Activity from showbiz_liz

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Newspaper recommendation for the news junkie
LA Times is good imo - I don’t live in LA but I read it for work. I’m in NYC and locally my favorite is New York Magazine (some longform but not primarily), and I also like TheCity.NYC and Gothamist (those are both free).
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 8:57 AM on January 21, 2023 marked best answer

Yes, I'm sure.
I see other people describing the volume issue, but searching “sun” or “light” yielded nothing for me…
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 9:51 AM on January 15, 2023
It can’t be heat - literally I can be walking down a street with patches of sun and shade, and the problem goes away the instant I pass into shade (in that I can turn the volume back up) and comes back the instant I step into the sun. It happened this morning indoors when I leaned in toward a window to water plants. And, it happens in winter as well as summer.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 11:06 AM on January 15, 2023

It's all of your beeswax
You can eat it - or use it, but you don’t have much! If you melted all that down it would be like a couple square centimeters. The way to do it would be to crush it up a bit, let it drain, and then heat very gently in a container you don’t care about.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 6:53 PM on January 14, 2023

Breakup, and Sacrifice vs. Compromise in Happy Relationships
I think you are massively overthinking this! At core the issue is: this guy is very dogmatic in his beliefs and is making assumptions about you and your relationship based on them. It sounds frustrating and not worth the effort you’ve been expending.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 1:35 PM on January 14, 2023

Existential pain tolerance
I lost my dad a year and a half ago, too young. His death was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. But my relationship with him was, and continues to be, one of the BEST things that ever happened to me. Now enough time has passed that, as my Jewish friends say, his memory is a blessing to me. The idea that if I’d never known him I wouldn’t have had to experience that pain just makes no sense to me at all as an appealing option.

I think what you’re feeling right… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 3:17 PM on January 13, 2023

veterinary anger
If you didn’t have an existing loathing for this vet practice, and this was clearly just an error, would you really care? It’s not like they did something that could have actually led to your cat being adopted against your will. I frankly think that expending any mental energy on this is going to do nothing but make you feel worse. Why dwell on this?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 9:09 AM on January 10, 2023
I mentioned this post to a friend who worked for a vet office, and they had a take which might help reframe the whole thing:

You DID request the records for rehoming purposes. Rehoming the dog.

Think about it: if the admin who filled this out is selecting reasons from a dropdown, it’s very likely there is no distinct category for “person wants to adopt another animal.” And if they had only a limited selection of options to choose from, it’s… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 9:55 AM on January 11, 2023 marked best answer

Don’t forget, you’re here forever
Those compromises you’re not quite ready to make - what are some small, concrete steps you could take that would bring you closer to being happy to make them in a year or two?

I am in a very similar situation right now, and for a chunk of last year I was very depressed about it. But with some support from my therapist I figured out that the issue was not just the job, it was my fatalistic feelings about the job. So I started doing a couple of things: I began taking… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 12:52 AM on January 3, 2023

We watch entirely too much TV. Help us watch more.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 4:22 PM on January 1, 2023

fiction writing workshop...which one?
What genre is it?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 10:41 PM on December 30, 2022

(Fewer) papers please
So… what is it that’s bringing you to tears about this stuff? Is it merely the fact that you think you have to throw it out?

What if you just… don’t? Like what if you just decide you are going to keep this stuff forever, whether or not you ever look at it again? What makes that not an ok choice for you? What’s making you think you HAVE to get rid of it?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 4:43 PM on December 27, 2022

Is it ok to ignore Elon Musk?
You could have ignored Trump’s tweets too, you know. There’s a difference between being aware of current events and obsessively following every word a public figure says. What actual, concrete good does it do for you to constantly know the latest dumb bullshit these people say?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 11:21 PM on December 18, 2022

How do I unfuck my career?
I was stuck in a career (grant writing) that felt very non-portable, I burned out, and I got fired. Spent months depressed and not bothering to apply for anything. I HAVE BEEN THERE!

First new job I got was through a friend - I started asking everyone if they could think of anything at all that used my skills. Wound up as a project manager at a labor union - not something I ever would have thought to apply for or even known existed. Laid off from that for covid budget… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 9:35 AM on December 18, 2022

Help me buy or rent this film
Honestly, if a company has gone to outrageous lengths to insure it’s literally impossible to pay them money for a movie, who are you hurting by pirating the movie?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 9:03 AM on December 17, 2022

I’m not your secretary, buzz off! University edition
You owe this guy nothing. Absolutely nothing. If you never responded to a single message or text from him ever again you would be perfectly within your rights.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 5:54 PM on December 15, 2022
The golden rule does not apply to people who are brazenly using you and abusing your goodwill and timidity for their own selfish purposes.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 5:55 AM on December 16, 2022

What is the Warmest Coat
Extremely unpopular suggestion:

This fall, I saw a rabbit fur coat in a vintage shop for a relatively low price and impulsively bought it, thinking I ought to have something nicer than a down coat for if I ever went somewhere dressy. The first time it dipped below freezing a few weeks ago, I tried wearing it out on a regular day because it’s not THAT fancy… and now I don’t think I can ever go back. I have lived in NYC for twelve years and this is the first time I have… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 9:40 AM on December 14, 2022

Where can I find people who are a little less narcissistic?
Less narcissistic than… what exactly? Give us a baseline here
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 1:58 AM on December 13, 2022

Places to write in NYC
So glad I asked this question. Just spent a couple hours in the Ace Brooklyn lobby, editing by literal firelight. This rules. I am gonna become such a lobby rat. Thanks everyone!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 6:04 PM on December 12, 2022

Are My Relationship Desires Unrealistic?
I have to admit I would be somewhat alarmed if, four month into a relationship, my partner told me they were certain they would never fall out of love with me. That just feels very, very soon to me personally.

But on the flip side: cheating is a conscious choice, and I would NOT stick around with anyone who talked about cheating as something that “just happens.”
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 9:07 AM on December 12, 2022

Shoe surgery to make room for bunions
I have a pair of Nike sneakers where the upper is mostly just stretchy mesh. It’s as stretchy as socks. I’ve also seen sneakers with knitted uppers.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 6:00 AM on November 14, 2022

Help me figure out this Halloween gravestone pun
Handmade or bought?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 10:44 PM on October 30, 2022

Give me your best green tomato recipe!
Blackened green tomato salsa, I do it every year! Slice the tomatoes in half and arrange on a baking sheet with halved hot peppers, chunks of onion, and unpeeled garlic cloves; broil until tomatoes are soft and everything has black bits; let cool, and then peel the tomatoes and garlic and blend it all. That’s it! Maybe a little salt. No proportions because I just eyeball it. Imo this is a much nobler use of green tomatoes than half-assed forced ripening.

This is also a… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 12:10 AM on October 29, 2022 marked best answer
They are an iconic southern dish for a reason :)

Yep - because a movie was released about 30 years ago declaring them to be so, before which they were not specifically associated with the South at all! (Just saying)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 10:31 AM on October 29, 2022

Shall I tell you what's wrong with it?
WHAT was so wrong with it? I would post it here, but ex may read this site and so I cannot do that.

Erm, do you think there’s any chance he’ll see this post and think “oh, this must be a DIFFERENT ex boyfriend fridge cougar drawing insensitive remark story”?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 6:19 PM on October 24, 2022

What happens if I don't grieve my loss?
As someone whose dad died last year: spending a bunch of time reading up on whether I was grieving “right” was in fact part of the grieving process.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 6:18 PM on October 18, 2022

Plain black 100% natural fibers knit sleeveless bodysuit with buttflap?
You may be running into search term issues, because the whole time I was reading the question before looking at the image, I thought you meant a legless one-piece-bathing-suit-style thing. When I hear “bodysuit” that is what comes to mind. I would call the thing in the photo a jumpsuit.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 6:34 AM on October 18, 2022

Parents who share kid custody - how do you handle clothes?
This is just a reminder that the clothes are theirs, not yours, and whether they are at their mom's house or yours should not matter to you.

Well, yeah, it matters if the clothes only ever take one-way trips to mom’s, forcing dad to endlessly purchase replacements for clothes he has already bought and that they still own
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 5:55 AM on October 18, 2022
Guys it doesn’t sound like he doesn’t want them keeping ANY CLOTHES at his house, it sounds like they HAVE clothing storage at both houses and the mom is saying that instead of distributing those clothes between the houses, dad should buy a full new wardrobe for both kids?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 5:58 AM on October 18, 2022

Songs about relationships with addicts
Little Angel, Little Brother by Lucinda Williams.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 7:59 AM on October 15, 2022

How can I change my professional writing style?
What is the context here? Are we talking about internal emails, or annual reports circulated to the public? Product descriptions? Blog posts?

The answer to that question REALLY MATTERS, because there are contexts where your bare-bones style would be better and others where it would be completely inappropriate. Especially your distaste for including background information - sometimes background information is absolutely necessary to include, depending on who you’re… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 5:09 AM on October 13, 2022

What's this math/statistics word I'm looking for?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 7:34 PM on October 6, 2022

An Easy Way to TOC
The Word feature relies on you having used Word's Styles to properly label each section/chapter/poem title or whatever else you want to show up in the TOC.

Yes - but note that you don’t have to use the weird default styles! To change the styles to what you already have:

Select (say) a section of header text.

In the Styles menu, right click on the Heading 1 style and choose “update style to match… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 3:47 PM on September 27, 2022

Harvested garden peppers, what next?
For hot peppers I usually slice them into a jar, cover them with vinegar, and keep them in the fridge. They keep for a really long time that way. I’ve also minced and then frozen them - then you can just take spoonfuls of it.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 7:35 PM on September 26, 2022

How to address tech "bro" coworker who talks over or dismisses you?
How would your job overlap with this person’s job? Direct supervisor? Peer? Head of the company? If you don’t know, find out.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 10:46 AM on September 26, 2022

most comfortable bed setup for sitting up
For similar reasons I just bought this velvet daybed frame that fits a full-size mattress. I am obsessed.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 4:30 PM on September 24, 2022

a liquid almost, but not quite, entirely unlike hot chocolate
I love strong rooibos tea with lots of cream and honey. It’s the closest tea-like thing to coffee or hot chocolate that I know of, and naturally caffeine-free.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 2:47 PM on September 24, 2022

loud snoring spouse + light sleeping child - hotel room ideas?
EAR PLUGS. I speak from brutal personal experience, as a person whose dad snored SO LOUDLY that I once literally took my blanket into the bathtub to escape the snoring in a hotel room. Ear plugs saved our damn family.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 5:23 PM on September 22, 2022

Performative Snackery
Those giant citrus juicing machines that lemonade vendors have, where you wind up with a big cup of lemonade with the empty lemon halves in the cup.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 10:19 AM on September 16, 2022

What's the best way to fix Fedex's furniture misdelivery?
You messaged Target. Did you message FedEx? Because if the label has somebody else’s address on it, this is one hundred percent FedEx’s fault and Target has literally nothing to do with it. (Source: was a receptionist, dealt with misdeliveries practically daily)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 5:50 AM on September 10, 2022

Help a beginner get into coffee
When I was a kid I asked my parents if I could try coffee and they gave me essentially a mug of milk with a splash of coffee in it. I liked it and started gradually increasing the amount and by middle school I was just drinking a cup of coffee with milk every morning. This really weirded diner waitresses out. High school was when all my friends started trying to drink it, hating it, and asking me for advice; I told them to do the same thing.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 4:01 PM on September 7, 2022
Oh one thing you might try is cold brewed coffee, which is NOT just cold coffee - it’s made by soaking the grounds in cold water overnight. It’s notably less bitter than normal coffee, and some people will even brew coffee cold and then heat it up to drink.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 4:20 PM on September 7, 2022 marked best answer

I'm an omivore looking for meal ideas / recipes that fit some criteria..
One of my standard no-recipe meals is ground pork, assorted raw or quick-fried vegetables, herbs, and then either a scoop of chili crisp or a simple sauce of hot peppers and rice vinegar.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 9:56 AM on September 2, 2022

Please recommend a women’s antiperspirant you like the best.
I also really like Mitchum - the solid, not the gel, which I sometimes find unpleasantly sticky. I’m a woman but I use the men’s unscented one, but I know they have women’s ones as well. It even works to neutralize already stinky pits. It’s available in regular drugstores where I am.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 9:53 AM on September 2, 2022

How can I maintain a strong sense of self while dating?
I’m curious whether this date was with a cis person. If so, at least initially in your dating journey you might want to consider specifically seeking out dates with other nonbinary or trans people, because they’re more likely to get it. I’m cis, but this has been the experience of my nb friends. As another data point, on queer dating apps like Lex I very often see posts that are specifically nb for nb or trans for trans - it’s totally a thing.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 2:47 PM on August 29, 2022

Dog with corneal ulcer. Need advice for cone and eye drops.
In fact I asked the vet about removing the eye before he has an ulcer that ruptures, but the vet said that is not a good option, that it is a terrible surgery. Terrible for the dog? Terrible for the surgeon? He made a big deal out of not wanting to lose the eye.

I (a human) had a corneal ulcer maybe 15 years ago, and frankly this is like saying “he has a really nasty scrape on his knee and administering the antibiotics is a huge pain, should I have… [more]
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 8:01 AM on August 28, 2022

Tomato growing oddity
Oh yes I’ve noticed this too. I’ve been assuming it was the result of the blossom not dropping right away and constricting growth, but it could also be insufficient water during a specific phase of growth. (Or something else, I’m new to this!)
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 5:09 PM on August 23, 2022
Cut it in half lengthwise; if it has two of the internal whitish branching structures that issue from a stem, then I think it must be fasciation.

What OP is describing, and what that photo shows, are tomatoes with a constriction halfway DOWN the tomato, not near the stem. Not fasciation.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 12:57 AM on August 24, 2022

What language is this and what does it mean?
But I’d err on the side of assuming the written version on the pillow is the result of a game of intergenerational telephone and not how it’s actually spelled.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by showbiz_liz at 5:06 PM on August 23, 2022

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