Activity from dis_integration

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Both my young dogs died. Is it my fault?
Once the hard work of house and bite training is done in puppy hood, a dog only needs food, exercise and affection. If you gave your dog those three things you did your best. Sometimes dogs just get sick and die. I think you've had very bad luck. You should absolve yourself, you did nothing to cause these dogs to die.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:24 AM on December 13, 2018

I have questions about this THC product.
5mg edibles gets me very high. This is very roughly a 1:1 THC:CBD formulation, so it's supposed to have less of an anxiety producing effect. If you took the whole 0.8ml dose, you'd probably get couchstuck stoned and, if you're anything like me, paranoid and uncomfortable.

The best advice for a new comer would be to try half a dose or so and really put the rest away and not touch it. Then wait and see how it makes you feel and dont try a bigger dose until the next day.… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 4:21 PM on December 4, 2018

Fiction with unsympathetic protagonists
The Ginger Man by J.P. Donleavy, is a classic example of a real asshole you can't stop reading about.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:13 AM on November 21, 2018

Strength exercises for someone out of shape to compliment Couch to 5k
Kettlebells are a great way to build strength without having to get the whole bench and rack kit or join a gym.

What you're looking for is a "circuit" routine where you go from one exercise to the next instead of repetition of the same exercise. The link above describes some kettlebell circuits. There are lots of variations.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 9:34 AM on November 13, 2018

Best cheap earbud+microphone for iPhone?
I lost my fancy earbuds while travelling (ugh) so I picked up a pair of Panasonic ErgoFit for $11 and I don't have any complaints.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:16 AM on November 13, 2018

Considering Quitting or Using Less Marijuana .... Have Some Questions
I don't know that there's much evidence that marijuana is bad for you (although smoking anything is bad, but vaping oil is less combustive, so better). But if you don't like the way it's making you feel, you should probably stop.

Maybe try switching to CBD for the anxiety?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 11:53 AM on November 11, 2018

Why would we trust Trump's tax returns?
First, he's taken great pains to avoid releasing his returns. So it seems like there must be some reason, right? Otherwise why not do it.

Even if it only is a report on income and expenses, so not technically on assets or wealth, an income report gives an idea of wealth. For instance it should show his capital gains income. Truly rich people live almost entirely off of capital gains, that is, returns on investments. If he's worth 1 billion or 3 billion or whatever, like… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 11:10 AM on November 10, 2018

Help my find my dream pair of brogues/oxfords
I've had a pair of Wolverine (the boots) for years now. The soles do have to be replaced about once every 18 months, but I've put way more than 1000 miles on these boots. They have women's shoes, and they're quite affordable: Like this oxford.

I've found that despite a lot of the warnings, you really don't have to worry about quality leather shoes that much. I've never followed the advice about wearing pairs on alternate days, and generally just oil my shoes once or… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 6:56 AM on October 18, 2018 marked best answer

Which direction does Twitter scroll? Which direction do you scroll?
This doesn't make any sense.

Your sense of Twitter is correct. The newest tweets are on top, so if you want to tell a story in multiple tweets, the ending will be the first thing people read.

Except, you can "thread" your tweets so that they appear in the proper order:

Not everyone threads tweets though.

I… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 6:36 AM on October 18, 2018 marked best answer

Working backwards from a PhD in ethics in AI
If you could double major in philosophy and computer science, that would be perfect. But definitely take philosophy and try and take some formal philosophy courses if they're offered, or advanced logic courses (non-classical logics, modal and temporal logics) so you have the requisite technical background on your CV.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:06 AM on October 13, 2018 marked best answer

My sink is gross
If your landlord is unhelpful, I cleared up a smelly sink trap with nigthly applications of an enzymatic drain cleaner (I used InVade Bio Drain Gel but there are a number of brands). Poured it in there a 1/2 cup at a time or so every night until the gallon was used up and it definitely got rid of the smell.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:14 AM on October 7, 2018

Student Loan Default
i don't have specific advice, but just words of encouragement. I defaulted on my student loans, got them out of default and after a few years of being a responsible debt slave, my credit is back to the point where buying a house is a reasonable idea. Default is not the end of the world like i thought it would be and there's still a future. I did have some trouble finding an apartment around then, but explaining the default on my report eventually worked to convince a landlord that i would… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 9:31 PM on September 25, 2018

Things to do in Prague
3. Must eat at places or foods to try.

One of the unique things about Prague is their tea-room culture which has a distinct eastern vibe to it (a consequence of their ottoman past, I assume). I had a Czech friend to show me around so I don't know how hard it would be without speaking the language, but this place Květinová čajovna was a great slice of Prague daily life.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 10:28 AM on September 20, 2018

Car-free and affordable?
Pittsburgh has gotten a lot more expensive than it was just 5 years ago but you can still find places there for around $150k (more like $180 probably). Bloomfield and Lawrenceville are eminently walkable neighborhoods with excellent transit to and from downtown. And, if you bike, your reach expands to whole foods instead of a giant eagle and even to the southside if you don't mind some hill climbs on the way home. When I lived there I basically only used the car to go to Ikea and the… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 8:23 AM on September 15, 2018

Please help me find the real Barcelona
The Barri Gotic and Las Ramblas are nightmares, and if it's anything like it was when I was there, full of prostitution and street crime after dark. Poble-sec (go to quimet i quimet!) might be more your speed, and I wouldn't overlook the hilly La Font d'en Fargues neighborhood which is much quieter than the main areas, a nice hike on foot with views of the whole city.

But really there is no way for a traveller to see the "real" anywhere if they don't have a… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 12:35 PM on September 11, 2018

Is there a name for this software principle?
In my mind this is a memory ownership pattern. When building C libraries you have to decide which memory ownership pattern to stick to: caller ownership of memory, or callee ownership of memory/resources. Alternatively, you could distinguish between managed and unmanaged resources. If having the caller manage the underlying resource is considered dangerous or a mistake, then a managed resource pattern is used. If the point is to give the callee direct access to the memory/resource, then a… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 8:48 AM on August 30, 2018

Weird node warning whenever I open terminal
It looks like when your shell starts, it's executing some script that runs on Node. So the way to solve this is to find out what scripts are executing when your shell starts.

If you're using bash (the macOS default), then look for these files in your home directory: ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc as well as /etc/bashrc to see what programs are being executed when you log in.

If these scripts were added automatically (some programs do this) then they'll… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 3:58 PM on August 29, 2018

How to convert to local time in Slack?
There are a few options. This one seems actively maintained: Channel Time.

You type in /time and your message, and it converts the timestrings in it to each users timezone.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:39 AM on August 28, 2018

Is a keyhole an object?
i'm a nominalist about holes. there are only things and space. Holes are the space between things. Insofar as that space is relevant to us or to the things, we call them holes. but there are lots of puzzles about holes and the whole thing is either really interesting or really boring, depending on how you feel about this sort of philosophical argle-bargle.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 9:04 PM on August 26, 2018

Where should my lonely friend live?
I think American midsized cities are excellent for finding a circle of friends and having easier social interactions. Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St. Louis are all places I'm thinking of that are big enough to have large numbers of liberal and broadminded people, but are also small enough that you can easily feel part of a community, and not get lost in the crowd or pushed to the side by ambitious, extroverted climbers and strivers. If moving to a midsized midwestern city is a reasonable… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 10:59 AM on August 24, 2018

Recipes for a great sauce with really concentrated flavours.
Definitely start with the mother sauces.

However, modern chefs often use trickier techniques to create really unique sauces. For instance, they might create a reduction and then thicken with xanthan gum to turn it into a more saucy liquid without having to make a velouté or roux, etc.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 11:15 AM on August 21, 2018

From Python to C++
If you have programming experience, then I'd just start with Stroustrup's A Tour of C++. It will introduce all the key concepts of modern C++ programming (disclaimer, I contributed errata!). Work through all the examples and you'll come out the other end with facility in C++.

Then, build some things! You can hone your knife with the Scott Meyer's "Effective Modern C++" books.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:06 AM on August 21, 2018 marked best answer

Funding community college
The Bright Futures scholarship was the main one back when I was graduating high school, although if he is 22, he may no longer be eligible depending on when he received his diploma (and his GPA): Bright Futures Handbook.

If he by any chance has been working at Publix for 6 months or so, they offer scholarships for employees.

Otherwise, the people who will be most knowledgeable about his scholarship eligiblity will be the admissions and financial… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 11:21 AM on August 13, 2018

Help me decide whether or not to keep my 2003 Honda Civic LS...
80,000 miles is about 120,000 miles short of the normal lifespan of a honda civic. If the insurance will cover the body work beyond the deductible, then you're looking at something like $1500 - $1750 for the body work + the alternator. That's not a lot of money to keep the car running for a few more years. I would pay it, personally, unless I really wanted a new car.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 10:55 AM on August 9, 2018 marked best answer

Latin study for fun and profit
Wheelock definitely has the most supplementary material by other authors, which makes it the best choice for self-directed learning.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 5:30 PM on August 7, 2018 marked best answer

Which translation of The Odyssey?
I haven't had a chance to read the Emily Wilson translation yet, but I hear good things about it. My favorite translation for reading-aloud is the Stanley Lombardo, which is meant to be read aloud and is much more poetic, I think, than the Fagles or the Lattimore.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 10:05 AM on August 3, 2018

12" Macbook evolution
The keyboards have changed slightly between all 3 revisions. The first generation (2015) is definitely slow compared to the second two revisions. I have a 2016 12" macbook and it's the best laptop I've ever had. Very little has changed besides minor processor bumps and improved keyboards. They're all pegged at 8gb of ram and either 256gb or 512gb of SSD.

I'd get a 2016 (2nd rev) or the 3rd rev and stay away from the first version.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 6:47 AM on August 3, 2018

How to lawn seats at Ravinia?
Bring a blanket of some kind (or lawn chairs). Bring your own wine. They sell it there but we always brought it in (and they allow it, everyone will have wine/beer of their own). I'd get there a little early if you think the show will be very popular (like 45 minutes / half hour). I always took the Metra to Ravinia, which arrives at about 6:25 or so for a 6:30 concert, and never had trouble finding lawn space. It's a big lawn though, so if you want to be close you should arrive a little earlier.… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:57 AM on August 1, 2018

Are there any proven benefits of alkaline water?
I dunno what it does to your general health, but I swish with "alkaline" water, that is, water with a bit of baking soda in it, in order to reduce the acidity of my mouth and prevent tooth decay. Not sure how much evidence there is, but the acid is bad for enamel, so neutralizing it must be good, right? They put it in toothpaste, anyway.

I also use baking soda for heartburn because the calcium in tums can cause kidney stones to develop.… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 4:47 PM on July 30, 2018

What're the best resources for re-learning Math starting from Algebra?
It's not a bad idea to see if there are night classes available at your local community college for Calculus. Community colleges are cheap, but often have excellent instruction. The biggest problem in self-directed math learning is motivation to continue when other things intervene. Dropping $500 for a semester, and having homework and exams can be a good motivator.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 9:25 AM on July 24, 2018

Further suggestions in the Berkshires and Western Mass
Nthing Mass MoCA. It's a fantastic museum.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 10:12 AM on July 21, 2018

Renting an apartment in New York with mixed credit
NYC law allows you to have a roommate even if they're not on the lease, (or so it says here) so long as it does not create "overcrowding", meaning more than the number of signed tenants. So for 1 named tenant, one legal roommate. So I would apply for the lease alone if it means you're more likely to get the apartment, since the NYC market is so nuts, *anything* against you means someone else will snap it up.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 2:12 PM on July 17, 2018 marked best answer

How to configure new MacBook
Upgrading the ram to 32gb will future-proof it, I suppose, but I don't think it will really be necessary unless you anticipate some more extreme needs, like running virtual machines, 3d rendering workflows, or other very RAM-heavy usages. Software RAM usage has stabilized more or less, and 8gb of RAM would fit your needs just fine. Which means 16gb will have you set for the next 5 years. Upgrading storage is a great idea, though, but I wouldn't add the 32gb unless you know why you need that much… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 11:54 AM on July 16, 2018

Quirky, Indie Greeting Cards
These are all fantastic! Keep 'em coming! I'll never run out of cards now.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 10:01 AM on July 16, 2018

Looking for Wisconsin politics Twitter/blogs/podcasts/whatever
I've been listening to the Wisconsin Podcast to get my bearings since moving here. Although it doesn't always release as often as I'd like.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 8:36 AM on July 16, 2018

What single word describes this quality?
The difference between A and B is empathy and understanding. A does not attempt to consider the situation from the perspective of the customer, while B is trying to see it through their eyes.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 9:24 AM on July 15, 2018

Looking for a Novel with an African American Female Protagonist
Americanah, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie might fit the bill, although the main character is a Nigerian living in America, so more African in America than African-American. Great book.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 8:01 PM on July 10, 2018

Getting California drivers license with recently expired OOS license
The expired license will *definitely* be an issue. I let my FL license expire while living in Chicago and since I also had somehow lost my Social Security card, it was a huge hassle.

It was always baffling to me. This piece of plastic literally identified me yesterday but is completely invalid today? Sure, ok, makes total sense.

If you have birth certificate, social security card and a passport, you'll be fine. Otherwise you'll… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 10:23 PM on July 8, 2018

Medical marijuana prescription, new job drug testing
Drug free workplace policies are required by law for companies that want to bid on federal contracts. So if that's something your prospective employer does, they'll have to reject you if you fail the drug screen. It's really stupid, the war on drugs is a disaster, sorry this sucks, you could always try the condom-of-clean-pee taped to your leg like in the dark ages (y'know, the 2000s).
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 8:10 AM on July 7, 2018

Have authoritarian and racist groups coopted the US Steel logo?
The Steelers won like 8 million super bowls, and people from Southwest PA migrated away a lot over the years, so they're a team with tons of fans who have no immediate connection to Pittsburgh, just like the Dallas Cowboys did. I doubt most people with that logo on their car even know it's the logo for US Steel.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 8:56 AM on July 6, 2018

How Best To Make A Voice Recording On MacOS
Go for the old standby: QuickTime Player. Choose File -> New Audio Recording. Press the red button, and voila.

QuickTime saves as M4A, which maybe people on Windows computers might have trouble playing (not sure if it's supported by Media Player by default in Windows 10 or not). So you might have to convert it to an MP3 if you want everyone to hear it. Use iTunes for that.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 6:53 PM on July 5, 2018

What should I do next week with a few hours in Chicago?
If you're book-mad, like me, then one great option is to hop on the Southshore electric line to 57 or 59th, and walk to the Seminary Co-op (deetz) which is still in the top 5 bookstores I've been to in the world.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 8:10 AM on July 5, 2018

Really fresh tropical fruits in Chicago?
Run, don’t walk to the Patel Brothers at 2610 w Devon and ask for Pakistani (yellow) mangoes. Soooo good
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 8:54 AM on July 4, 2018

Why do my Chromebooks keep losing their OS and what can I do about it?
This sounds like a failure in the SSD (the eMMC unit), which would explain why the USB recovery does not work either.

With most chromebooks this is easily solved by buying a new eMMC chip and popping it in, but it looks like the SSD is soldered on the Pixel.

If you can find a repair shop willing/able to desolder the SSD, install a new one, solder it back on, that's the most direct way to fix it I can think of. They'll probably need some fancy… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 1:06 PM on July 2, 2018

North Carolina Police Dash Cam Footage
If you file a complaint and challenge the ticket in court, like this guy did in Vermont, you may be able to get a copy of the dashcam video. Have no idea how this translates to North Carolina except that police are unreliable witnesses everywhere. If the department refuses, or plays hardball in some way, you better have a lawyer, and also be prepared for a traffic court judge to not care very much about wasting a bunch of time on a ticket for a rolling stop or whatever.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 7:23 AM on July 2, 2018

Best way to get from Laguardia to Brooklyn?
The Q70 + F train combo from LaGuardia to Brooklyn takes (absurdly) well over an hour. Why there is no better transit between Queens and Brooklyn only god can tell us. So I'd take a cab/lyft unless money is very tight.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 4:42 PM on June 25, 2018

Please suggest recent fiction for me
I'm currently 100% bonkers about Elena Ferrante's Neapolitan Cycle. I also couldn't put down Whitehead's Underground Railroad and I think the books have a kind of common spiritual thread even if they're extremely different.

Give the first volume, My Brilliant Friend a try. It's not very long, and utterly compelling. They are among the greatest works of fiction in 50 years.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 2:14 PM on June 25, 2018

Help me navigate an immigration checkpoint
CBP officers have a tremendous amount of power at roadblocks and stops within the 100 mile no-constitution zone. If you pissed one off they might shrug and move on, or they might decide to ruin your entire day, if not trash your whole life.

Cops suck in America, and they shouldn't be allowed to do what they do. But when one is in front of you with a gun and backup, you keep your nose down and cooperate if you value your freedom and health.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 11:01 AM on June 25, 2018

A Remote Possibility
This happened to me when my package was on a truck that crashed. The contents of the boxes were mixed up and I received a box with what was expected and also just some random stuff.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 4:16 PM on June 21, 2018 marked best answer

Can I drink this?
It will probably taste just fine, not to mention be perfectly safe. These conditions aren't at all unlike those that wine is shipped in (hot trucks on hot roads, sitting in hot warehouses). Wine is not a very favorable environment for bad bacteria, especially if it hasn't been opened.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by dis_integration at 2:08 PM on June 21, 2018

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