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Wichita Lineman

Thought I'd try recording this lovely tune by the legendary Glen Campbell
posted to MeFi Music by greenish at 12:42 PM on May 5, 2021 (10 comments)

"Gun policies... are downstream from culture"

Gun Violence Is Actually Worse in Red States. It’s Not Even Close. Colin Woodard, author of American Nations (summary), runs Nationhood Lab which is "focused on counteracting the authoritarian threat to American democracy and the centrifugal forces threatening the federation’s stability."
posted to MetaFilter by joannemerriam at 5:55 AM on April 26, 2023 (67 comments)

King of the Delta Blues Liars

Digging into Robert “Mack” McCormick’s archives to find out what he had learned about Robert Johnson uncovered a writer far more complicated and problematic than his subject. A lifetime of old-fashioned research repeatedly failed to deliver multiple projects, yet the one everyone was after was a completed manuscript on Robert Johnson. Texas Monthly finally gets to write the story about the story.
posted to MetaFilter by bookbook at 12:21 AM on April 11, 2023 (23 comments)

Floor 796

An endless animation of floor 796 of a huge space station.
posted to MetaFilter by Sebmojo at 4:04 PM on April 10, 2023 (32 comments)

"Best" poker games for PC/ iOS (mobile)

Colleague wants to improve memory, open to playing card games where counting cards to calculate odds is a thing. If there are games where one, the AI has no "memory" of what cards have been revealed vs. a game where the AI has memory dependent on how many decks there are in play. Or ideally, a game where the AI can be adjusted.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by porpoise at 12:03 AM on March 24, 2023 (8 comments)

Yo La Tengo plays the hits TODAY...

...with a 100% chance of murdering the classics. Yo La Tengo will be playing cover song requests live on WFMU from 9 pm to midnight EST on Daniel Blumin's show in exchange for pledges. As in previous years, the show will not be archived by the station. Previously: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008.
posted to MetaFilter by mandolin conspiracy at 7:24 AM on March 6, 2023 (42 comments)

The girl is crying in her latte

Sparks have a new single, along with a video filmed in a single take, starring the band and Cate Blanchett.
posted to MetaFilter by Hogshead at 7:27 AM on March 5, 2023 (25 comments)

Lady Wray

Debuting as a teenager with the Missy Elliot and Timbaland produced Make it Hot in 1998, a number of shelved projects meant Nicole Wray's next album would take more than a decade to appear as part of a duo with Terri Walker, Lady (2012). That was followed by solo albums Queen Alone (2016) and Piece of Me (2022). Earlier this month, she appeared on Tiny Desk Concerts. There's also an earlier appearance on KEXP.
posted to MetaFilter by juv3nal at 7:36 PM on February 23, 2023 (5 comments)

This column has been depressing to write; it has depressed me.

After seven years, Joel Golby's VICE column London Rental Opportunity of the Week reaches an end; half polemic, half retrospective: 'Landlords Are a Scum Class': Everything I've Learnt About London Renting
posted to MetaFilter by We had a deal, Kyle at 6:03 PM on February 16, 2023 (35 comments)

New Moderation Team Member

Hello Everyone! Please join me welcoming our newly-hired Moderator: Brandon Blatcher!
posted to MetaTalk by loup at 10:28 AM on February 15, 2023 (92 comments)

Middle-aged lady seeks semi-public writing outlet

Substack: good for personal blogging & writing?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Kitteh at 12:01 PM on February 4, 2023 (12 comments)

Snail Mail Security

When held up to the light no useful information can be gained through a security envelope. […] What is kind of mind boggling to me is just how many different patterns there are. If you think about it, five to ten patterns could have been created and that would have satisfied any security needs. There seems to be a lot more than ten patterns…
posted to MetaFilter by cardioid at 4:24 PM on February 3, 2023 (28 comments)

Looking for upbeat dance songs like Capital Cities’ “Safe and Sound”

I am looking for more songs like Safe and Sound by Capital Cities. I think what I love about it is that it’s cheerful and dancey, with a strong drum beat. I also like the horns and the sort of—orchestral? feel of it at certain points. Any recommendations are welcome, because I’ve got it on repeat now and I’m afraid I’ll make myself sick of it!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by hurdy gurdy girl at 12:39 PM on January 17, 2023 (22 comments)

J.J. Jeczalik speaks!

The collective that contains Art Of Noise have been trying to be more visible recently. Mystery man computer programmer J.J. Jeczalik has popped up in several podcasts recently: From June 2022, SOS pocast [55m], Dec 2022, Synthetic Dreams podcast [44m], Pro Synth Network LIVE! [2h25m, interview begins at around 40m15s] , and Electronic Cafe with a two part interview that totals ~90m
posted to MetaFilter by hippybear at 9:54 PM on January 11, 2023 (15 comments)

Don’t forget, you’re here forever

After a solid year of job hunting, I’ve come to the conclusion that my current job is actually the best I can do for now. I still kinda hate it and want to leave, though. How can I try to improve my attitude toward my current job to make it bearable while I figure out what’s next?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by btfreek at 1:57 PM on January 2, 2023 (8 comments)

The RECEPTIO-Rossi Affair

A specialist on medieval manuscript noticed a possible case of plagiarism. They started looking into it, and found out that nobody is real and nothing is real. The rest of the are worth looking into as well.
posted to MetaFilter by Pyrogenesis at 6:38 AM on December 28, 2022 (64 comments)

How it looks like trying to buy printer ink in 8 cities

This is what a tech market looks like in:-- Rest of The World's correspondents share their photo essays from: Taipei, Jakarta, São Paulo, Lagos, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Bengaluru, and Mexico City.
posted to MetaFilter by cendawanita at 2:01 AM on December 20, 2022 (11 comments)

A vegan equivalent for slow cooked meat Feijoada?

Has anyone a favourite vegan feijoada recipe that tastes close to the street cafe recipes in Rio?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by many-things at 1:37 AM on December 2, 2022 (9 comments)

Prof. Adrian Vermeule and Republican election denialism

What, if anything, has conservative Harvard law professor Adrian Vermeule said about the J6 insurrection and/or Republican election denialism since 2021?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by mhum at 1:23 PM on November 30, 2022 (5 comments)

Software for a small private podcast

I am assembling a podcast that will be available to a small, private audience. I have access to web space, so I was planning to host it locally and share an RSS link. So the challenge is updating the RSS feed each time an episode is added. I'm familiar with the syntax and could code my own tool, but this has to be a solved problem. Is there software (preferably free) that can generate the RSS files easily?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by LSK at 6:02 AM on December 1, 2022 (2 comments)

Movie: Mr. Majestyk

A Colorado melon farmer (Charles Bronson) becomes the target of a grudge by a hit man (Al Lettieri) after pushing back on a shakedown. Also stars Linda Cristal, Paul Koslo, and Alejandro Rey. Written my Elmore Leonard. Directed by Richard Fleischer.
posted to FanFare by 2N2222 at 12:58 PM on November 30, 2022 (4 comments)

Eat up, they said

These men are geniuses! Their shit tastes like candy! Adam Conover (recently previously on Metafilter) continues to press his case for treating billionaires with the respect they deserve (YouTube, 19m30s)
posted to MetaFilter by flabdablet at 5:37 AM on November 24, 2022 (20 comments)

Cat in costume

This Library Attracts The Public By Dressing Up One Librarian’s Cat As Literary And Movie Icons Notable photos: Queen Elizabeth II, Mary Queen of Scots, Cat With A Pearl Earring, Phantom mask, Iron Throne, Teddy Roosevelt, Gritty, members of Clone Club....
posted to MetaFilter by jenfullmoon at 8:20 PM on November 23, 2022 (19 comments)

Podcast: Maintenance Phase: The Food Pyramid

In the 1990s, the Food Pyramid was one of the most recognizable symbols in nutrition education. But where did it come from? Why was it created by the agriculture department? And why did it tell us to eat a whole loaf of bread every day?
posted to FanFare by Gin and Broadband at 6:56 AM on November 22, 2022 (4 comments)

“Paper or plastic?” … “MOUTH”

Natural Habitat Shorts is an animated web series featuring anthropomorphized animals going about their daily lives. Created by Brennan Brinkley, Nicole Low, and Tyler Kula, the shorts imagine animals participating in mundane activities - shopping, working, commuting - with humorous results. The videos, each of which are less than a minute long, gained popularity on TikTok last year. New shorts are posted every few weeks.
posted to MetaFilter by Aster at 9:46 PM on November 21, 2022 (17 comments)

Just Say 'Yes' to PR

As I delete these emails, I often wonder: Who are all these people who want to talk to a reporter, any reporter, so badly that they will pay a publicist to email every journalist they can think of—including me, a guy who doesn’t write about pool safety or divorce or witches at all? Who actually opens these emails, let alone responds to them? Do they ever work? And what would happen if I tried? from My PR Day of Yes
posted to MetaFilter by chavenet at 3:41 PM on November 19, 2022 (11 comments)

What books make you feel better about the past, present, and future?

Can you please recommend any books that make you feel better about living life as an individual inside a chaotic world? The political catastrophisation of every issue has left my friends group feeling inadequate to face the challenges of modern life. And yet, life goes on, we keep aging, and, despite near-daily predictions, the sky has not yet fallen. What do you find hopeful, helpful, or healthy to read?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by rebent at 6:18 AM on November 16, 2022 (30 comments)

[it looks better] in the dark, which is a compliment I receive a lot too

"When I started this, I thought this video was going to be like a chill travelog, that was like 30 minutes long, and, uh, it didn't turn out to be that." Jenny Nicholson does a fascinating four hours (almost) on the history and status (as of 2021) of Evermore, a Theme Park/Live Action Role Play experience.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 3:01 PM on November 5, 2022 (38 comments)

frontline workers + cartoonists = <3

Frontline Comics Project, a project of the Graphic Medicine International Collective.
posted to MetaFilter by latkes at 1:09 PM on October 29, 2022 (3 comments)

Stop the meltdowns

I am a grown-ass woman who has embarrassing meltdowns a couple times a month when I feel I am under too much stress or stimulation. Like I will go cry uncontrollably and hyperventilate and it will take me hours to calm down. I’ve thrown a ton of money and time at this problem but nothing seems to stick and every therapist has a different idea of what’s wrong with me. How can I Not Do This?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Anonymous at 2:06 AM on October 29, 2022 (46 comments)

This video isn't sponsored by anybody

Youtube creator GiantGrantGames gives the details of how Youtube assigns the ads on a video, why there are so many ads there now and only more coming in the future, and what you can do about it (hint: uBlock Origin), in a video titled YouTube Ads Are Getting Insane And I Hate It. It also reminds us that, in 2023, you won't be able to block ads in Chrome anymore.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 4:11 AM on October 28, 2022 (76 comments)

Games like Hollow Knight but not?

I stepped away from gaming for a long time, but in the last year got into Hollow Knight after playing a demo version at museum. I've been picking at it for a while now and I'm now 98% of the way through the game, but I'm bored. The end of the game seems to be all boss fights and fiddly platforming, but what I enjoyed was the aesthetic, the mythos, and most of all: exploring. What other games might scratch that itch?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by threecheesetrees at 7:05 AM on October 19, 2022 (21 comments)

“How He Pitched It, It Didn’t Seem Bad.”

Mize hurt you one at a time, pulling tools from a briefcase, cold and businesslike.
posted to MetaFilter by chavenet at 4:37 AM on October 14, 2022 (7 comments)

from the folks who brought you FaceParagraph

Tired of image-sharing sites that don't aggressively compress every uploaded photo down to a 1K jpeg? Great news: now there's Kilogram, the lowest-quality photo sharing site on the internet.
posted to MetaFilter by cortex at 8:53 AM on October 6, 2022 (23 comments)

¡No Controles!

Meet the Women Reinvigorating Spanish Indie Rock.
posted to MetaFilter by signal at 9:36 AM on September 24, 2022 (4 comments)

“Do you want to make love to a sad old man?”

Northern Boy”, by The Northern Boys. Liverpudlian Norman Pain and his mates Patrick and Kevin are having feelings. (SLYT, NSFW)
posted to MetaFilter by Ivan Fyodorovich at 5:04 PM on September 20, 2022 (17 comments)

coke studio sessions

The Coke Studio sessions "Welcome to the sweetest corner of the internet in the Indian subcontinent - the YouTube comment section of Coke Studio Pakistan. Coke Studio - Pakistan's longest-running music show, produced by beverage giant Coca-Cola - features studio-recorded performances by some of the country's most famous artists. The music ranges from quirky pop and soul-stirring qawwali to rap - all of which draw heavily from folk traditions and classical poetry." Some recent favourites from the Season 14 show. Pasoori, Go, Tu Jhoom
posted to MetaFilter by dhruva at 5:52 PM on September 16, 2022 (13 comments)

‘A new way of life’

The climate crisis will spiral out of control unless the world applies “emergency brakes” to capitalism and devises a “new way of living”, according to a Japanese academic whose book on Marxism and the environment has become a surprise bestseller. [SL Guardian] The message from Kohei Saito, an associate professor at Tokyo University, is simple: capitalism’s demand for unlimited profits is destroying the planet and only “degrowth” can repair the damage by slowing down social production and sharing wealth.
posted to MetaFilter by Ahmad Khani at 4:07 PM on September 9, 2022 (78 comments)

Leatherface through the ages

Twitter user, horror fan, and writer Donnie Goodman photoshops Leatherface into a black and white photo every day until he forgets. The first 100 are compiled here, and then you can see the rest here.
posted to MetaFilter by goatdog at 7:48 AM on September 3, 2022 (9 comments)

The alphabet, animated, one letter at a time

Mike Salcedo decided to try and animate one thing a day. So he chose the alphabet. It got somewhat out of hand.
posted to MetaFilter by Lorc at 5:07 AM on August 27, 2022 (23 comments)

What do you mean when you say beans and rice

Growing up, my family never ever cooked anything resembling this magical "beans and rice" concept I hear so much about on the internets. However I've never really understood what it ACTUALLY is. I'm vegetarian, so it sounds like it would be a dinner winner... Please tell me your favourite beans and rice recipes!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by socky_puppy at 4:09 AM on August 26, 2022 (33 comments)

WP template for a web comic?

I’m helping a friend to set up a website for their web comic. Help us find a WordPress template.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by pxe2000 at 5:05 PM on August 22, 2022 (1 comment)
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