels of Chicago?
On foot, checking out the Billy Goat is the right answer. There isn't a whole lot happening on Lower Wacker Drive, it's basically just a way to bypass downtown to get onto 290/55 etc. A drive through it is a nice way to see where they shot some scenes from A Dark Knight Rises.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 9:16 AM on May 9, 2023 marked best answer

Italian native speaker check for a tattoo
I am not a native speaker of italian but have spent a fair amount of time there in the past 10 years and do speak it. "meglio maiale che fascista" is perfectly fine, would not be embarassing although might be confusing without the context of the film. But i would expect people to say "porco" more. Porco is not slang for a cop in Italian, at least I've never heard it but then I'm not that hep to Italian street slang (I'd expect to hear "sbirro" as an equivalent for… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 3:29 PM on May 8, 2023

Shoe shopping in Rome
If you're looking for hiking type shoes, I highly recommend a shop near the Vatican called "Outdoor Experience" (Via Sforza Pallavicini, 15/17). It's just off Cola di Rienzo and not far from the Castel Sant'Angelo. Also great if you want to go climbing elsewhere in Italy. If you don't find what you want on Cola di Rienzo, there's lots of shopping on Via del Corso. It's mostly flagship stores and the prices there are not inflated with a tourist tax, at least I didn't seem to see that.… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 2:06 PM on May 8, 2023 marked best answer

@ Corporate speak
I don't know about "at speed" but "at scale" is something that emerged in the mid-oughts/early 2010s with "web 2.0" and usually means "at web scale" which originally meant: serving billions of web requests but today just means "for lots of users" or "lots of money".
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:09 AM on May 5, 2023
Another note about "at scale" and its VC connection is the link between it and startups. You build a product in a startup as fast as you can, which means it might be a product that works, but maybe doesn't work "at scale" since you're trying to race to get it to market before the investment capital runs out. But if it doesn't scale, then you can't have tons of users so you can't get a return. So it's more attractive to be able to argue to early investors that you're building… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 8:09 AM on May 5, 2023

Is slush pile reader a real job?
slush pile readers are usually interns, mfa students etc, which definitely makes it even harder to escape from the slush pile. but nobody makes a living wage reading the slush
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 5:05 AM on April 28, 2023

Who is at fault in a pedestrian-car accident in this scenario?
the driver of the truck left the scene of an accident and likely committed a felony. if he stuck around he might not have even been liable but by leaving he’s losing his license if not going to jail
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 6:17 AM on April 27, 2023

Best way to purchase a home without a mortgage?
it’s going to be a pain to find a seller who will agree but you can enter into a payment plan directly with the seller of the house. for google purposes it’s called seller financing
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 6:14 AM on April 27, 2023

Help me find a side hustle
I don't have experience with it but everyonce in a while I toy with signing up with Moonlight which seems to offer much better rates than upwork type sites.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:39 AM on April 20, 2023

How can I be more employable in re AI? Side hustles?
At least in the near future, I don't see your sort of role, which has to do with verification and due diligence, being completely replaced by AIs. Even where AIs start doing some of the work, they're currently unreliable enough when it comes to producing "truth" vs fabrications that people with domain knowledge will have to verify their output before it can be used. So the answer is probably to familiarize yourself with using AI tools in your area to make your work more efficient. An… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 8:52 AM on April 17, 2023

What is the thing you wish you knew during the house buying process?
a good inspector is very important. don’t be afraid to read everything you can about common problems with houses and ask the inspector about them during the inspection. also, once an offer is accepted, don’t let the sellers make you feel pressured or like you can’t back out. ask for everything you can: asking isn’t stealing. inspector says the roof is in bad shape? ask them to pay for a new one. see damage they’re trying to hide with paint or otherwise, ask for credit or cash. Also, never agree… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 8:59 AM on April 15, 2023

How long can an abandoned house stay habitable?
Depends on the neighborhood. In poor areas with low home values, houses can stay empty and abandoned for many years, even a decade or two, before they are eventually condemned by the city/municipal gov't and demolished (or, less likely, purchased and rehabbed if the neighborhood suddenly starts gentrifying). In the meantime they will probably be squatted in if they are at all habitable and the roof is in decent condition. In a neighborhood where property is valuable, not more than a few years.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 6:45 AM on April 14, 2023

European eSIM for cellphone data
I used BNE when I was in Europe over the winter. There are lots of options for different amounts of data in different schedules to choose from. I just bought a 2gb daily sim and ran with it. Pretty painless to set up on my iPhone 13.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 10:10 AM on April 13, 2023

What is my personal risk using Tik Tok?
Browser fingerprinting is pretty effective at narrowing down to a specific user even without tracking cookies. If you want to avoid having your public persona connected to your naughty self, using a separate browser entirely is a decent mitigation, since cross browser finger printing is harder. Switch over to firefox private mode to indulge in less savoury online adventures, and never use firefox for your normal online life.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 10:30 AM on April 11, 2023

Cannabis-related product for sleep?
i find that delta 8 edibles, which are legal in a lot of the us at the moment, do not make me anxious the way normal cannabis does and are very effective at helping me get to sleep.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 6:47 PM on April 10, 2023

Grammar Pros Please Check This Prose
This is apposition, and only A is correct.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 6:58 AM on April 3, 2023

Word to PDF conversion for Mac
I have not tried your particular case but there are two things I would try here to get the result you want.

1. Pandoc. Pandoc has never let me down! I'd expect this to preserve links but I have not tried it.
2. Try LibreOffice. Docx support is pretty good, and it can convert to PDF.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 8:59 PM on March 29, 2023

What’s Al-Anon like and did you find it helpful?
In AA they will say that you can replace the Higher Power with the Group of Drunks (GOD), there isn't as snazzy an equivalent line for Al Anon. But chances are very good you will still start the meeting with the Serenity prayer. There's no escaping it. Al Anon will want you to "work the steps" the same as the alcoholic in your life. 9 of those steps are about God. I couldn't work the steps because I lack faith, and I'm not about to find it, so I didn't keep going.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:52 PM on March 27, 2023

Just Got Fired & I am on a w4- Should I sign the w9 they've presented?
verbally you said: "if you give me a w9 i'll sign it but only for the first two weeks", well those weeks passed and you weren't given the w9 to sign, you have no obligation to do so and they are not allowed to withhold your last paycheck because *they* didn't do the paperwork right. It's probably not worth it to sue if they won't give you your last paycheck, but you could at least demand you be paid and report them for wage theft.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:38 PM on March 26, 2023

Looking for books about mother/daughter relationships
I can highly recommend Elena Ferrante's The Lying Life of Adults, seems like a pretty close match
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 9:40 AM on March 24, 2023

Do I need an acoustic guitar humidifier, or will it hurt?
ok convinced to use a humidifier of some sort, trying out the kind (d'addario/boveda) that promises to gradually raise the humidity to about 40-50% and not higher), so the change is gradual. Here's hoping!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:56 AM on March 20, 2023

Help for a fictional ankle sprain in Italy
italian pharmacists have a lot more prescribing and diagnostic power than american ones. i think she could definitely get a boot at the farmacia although the pharmacist would probably require some hassle because they will want her to go to the hospital for an xray first
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 6:22 AM on March 19, 2023

Travel to Israel this coming October: Safety advice welcome
Millions of people live there and just go about their normal day to day lives without incident. Yes there is some risk, but statistically it’s very unlikely that the risk will fall on you. I would definitely go, over the celebration begins the thought of danger will be the last thing on your mind
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 5:38 AM on March 18, 2023

An informative, vivid popular history of Rome?
Nobody really compares to Mary Beard in terms of writing vivid and engaging works on the ancients, but I did enjoy Ferdinand Addis's The Eternal City, which is focussed on the city itself, from suckin' on a she-wolf to the post-Mussolini period and is very narrative driven, rather than a dry piece of academic exposition. That amazon link is really expensive for some reason, but it's available in paperback for cheaper.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:31 AM on March 15, 2023

Two computers but different internet speeds.
Are you comfortable with using a Linux Live USB to rule out hardware issues? I'd try downloading this: Live USB, writing it to a USB stick, and booting into Ubuntu on the slow computer. If you're plugged into ethernet, it will likely connect to the internet automatically. Then, see if is slow there or not. If it's still slow, then it's probably something with your network card, your cable, or something like that. If it's fast, then it's an issue with your Windows setup somehow. If the… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:08 AM on March 14, 2023

When you try your best, but you don’t succeed…
teaching is a kind of performance and sometimes you bomb. it’s fine! it happens all the time even to experienced profs. and there are whole swaths of profs who don’t even bother to try to be engaging. the good news is that the classes keep coming and you get another chance every time. you’ll find a groove with your students that works. although sometimes one section of a class just has bad dynamics, while the one you teach right afterwards is fun and engaging. anyway a bad class is perfectly… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:51 AM on March 5, 2023

should I accept my phd offer?
You shouldn't do the PhD because you think it will lead to the career path that you want. You should do it if you think you can't imagine the rest of your life not including pursuing your research goals and making a contribution to your field. If you don't think you'll regret not doing that, it's probably not worth it.

It's completely normal to be ambivalent about becoming a researcher. Probably everyone, or almost everyone, you'll meet in the program… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:30 PM on February 28, 2023 marked best answer

Music recommendations please
Have you checked out much of the (still i guess) young composer, Nico Muhly? His "I drink the air before me" record I find remarkable, for example this movement
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:37 PM on February 20, 2023
Also, Muhly's "Mothertongue" might be just what you're after (despite an album cover that i find a little upsetting)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:51 PM on February 20, 2023

The Wirecutter but for Recipes?
this is the whole idea behind america’s test kitchen (ATK): try out tons of variations on a recipe and settle on the “best” one. i don’t always agree with their definition of best, in past years especially they often chose the blander, less spiced versions of recipes, although pressure from competitors and spinoffs like serious eats and milk street have changed that in recent years. but for a ton of things you can’t go wrong with ATK. They’re especially great for classic american dishes like… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 5:55 AM on February 18, 2023

Moving to Milwaukee - but where? and how?
Riverwest or the East Side is your best bet for that rent range right now. Lower East Side is my favorite hood here, has a bit more going on than Riverwest, is one of the most walkable and pretty dense and fairly diverse, and affordable, although pricier than Riverwest (the densest neighborhoods are East Town, which is just north of downtown but mostly expensive high rises and big apartment buildings, and Lincoln Village, which is the center of mexican and central american migration into… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 11:27 AM on February 11, 2023

What should I add to this savory pie?
a splash of soy sauce and maybe some miso will kick the savoriness up a notch, and i wonder if it needs some acid, maybe a bit of apple cider vinegar, to balance out the flavors
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 5:50 PM on February 8, 2023

Best Susan Sarandon films?
Her performance in The Client I remember being really great. She has a great turn in a kind of depressing Paul Schrader film Light Sleeper that also stars Willem Defoe. An acquired taste.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 12:21 PM on February 8, 2023

Is getting post-job interview feedback ever worth it?
It might be valuable because you might hear some things you don't expect. It's hard for us to know how we come off to other people, and it's often much different than we appear to ourselves. You might not have even come off as that nervous (anxiety can cause catastrophizing thoughts that exaggerate the negative aspects of things, something I know all too well about). It might be something else entirely, and learning that might help you in the future. Job interviews are a weird kind of… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 10:39 AM on February 8, 2023

Calculus instructor's editions and solutions manuals?
Although it was 35 years ago, your physics background makes me think that Spivak's Calculus + the solutions book is what you might want. It's really an analysis textbook, and approaches the calculus from the ground up, proving all important theorems (or leaving their proofs as an exercise for you) along the way. It's definitely a difficult text, but about as thorough as they come.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 3:46 PM on February 4, 2023

Authors whose works continue to be written after their deaths
Robert Ludlum
Frank Herbert
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 8:30 PM on January 22, 2023

Wood floors in bathroom and other options
You *can* have hardwood in the bathroom. The issue is just that the humidity from the normal uses of the bathroom (bathing!) can cause warping over time, and if you ever have a minor flood or bath overflow it can be hard to be sure the moisture hasn't seeped in. But, yeah, if you seal it with a polyurethane sealant that is rated for water-heavy environments, and seal up all the gaps along the walls as well, have an exhaust fan that you run religiously, be sure to clean up any spills, I don't… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:56 AM on January 19, 2023

Can my employer snoop on my home Mac via Universal Control?
universal control only works on local networks. i guess maybe it could work across a vpn? but it doesn’t seem likely. i would not be worried about this personally
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 3:00 PM on January 18, 2023

Debt is Outstanding
Check your score on all three of the credit reporting agencies (TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian). There's a chance they only reported it to one, and that one might have a much lower score because of it. My score is 50 points lower on Experian because it has a record of a default on it from years ago that the other agencies don't know about.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 9:49 AM on January 16, 2023

What are some absurd philosophies during ancient Roman times?
Mostly Cicero is probably thinking of presocratic philosophers like: Parmenides, Zeno, Heraclitus, Thales, Pythagoras. Thales for example would have been James Cameron's favorite thinker: he proposes that everything is water. Parmenides will argue that there is only One and not Many. You think you have evidence of more than one thing? This is an illusion. And so on.

For most of these thinkers we don't have direct text for them, only fragments quoted in other thinkers… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 12:24 PM on January 15, 2023 marked best answer
The equivocation is not so certain in Cicero's latin:

"Sed nescio quo modo nihil tam absurde dici potest, quod non dicatur ab aliquo philosophorum", where "aliquo philosophorum" is singular so it's more like: "I do not know of anything that can be said in some way or other that is so absurd that it is not said by some philosopher", (the latin here is tricky for me to understand actually, since I'm not sure how the "quo modo" is… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 3:00 PM on January 15, 2023 marked best answer

Masking and vax proof, Rome 2023 edition
Having now returned from a month in Rome, there is almost 0 masking anywhere, whether in the tourist centers or in everday neighborhoods. Some people wear masks on the bus and metro but even there it's a minority. No vax proof asked for by anyone (I did not visit a hospital). Quite surprising to me on the whole.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 12:33 PM on January 15, 2023

Meet in the middle: St. Louis, Chicago, and Omaha edition
There's great cabins and camping around Savanna, IL, with dramatic bluffs overlooking the Mississippi. That's about 5.5 hours from Omaha and better for St Louis and Chicago.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 12:05 PM on December 15, 2022

Where to start with Foucault? ...Can one start with Foucault?
> Start with Foucault ‘s treatment of boys in Tunis.

That entire generation, more or less, of male 1968er's (soixante-huitards) have a very fucked up attitude towards pedophilia, I don't know if it means we throw it all out, but man, once you open that can of worms you find it everywhere, and it's something to keep in mind when reading Foucault for sure, not just in Discipline and Punish but in the later stuff on the greeks.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 10:09 AM on December 14, 2022

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