Favorites from Shepherd

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yo, can you help me out

In which author Sam Sykes asks author Chuck Wendig for some advice concerning "some kind of crazed serial killer roaming the [summer camp] grounds." Take your choice of the same content on Storify, Imgur, or Twitter.
posted to MetaFilter by Shmuel510 at 5:35 AM on July 30, 2017 (25 comments)

Strange Fruit

New cover of Strange Fruit "It’s a small and safe thing, using music as a political statement, but at a time when we feel utterly powerless to fix what is so clearly broken with our country, any action at all feels like progress." From Cover Me

posted to MetaFilter by Gorgik at 9:53 PM on July 25, 2017 (4 comments)

When your "get up and go" got up and went

I have so many great chances to pursue my passion into a career I can mold and make my own...so why am I not going for it? How can I get re-energized, organized, and motivated?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Kitteh at 7:23 AM on July 7, 2017 (8 comments)

Those bitches can't get under your skin. They can't even.

Jason Headley (previously) offers a mantra for our times with this honest meditation.
posted to MetaFilter by Johnny Wallflower at 9:03 PM on June 18, 2017 (11 comments)

You can’t sell a box that stops people from trusting their daughters

Sarah Jeong in GQ: "We all know what it’s like to receive mass-mailed spam. But most people aren’t going to attract enough attention to merit being spearphished. What’s that like, anyway? And how is it different from regular phishing? To search for those answers, I went out and found someone to spearphish me. "
posted to MetaFilter by maudlin at 9:50 PM on April 25, 2017 (14 comments)

How Walter got his wings

Tired of the mess and obligation of your boring old cats, dogs and whatnot? Why not get yourself a Strange Beast instead? (SLVimeo, under 5 minutes)
posted to MetaFilter by maudlin at 12:50 PM on March 29, 2017 (11 comments)

Disposable YouTube playlists from recommendation threads

The other day I recommended some songs on an AskMeFi thread and, after some fiddling, I compiled almost all the links in two disposable YouTube playlists. Today, while catching up on a year of podcasts, I noticed that in Best of the Web Ep. 112 they talked about this exact issue and the partial solution that exists on Labs. I figured I should share my notes with the rest of the class to figure out how to improve on this long-sought question.
posted to MetaTalk by andycyca at 11:07 PM on March 24, 2017 (5 comments)

home is wherever I'm with you

Charlie Peck records a duet cover of Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros: between himself on the first day of testosterone treatment and himself 9 months later.
posted to MetaFilter by divabat at 4:06 AM on March 19, 2017 (16 comments)

Rule 2: You are a GODDAMN BEAR

Honey Heist is a free tabletop roleplaying game that can be played with a single six-sided die in which your band of hardened criminals must organize the heist of the century during HONEYCON 2017, hampered only slightly by the fact that they are literal bears. (SLimgur)
posted to MetaFilter by Holy Zarquon's Singing Fish at 1:32 PM on March 14, 2017 (41 comments)

It's Constituent Work Week!

It's Constituent Work Week, a time when, traditionally, members of Congress return to their districts and hold in-person townhall meetings. This year, however, more than 200 Republicans are skipping townhalls, despite calls from their constituents to hold them.
posted to MetaFilter by triggerfinger at 4:56 PM on February 22, 2017 (2540 comments)

An interesting week of politics has occurred in a former British colony

Exactly a week after attaining power, the 45th and popular vote-losing President of the 240 year old United States of America continues novaturient actions and promises such as a wall, to rescind other things, and to investigate things which may not exist. While allegedly refractory, he also allegedly has size "issues", fulminating at the numbers involved in the global and extremely well attended Women's March in comparison to his less impressive inauguration, while his initial approval rating craters. His press secretary, in between struggling with a basic 140 character service, angrily amplified his bosses grievances. Yesterday T(h)eresa May, the Prime Minister of Her Majesty's realm on an unbipartisan trip, addressed Republicans; today, she meets the current POTUS. Meanwhile, vote suppression and electability continue, with less than 22 months to the crucial midterm elections.
posted to MetaFilter by Wordshore at 9:00 AM on January 27, 2017 (3198 comments)

They're Simple Dogs, Brent.

Not all dogs are good at everything. Some flunked out of bomb sniffing class. But good news - these goofy TSA rejects can be your new best friend. For free, if you can get to Texas. Available breeds are German Shorthaired Pointers, Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds and Belgian Malinois. Here are the Canine Adoption Program requirements. [all videos subtitled, no narration]
posted to MetaFilter by AFABulous at 5:28 PM on January 11, 2017 (60 comments)

Delegate decision day: does Dudley Dudley derail Donald's dystopia?

In yet another week of "surely this...", Russia is accused of helping him win the US election to a Senator's dismay and possible retaliation, Mitt loses out to Tillerson, Rick Perry is nominated for can't remember oops, other people are nominated, and librarians and science come under attack, with net neutrality possibly next. The Electoral College is but a few days away, with lobbying, labels, opinions and angry celebrities. However, the chances of a shock are low. Elsewhere, the public vote gives Hillary a large lead with comparisons to previous elections, Louisiana voted, the 2018 midterms are underway, Barack is interviewed, contemporary capitalism, Putin's revenge, un-democracy in North Carolina, latest odds, and piñata.
posted to MetaFilter by Wordshore at 10:00 AM on December 16, 2016 (2682 comments)

Sun sets in Barrow AK for the last time Friday

At 1:31 p.m. Friday the sun set in Barrow, Alaska for the last time. Ever. Or at least, it set for the last time while the city is named Barrow.
posted to MetaFilter by leahwrenn at 8:08 PM on November 18, 2016 (18 comments)

Beastie Boys + Daft Punk = Daft Science

Daft Science. Toronto producer Coins (bandcamp; facebook; twitter) made an album of Beastie Boys remixes using only Daft Punk samples. All eight resulting tracks are stream- or downloadable for free. (via Dancing Astronaut)
posted to MetaFilter by Ufez Jones at 7:45 AM on November 17, 2016 (28 comments)

Comfort me with comfort food

Starting new job on Monday with new (to me) solid 9-5 schedule. What are some vegan-friendly make-ahead meals for Friday nights to avoid spending money on takeout?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Kitteh at 8:37 AM on September 29, 2016 (25 comments)


Black Classical charts the history of spiritual jazz through a 12 hour mega-mix.
posted to MetaFilter by philip-random at 10:02 PM on September 7, 2016 (10 comments)

I Came From Nothing

Known as much for his flamboyant style as his prolific output, rapper, singer and weirdo Young Thug [prev] has released a new commercial mixtape (can we call commercial mixtapes albums already?). The project title No, My Name Is JEFFERY asserts a new identity, and the music continues to twist the Atlanta trap sound in new and strange directions. "I always had a Michael Jackson mentality…The message is to go back to who I really am. I really am Jeffery. That’s really my swag." Oh, and the cover art is wild.
posted to MetaFilter by so fucking future at 10:26 AM on August 26, 2016 (22 comments)

The Evolution of an Accidental Meme

"I was trying to clarify why, to me (and, I generalized, to liberals), “equal opportunity” alone wasn’t a satisfactory goal and that we should somehow take into consideration equality of outcomes (i.e., fairness or equity). I thought the easiest example of this concept is kids of different heights trying to see over a fence. So, I grabbed a public photo of Cincinnati’s Great American Ball Park, a stock photo of a crate, clip art of a fence, and then spent a half-hour or so in Powerpoint concocting an image that I then posted on Google+... [Afterwards], my original graphic was being adapted, modified, and repurposed in a mind-blowing variety of ways, and then shared and redistributed all over the place."
posted to MetaFilter by Shmuel510 at 5:24 AM on August 5, 2016 (39 comments)


15-time WWE World Champion, actor (and Mandarin speaker) John Cena has a message for you this Fourth of July: loving America means loving all Americans.
posted to MetaFilter by The demon that lives in the air at 2:51 PM on July 4, 2016 (92 comments)

Hussam and the Death Way

Refugees are not a swarm, or a flood, but people. Cartoonist Toby Morris reports the story of 16 year old Hussam and his flight from Syria. Previously
posted to MetaFilter by i_am_joe's_spleen at 7:49 PM on May 26, 2016 (12 comments)

This Was San Francisco, by Albert Tolf (1956)

Remarkable comic book work published in The San Francisco News. Scanned by Ron Henggeler from a book found in the UC Berkeley Library. (Previously!)
posted to MetaFilter by azazello at 2:32 PM on May 23, 2016 (17 comments)

The Re-Readables

What book(s) can you read over and over and over again?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by mymbleth at 12:53 PM on March 21, 2016 (160 comments)

Time and Energy to Paint/Craft with a Dayjob

You have a day job but you really wish you could be a serious artist and produce stunning work. How do you find time and energy after work to paint when all you want to do is to go to bed or switch off your brain?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by whitelotus at 5:08 AM on March 4, 2016 (35 comments)

Need bright, wide-angle lights for can fixtures in low-ceiling space

Our finished basement has a very low ceiling with widely-spaced overhead can fixtures, causing a lot of dark areas. I've tried a few different LED and fluorescent bulbs, but none of them produce enough light and/or they have too narrow of a beam angle.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by exogenous at 8:17 AM on March 4, 2016 (5 comments)

The Tiniest Gallery

I like art, so I built a single-serving art gallery that features local artists and hung it on the fence outside my house.
posted to MetaFilter Projects by Shepherd at 5:20 PM on February 12, 2016 (9 comments)

This is the worst party I've ever been to.

Starting in July 2015, I have photographed Republican and Democratic presidential candidates as they hit the campaign trail in New Hampshire[.] [I’ve used] a harsh and direct flash, evocative of early press photography. The campaigns usually bring in their own lighting and backdrops, and this technique is a deliberate attempt to subvert their control of the optics of politics. Shooting in this way reveals the edges of this political spectacle: cold food left on a buffet line, duct tape holding up the banners[.]… The work is not meant to be critical of any candidates, but rather to focus on the banality of these events as they are set up, performed, and taken down again and again and again. [via mefi projects]
posted to MetaFilter by Going To Maine at 1:38 PM on February 1, 2016 (70 comments)

How can everything have changed and nothing change at all?

A Colleague Drank My Breast Milk And Other Wall Street Tales I kept the conversation light. I shared a funny story about my first day on Wall Street, when I opened up a pizza box to find condoms instead of pepperoni slices. Unwrapped. I was “the new girl,” and the guys just wanted to see me blush. I did blush, and I lived. “It’s not that bad anymore,” I said with a laugh.
posted to MetaFilter by triggerfinger at 8:38 AM on February 3, 2016 (38 comments)

Finally, someone solves "The Shining" + chickens = ???

Since Kubrick's death, the world has wondered about his rumored obsession with "remastering" The Shining in the same way that Lucas did his original trilogy.

Finally, a trailer for his magnum opus — albeit significantly more, well…chicken-based — is now available: The Chickening (SLYT)
posted to MetaFilter by ArmandoAkimbo at 11:38 AM on January 26, 2016 (27 comments)

The Preservation Of A Nation

Robbie Judkins visits Tanzania to witness first hand the attempt to save a quarter of a century of musical history from oblivion. Listen to an exclusive mix of tracks newly digitized by the Tanzania Heritage Project
posted to MetaFilter by infini at 8:45 PM on January 13, 2016 (5 comments)

Making a Murderer: Making A Murderer - entire first season

Who is responsible when an innocent man is sent to prison? Discussion thread for entire first season of Making A Murderer (Netflix streaming).
posted to FanFare by triggerfinger at 9:54 AM on December 26, 2015 (114 comments)

Looking for a certain style of Wordpress theme

I'm looking for a Wordpress theme that is similar to the style of a certain page, and I'm coming up with nothing.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by jbickers at 11:23 AM on November 18, 2015 (6 comments)

Make it so I can't read your answers to this question, please

What are the current best browser extensions for Chrome and Safari for leech blocking / stopping online time wasting? In particular, I want an extension that sets time per hour rather than time per day that can be wasted.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by jacquilynne at 8:03 AM on October 30, 2015 (6 comments)

An Interactive Guide to Ambiguous Grammar

Depending on whom you ask, the use of the active voice over the passive is arguably the most fundamental writer’s maxim, thought to lend weight, truth, and power to declarative statements. This absolutist view is flawed, however, because language is an art of nuance. From time to time, writers may well find illustrative value in the lightest of phrases, sentences so weightless and feathery that they scarcely even seem to exist at all.
posted to MetaFilter by Rustic Etruscan at 7:00 AM on October 27, 2015 (30 comments)

"Women like me are very lucky and exceedingly rare."

"I've collected the suffering that men so recklessly visited on myself and other women and fashioned it into a livelihood. It is not a fortune but it is a tasteful empire of pain. I might be unlovable but I am not unsellable. I know some women who drink from mugs labeled 'Male Tears.' That's what I've labeled my checking account." Alana Massey for Medium: The Monetized Man.
posted to MetaFilter by divined by radio at 8:44 AM on September 30, 2015 (58 comments)

Bundles and game discounters

It started with the Humble Indie Bundle. (Previously, and multiple times.) But there's now plenty of other places to get indie games bundled cheaply: IndieGala, Bundle Stars, Groupees, and, because you can't get cheaper than free, Freebie Bundle and Free Bundle. There's also Indie Game Stand, Buy-Some-Indie-Games, Fire Flower Games, Shiny Loot and GreenManGaming's Indie section.
posted to MetaFilter by JHarris at 12:50 PM on September 22, 2015 (30 comments)

Fiddle tunes for a Friday

Fiddle tunes on mandolin, that is. Just a little medley of some fiddle tunes I know in the key of D. Whiskey Before Breakfast/Soldier's Joy/St. Anne's Reel/Liberty/Whiskey Before Breakfast
posted to MeFi Music by mandolin conspiracy at 11:00 AM on May 15, 2015 (5 comments)
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