Favorites from Shepherd

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Coding for Journalists 101

So a little while ago, I set out to write some tutorials that would guide the non-coding-but-computer-savvy journalist through enough programming fundamentals so that he/she could write a web scraper to collect data from public websites.

posted to MetaFilter by postcommunism at 5:29 AM on August 29, 2014 (40 comments)

Seemingly innocuous choices that end up causing expensive home repairs?

Please share lessons you have learned personally or anecdotally regarding homeownership - specifically, I'm seeking examples of innocuous-seeming choices that cause expensive consequences. Forgetting to let the pipes trickle when there's a hard freeze is a pretty well known example. I'm wondering what else exists like this so maybe I can avoid these expensive mistakes that don't appear like they could cause a problem. Personal example after the jump.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by crunchy potato at 12:12 PM on August 5, 2022 (43 comments)

Couch to 50K words

Do you know of and recommend book / workshop / website that provides a set plan for writers to follow in order to write a book?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by jacquilynne at 11:50 AM on July 27, 2022 (8 comments)

Like if Leslie Knope and Carrie Bradshaw had a baby, I guess?

I find that I really enjoy reading online content: articles, tweets, what-have-yous, by whip-smart witty women with their finger on the pulse of current events. Without any purposeful planning, I have naturally curated my podcast, social media and newsletter feeds to be dominated folks identifying as females such as Heather Cox Richardson, Emily Nussbaum, Anne Helen Peterson, Roxane Gay, and Sarah Marshall, among others. Oh, and Jessamyn, natch! I want to find more like this! Who else should I follow, subscribe to, or stan?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by BeBoth at 9:44 AM on July 22, 2022 (15 comments)

So, They're Trying This Again

A trailer just dropped for the new "Dungeons and Dragons" movie. I'm not sure how this is going to turn out, but at least there's an owlbear.
posted to MetaFilter by Ipsifendus at 1:43 PM on July 21, 2022 (138 comments)

Transition Team Post #4

Hi everyone, as promised, we’re sharing the initial survey results. Huge thank-you to iamkimiam for writing the questions, and to bleep, kimberrussell, librarylis, mochapickle, tiny frying pan, and valleys for stepping in to help us tag and summarize the data. bleep jumped in and put together some great dashboards for us to more easily count tags, do error-checking and get a handle on how to start those summaries. Again, these are the initial summaries for this MetaTalk, so necessarily a little abbreviated, but we hope it gives a broad-strokes picture of where the site is right now.
posted to MetaTalk by curious nu at 9:21 AM on July 17, 2022 (169 comments)

Work Pray Code

Carolyn Chen in Guernica: Buddhism has found a new institutional home in the West: the corporation.
I think all the teachers had some qualms about being forced to leave the ethical aspects of Buddhism out of the workplace. They were not being hired to make the employees more ethical; they were being hired to make them more productive.

posted to MetaFilter by Fiasco da Gama at 9:13 PM on July 11, 2022 (52 comments)

Yes, we're aware of the winters, thanks

There's a non-zero chance we may end up moving to Winnipeg in the fall. What is living there like?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Anonymous at 4:41 PM on July 9, 2022 (9 comments)

Get up, Stand up, Don't Give Up the Fight

As musicians express their dissatisfaction with the US Supreme Court ruling on abortion, and the recontextualizing of protest songs, the important question has become "Which song would you fist fight the (US) Supreme Court to in a White Castle parking lot?"
posted to MetaFilter by Brandon Blatcher at 6:17 AM on July 6, 2022 (91 comments)

Movie: Psycho Goreman

After unearthing a gem that controls an evil monster looking to destroy the Universe, a young girl and her brother use it to make him do their bidding. (Trailer)
posted to FanFare by FatherDagon at 12:49 PM on February 5, 2021 (11 comments)

Ten Million Power

Mobile game ads have gone INSANE (YT)
posted to MetaFilter by ThePinkSuperhero at 6:40 AM on June 29, 2022 (52 comments)

Do you have an easy, light recipe involving rice?

We just got a rice cooker, and I need some inspiration because this change in diet is new to me. Please help me with rice-based or rice-additional recipes that are not heavy fall/winter food. I do love a good rice stew but, I am trying for lighter things.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by panhopticon at 8:50 PM on June 27, 2022 (29 comments)

The Church Play Cinematic Universe

It's actually required by law that every evangelical church have at least one person who takes Irish stepdancing classes (CW: Racism) Jenny Nicholson reviews one Canadian church's Easter plays.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 7:54 AM on June 26, 2022 (39 comments)

Recent outages

As you may have seen, the MetaFilter server has been very unstable the past few days. This should now be fixed.
posted to MetaTalk by frimble at 10:52 AM on June 23, 2022

"Who is that viper that likes them post-diaper?"

Jamie Loftus (previously previously previously previously previously) has a 10-episode "The Lolita Podcast": "This story and its titular character have been adapted, misinterpreted, and twisted over the years by Hollywood, by music, by fashion, by fans of the book, and occasionally by the author himself. Lolita has gone from the tragic story of an abused 13-year-old girl to a cultural narrative that frames her as a seductress and to blame what happened to her. So how did all of this happen?"
posted to MetaFilter by AlSweigart at 10:38 AM on June 19, 2022 (13 comments)

Podcast: Beef And Dairy Network: Episode 84 - The Lord Of The Sun

Stefan Ashton Frank, Rose Johnson and Susan Harrison tell the story of the Lord Of The Sun, in an episode that might well have come straight out of Joe Frank or Blue Jam. But with significantly more rich beef sausage.
posted to FanFare by eotvos at 7:53 AM on June 15, 2022 (1 comment)

Drowning Pool With Puppets

I Can Only Count To FOUR. via Garbage Day
posted to MetaFilter by signal at 8:14 PM on June 13, 2022 (16 comments)

Roasted Garlic Summer Sausage

From Brian David Gilbert (with Karen Han), it’s the song of the summer.
posted to MetaFilter by Going To Maine at 10:21 AM on June 13, 2022 (16 comments)

I dunno man, I'm listenin' to Zuma

Now hear me out. What makes this song stink: Beverly Hills. I'm not big on harshing anyone's buzz but that's not what's going on here at all. This video is a journey.
posted to MetaFilter by sjswitzer at 4:20 PM on June 13, 2022 (57 comments)

Barry: Candy asses

The penultimate episode of Barry's third season brings the storylines together and sets the stage for a thrilling finale next week.
posted to FanFare by ellieBOA at 9:52 AM on June 7, 2022 (10 comments)

A modest fraud

Things get weird when the $300 million “Titanic Experience” collides with a fake UN department and a possible crypto scam. ... Squires says, on his Linkedin profile and his website, that he’s a strategic advisor for the United Nations Department of Sports, Music, and the Arts. Here’s the thing: There is no United Nations Department of Sports, Music, and the Arts. Adventures in investigation from Kaija Jussinoja and Matt Stickland writing in The Coast.
posted to MetaFilter by Bella Donna at 8:39 AM on June 10, 2022 (44 comments)

John Cena makes a wonderful new friend

John Cena meets Misha, a teenager with Down syndrome who fled Ukraine after his home was destroyed (YouTube). To motivate Misha on their journey to safety, his mother told him the fantasy that they were on their way to find Cena. They spent the afternoon building blocks and eating cake.
posted to MetaFilter by Pronoiac at 1:29 PM on June 9, 2022 (25 comments)

Crip ecologies, crip time, crip ingenuity, crip spirit

"Crip ecologies, crip time, crip ingenuity, crip spirit radically aim to question root systems that keep our imaginations limited and starved. How can we channel joy within our own skins before there is the stethoscope, the specialist’s jackhammered interrogation, before all the stigma we battle? I am not asking to look beyond it, because these constraints in our beings are here and ever-present. I am asking, as poets, as curious people who want liberation, how do we revel in the grief and also the growth we experience? In what ways does this unpack how we are taught to perceive place and nature?...I cannot discuss just the maroon autumnal leaves of a forest in a poem. You see, for every invitation of publication, every event, in-person and virtual, every residency in the middle of oak trees, there’s a script I have to bring along with me. I am, by default, an unpaid teacher, training: Yes, Disabled and Sick people exist, do in fact care about poetry, but they can’t access the flyer without a description, can’t get to the building because of all the stairs, can’t witness the poetry because there are no ASL interpreters or captions." Kay Ulanday Barrett on poetry, accesabilty, disability & intersectionality.
posted to MetaFilter by Grandysaur at 8:37 PM on June 7, 2022 (2 comments)

triple j's Like A Version, a collection of in-studio covers

Baker Boy covers Blur 'Song 2'. Baker Boy is a Yolngu artist, and uses both English and Yolŋu Matha, and sometimes a yiḏaki (didgeridoo). Baker Boy's 'Funk Wit Us'.
posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 9:01 PM on June 4, 2022 (16 comments)

My students cheated... A lot

"Last semester I witnessed the worst cheating in a course I’ve ever seen. And, I’ve seen stuff. Since this whole thing happened I’ve told the story a bunch of times, and sometimes I get requests to tell it. This is also a story for my future students about what not to do. I’m not interested in outing my students, or casting shade on them. So, this is a story about cheating, but also about how I tried to turn things around and get students to engage in my course.

It started in August 2021." (Length: long, 10k words)
posted to MetaFilter by lesser weasel at 11:23 PM on May 28, 2022 (195 comments)

I Made Some Tools

I Made Some Tools [via mefi projects]
posted to MetaFilter by cortex at 5:56 PM on May 27, 2022 (28 comments)

…its evolution from dude bro comic to terf Q horror vacui screed.

Twitter user @bitterkarella read 20 years of the Sinfest webcomic (unrolled) so you don't have to (and you shouldn't). On his Garbage Day blog, Ryan Broderick read the thread so you don't have to (but you should) and summarizes it, in part, as "…the comic’s 22-year evolution actually gives us a startling insight into how a very specific kind of internet man would shift from angry nerd to anti-'woke' transphobic fascist."
posted to MetaFilter by signal at 1:31 PM on April 30, 2022 (85 comments)

C'mon Guys, Free Pickled Eggs!

A Hugh Jass Oral History of ‘Flaming Moe’s' [Mel Magazine]
posted to MetaFilter by chavenet at 3:05 AM on May 22, 2022 (16 comments)

"That was Alan Watts with 'Way Beyond the West.'"

Alan Watts on KPFA - "A carefully curated collection of Alan Watts wisdom."[1,2] (via)

Levels of Magnification (mp3) - "We can never change things until we first accept them."
posted to MetaFilter by kliuless at 12:12 AM on May 21, 2022 (13 comments)

The Diablo Sandwich

The Diablo Sandwich was first ordered by Sheriff Buford T. Justice at the Old Hickory House BBQ joint during a pause in his pursuit of The Bandit. It is washed down with a Dr Pepper and eaten while you are in a God Damn Hurry. Variously described as a pulled pork sandwich, an executive burger, or a jazzed-up Sloppy Joe, most variations are a combination of beef, tomato sauce and sour crème, though a forensically detailed analysis concludes with 'for the purist, one must use Trappey's hot sauce'. Recipes: Oakland County Moms, Cook Gem, Vaya. Previously.
posted to MetaFilter by Wordshore at 3:16 AM on May 19, 2022 (27 comments)

Movie: Everything Everywhere All at Once

An aging Chinese immigrant is swept up in an insane adventure, where she alone can save the world by exploring other universes connecting with the lives she could have led.
posted to FanFare by BlahLaLa at 7:58 AM on April 1, 2022 (195 comments)

The fates already f*d me sideways

Ethel Cain, Hayden Anhedönia's dark, evil twin, has released her first album, Preacher's Daughter, described by Paste as "a breathtaking account of a woman, her mysterious partner and her troubled family", and by thelineofbestfit as "If Flannery O’Connor had listened to more Witch House and spent time on r/FlorenceAndTheMachine, she might have ended up making a record as perfectly beautiful and haunting as Preacher’s Daughter." Previously
posted to MetaFilter by signal at 2:02 PM on May 12, 2022 (4 comments)

In Illinois, A Killer Real Estate Listing

From the Zillow Gone Wild files, we have a a house listing which has gone viral thanks to a family prank involving their son and a well executed costume.
posted to MetaFilter by NoxAeternum at 3:30 PM on May 8, 2022 (36 comments)

103 Bits of Advice I Wish I Had Known

"Today is my birthday. I turn 70. I’ve learned a few things so far that might be helpful to others. For the past few years, I’ve jotted down bits of unsolicited advice each year and much to my surprise I have more to add this year. So here is my birthday gift to you all: 103 bits of wisdom I wish I had known when I was young."--Kevin Kelly (more advice, previously, from the man who brought you Cool Tools).
posted to MetaFilter by MonkeyToes at 2:09 PM on May 3, 2022 (90 comments)

Fire Island Soundtrack

A couple moved into a house on Fire Island and found 20 years worth of cassettes, documenting DJ sets and party soundtracks from 1979-1999. Over 200 tapes are being digitized and uploaded to MixCloud.
posted to MetaFilter by hwyengr at 4:12 PM on April 29, 2022 (22 comments)

Beyond all reason

Beyond all reason is a real-time strategy game. It has been described as “an homage to Total Annihilation.” It is available for free.
posted to MetaFilter by No Robots at 6:47 AM on April 26, 2022 (12 comments)


Spanish cartoonist Manuel Álvarez has been translating his gently surreal, occasionally violent short-run webcomic to English. Also the characters are animals but that's not important. The webcomic is called "THE". It is on Twitter and Instagram, and updates Monday to Thursday. CW so far: violence, simply drawn male nudity, a drug mention, death, blood, cannibalism (bloodless), guns, and recolors.
posted to MetaFilter by BiggerJ at 7:36 PM on April 25, 2022 (6 comments)

Wachowski auction for trans youth

The Wachowski sisters are auctioning off a vast amount of stuff to benefit trans youth. Items include the speeder from Cloud Atlas, the lightning gun from The Matrix, and a bunch of guns from Jupiter Ascending, as well as a bunch of things that probably won't cost a berjillion bucks.
posted to MetaFilter by GCU Sweet and Full of Grace at 7:06 AM on April 24, 2022 (22 comments)

The rage, the swing, the beauty and the confusion

Charles Mingus would have been 100 today. “Mingus contained multitudes, but his native language was protest.” “What I’m trying to play is very difficult, because I’m trying to play the truth of what I am,” Mingus said. “The reason why it’s difficult — it’s not difficult to play the mechanics of it — it’s because I’m changing all the time.” “Genius and madman, visionary composer and canny showman, sensitive artist and tempestuous bully, crusader for justice and two-fisted tyrant—each of these depictions is rooted in fact while obscuring a more nuanced reality.”
posted to MetaFilter by oulipian at 8:52 AM on April 22, 2022 (14 comments)

Holes found in Net

The Bottom is Dropping Out of Netflix. "Netflix reported that it has lost 200,000 subscribers in the last quarter, which was bad enough. Even worse, it expects to lose another 2 million subscribers. The stock plummeted 35 percent yesterday, losing $50 billion — or more than Elon Musk offered for Twitter — in market capitalization. What the hell is going on?"
posted to MetaFilter by storybored at 12:28 PM on April 21, 2022 (186 comments)

Rom-ads of the Three Kingdoms

The concept of McDonaldland (huge playlist, notable compilation from same) has a prominent place in public consciousness. Less well known is its rival, the Burger King Kingdom (compilation video). But before the current Jack-in-the-Verse (playlist) or even the Jack Pack, there was the Jack in the Box Bunch. (Two ads and three flexidisc-records-with-comics. Alt. vid of last one. And yes, at least those last three are voiced by Paul Winchell, Disney's original voice of Pooh and Tigger.)
posted to MetaFilter by BiggerJ at 7:39 PM on April 20, 2022 (11 comments)

Transition Team initial discussion summary and kickoff

I've had an initial discussion with several folks in the MetaFilter community about planning the next steps in building the community management and engagement structure necessary for the long-term health of the site. I'd like to report on who I've talked with, what we've talked about, and some of the core questions and ideas that came up in that discussion of what we're now calling a temporary Transition Team. This is the start of a process that I expect will actively involve the whole MetaFilter community in new and constructive ways, and I’m excited about that.
posted to MetaTalk by cortex at 1:16 PM on April 18, 2022 (41 comments)

Your perception of how loud things are is utter dogshit

How Loud Can Sound Physically Get? (Benn Jordan, YouTube, 12m30s)
posted to MetaFilter by flabdablet at 1:13 AM on April 11, 2022 (57 comments)
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